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Collar Help, Butterick 5656, PLEASE!!!

Started by Tripletap, June 15, 2010, 03:39:12 PM

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I am working on my first sewing project, Butterick 5656 shirt, I have been stuck for a couple of days on the collar, don't understand the directions.(me r dumb)
I was hoping one of you fine folks could help explain it to me, that would be awesome!!!
I have gathered the shirt collar, I have trimmed and pressed the collar itself to 3/8ths, the problem starts there, I need to stitch the two collar pieces together, one interfaced, one not, when I do this, is the pressed trimmed, part supposed to be on the inside of the collar, or the outside?
Any help would be great, love yall!!!!


Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

When interfacing collars, cuffs, etc, the Interfacing goes on the wrong side of the fabric. Which means, the interfacing will be on the inside and not seen when the second piece,(lining) is applied.

If working with white fabrics, mark with pins in an X that which is the correct side that will be seen from the outside. That way, there is no confusion as to what is the right and wrong sides.
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde


If you use sew-on interfacing as I do, sew the interfacing to the wrong side of one collar piece all the way around.
The place that piece face to face with the other fabric piece of callar and sew around the top and side edges.
Leave the bottom unsewn so that you can flip it right side out and press it flat.
Then you probably want to tack down that bottom edge before you attach it to the doublet.
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