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Sherwood's Last Weekend for 2010

Started by rengypsy, March 29, 2010, 09:17:39 AM

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withdrawals have already begun, psychologically.  last nite, i said to someone on the grounds that i was gonna be sad next weekend. the individual asked, "why? it's been great." i responded, "it will be over...i will miss the beautiful people and experiences." the retort was quick, "no, it wont be over: it's just begun!"

what a trip we have been on. 

we love yall so much.

our "canvas" has had many people paint remarkable strokes of art upon it...and our mosaic is becoming a collective masterpiece.

so, this next weekend, we will celebrate like never before.  we will hug and dance and cry and realize a great truth in the universe, "what goes around, comes around."  the law of karma.  the golden rule. 

sherwood has been a success because we all spent more time accentuating our common goals, our visions, our love, our respect...than all the differneces and shortcomings.

we have created something quite spectacular.

the entertainers, the vendors, the hundreds of rennies working behind the scenes, the volunteers, the lepers picking up trash, the artists and musicians who have blessed us with their talents for these last six have all been wonderful.

in grand rennie spirit, we want to go out with a bang, not t.s. elliott's whimper...thus, we invite you all to pack sherwood this weekend for our medieval love fest.

sunday will have easter services in maid marian's chapel. we have special events for kids.  we will be all teary-eyed and emotional.  we will be hugging and dreaming of next year.

join us, rain or shine...this weekend in merriment and celebration.

we did it--we opened Sherwood--with all of your help and wonderful words of encouragement!

Sherwood LIVES!
it's all about the journey and the people we choose to make the journey with


Eric, I want to thank you again for making this dream come true... We have had the time of our lives this past year, Sure the sinking of the posts for our building in july could have been timed better(102 temps) but it was all worth it. When I heard that George was coming in at first I was a bit worried that things would deviate from the original plan but wow what a stroke of luck and timing that we had him.
You all have made life better for all involved, So thank you to all that made this happen, Eric,George,Brian and Zane I will let loose an arrow for you all ...MPullen you have been on the grounds as long as any and although I have not used the camping area be proud of what you have done.
To those that I have not met or left out thank you from my heart.
My family has met so many wonderful people in our vendor area, Our neighbors have been wonderful and I am glad that I have made the new friends that sherwood has brought to us.
It should also be said that the cast of sherwood has done a awesome job.


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Queen Bonnie

 It has been a fantastic,wondrous experience for me.I have a feeling of family and home at Sherwood and the woods are so magical! Words do not express my feelings!It has gone by way too fast. I WILL not cry-( My eyelashes will pop off-LOL) I know I will feel like it. I don't want this season to end at all- BUT on to next year!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


Hey peeps, it's not over yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We have a rockin' awesome last weekend lined up and I'm going to take full advantage of that!  Lots of friends, lots of fun, lots of shopping, lots of shows, lots of belly dancing at night, lots of catching up and taking in all the scenes to cherish until next year!!!!  Can't wait to see ya'll again this weekend, it's been a wonderous first season indeed, just can't wait to see what the future holds with this kind of a start!
Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Champagne the Bubbly
Bubbles the Fairy
Frost the Arctic Barbarian
Red the pirate