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Blank Canvas - Creating Our Studio

Started by Rani Zemirah, February 06, 2014, 05:28:06 AM

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Rani Zemirah

For several years now I have been inspired by all of you wonderfully crafty and creative artists who post the amazing works you create in your sacred spaces... whether it be beautiful garb, stunning accessories like pouches or leather goods, lovely jewelry, gorgeous hats... or other crafty things like period furniture, games and artwork!  Even feast ware, armor and chainmail... and all of it crafted with pride and enjoyment!  I, myself, enjoy making a diverse list of things, and am hoping to soon be able to expand my knowledge and skill set even further to include still more of the things that have fascinated me since the first time I really realized that, more than anything else in this world, what I want to do is create.  There is no other act that brings me as much joy or satisfaction than the process of creation... and for as long as I can remember I have dreamed of having a space where everything in it was put in place for the sole purpose of... making

Finally, after so many years of dreaming, planning and drawing up imaginary layouts in my mind... in exactly one week from today, and thanks to a "silver lining" type event, my daughter and I will take possession of the blank canvas of our creative space!  It will come in the form of a 10' x 16' barn-style portable building, with a 10' ceiling and a 4' loft on each end.  It's not new, and it's not perfect... but it will be all ours, and we will be free to configure the insides however we like!  There are some issues to be dealt with, such as the metal siding (which I hope to one day switch out for wood siding, because of the Oklahoma summer heat factor), the need for insulation and electrical wiring, and the lack of windows... but all of those things can be dealt with in time.  The most important part is that it will belong to us, and for the first time ever we will have enough space to not only use any and all of our existing crafting tools and supplies, but also enough space to add to our collection, and to expand our abilities in whatever directions our interests take us! 

So... here is a stock photo (because I neglected to take photos when I went to inspect it... oops) of the general type of building it is, but minus the front windows,  and with a smaller vent window up under the eaves on each end.  Oh, and the metal siding on ours runs vertically instead of horizontally.  Small details, I know...

I firmly believe that we create the world around us by how, and where, we focus our energy... and I have been focusing on manifesting this space for years, now.  Never more so than since we moved into the little house we are renting, now, however... and I have come to realize that the way in which the 'Verse answers some "prayers" (for lack of a better term) can often begin with events that can seem as far from positive as it's possible to get.  This one started last August 12th, when a distracted and hurried woman tried to change lanes in the middle of rush hour, before the traffic could cut off her window of opportunity.  She didn't make it... and she bashed into us, instead.  This caused quite a bit of damage to our mini-van, and caused me 2 months of rather painful recovery.  The insurance company was fair, however, and compensated me with medical expenses, vehicle repair... and a little extra for my pain and suffering.  Of course, at the time it didn't seem like all that much of a blessing... but I firmly believe that there can be something positive to be found in almost any experience, if you are willing to look at it from every possible viewpoint.  This blessing just happened to be exactly what was needed to begin the realization of a long held dream...

So I started looking in earnest for something to turn into our studio.  At first, I was in a hurry to just find something that would work, and I almost settled for a much smaller building (8'x12'), but luckily it sold before I could go look at it... and a couple of days later this one showed up, and the price was amazing.  So amazing, in fact, that I was worried that there was something really wrong with it.  I was also worried that it would be too large to move, but as it turned out, that was the reason it was so inexpensive.  It was in what the owner thought was an awkward space, and he was afraid the movers would have trouble getting to it.  Turns out that the company I have contracted with has a couple of cool machines to deal with exactly these issues, though, so it's not a problem at all.  So, in the end, I am getting an amazing 10'x16' studio for $730... and that breaks down to $400 for the barn and $300 for the move + $2 per mile (at 14.3 miles).  That leaves me roughly $270 to insulate and wire it with, and craigslist, friends and family are helping out with the materials and labor for those things.  So, for around what basically amounts to $1K worth of "pain and suffering" on my part... we are getting something that will bring us untold hours of joyful creativity.  I'm calling it an exceptionally fair trade. 

I didn't really start out here to go into quite this much detail... I just wanted to share the story of our impending good fortune.  I also thought I might occasionally post "progress" photos and details, to sort of chronicle the evolution of the space, as it is transformed from the "blank canvas" into the Creative Studio.  I am hoping that those of you who have a dedicated creative space, no matter what it is dedicated to, will share your insights and experiences here, as well, and help me to decide how I want to lay out the various areas and workstations, so that they flow smoothly from one to the next, and so that those tools and supplies that are used for more than one type of creation are easily accessible to whoever will be using them.  I have the feeling that I'm going to need all the help I can get!!!  :o 

I do already have a few organizational pieces that will help to anchor the "bones" of the layout, and I will be acquiring more in the next few months.  I have the Monster Shelf of Awesome that I have been dragging around with me for the last 9 years, made of MDF and angle iron, that is 6'H x 10'L x 14"W, that will most likely take up one end wall (still debating that, though), and the really nice heavy stainless steel wire shelving unit that needs another just like it (from Lowe's) to create a truly versatile unit that would almost cover all of the major storage needs of the space... and a fairly decent Sauder bookshelf I picked up this evening from craigslist for $20.  Tomorrow (ok, today, since it's already after 4:30am) I am going to look at what appears to be a really nice solid wood 3'x 7' cutting table (dining table, really, also from craigslist) for $40 (unless I can talk her into taking a little less for it)... and I have a sewing table/cabinet that opens and folds out to a 6' work surface.

Once I get the space insulated I plan to cover the lower walls, up to a 4' height, with thin plywood, to add an extra layer of  insulation, and then cover the remaining upper 3' with pegboard.  That way, no matter how it's configured, I will be able to hang tools and things on the walls anywhere they are needed, or convenient.  It should allow for hanging small wire shelves just about anywhere, as well. 

I will have some "bare bones" photos in just a few days, once it's delivered... but I'm tempted to go down to the City and take a few shots before then, just so I can get the layout in my mind before I start actually moving things in!  There are a few inches of snow covering the roads right now, though... and they just cancelled school for the day... so I'm guessing we're not going anywhere today.  Good thing we did the grocery shopping yesterday! 

Sooo... any insights, ideas, suggestions?  Anything you have in your spaces that are your "must haves"?  Things that add so much convenience that you can't even imagine trying to work without them?  I figure if you've read this far then you must have something to add that will help me... right ?  I hope, anyway!  :)  I'm looking forward to hearing about all of your individual journeys toward creative autonomy... and the creation of your own sacred space! 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Don't forget about Mirrors to increase light and be able to have things modeled in a different light and spin.
IWG# 3681
ROL #101

Rani Zemirah

Quote from: Pinn on February 06, 2014, 07:08:41 AM
Don't forget about Mirrors to increase light and be able to have things modeled in a different light and spin.

Good idea, Pinn!  We will be looking for a couple of full length mirrors for one corner of the studio, and LOTS of task lighting so that all of the different workstations are well lit.  I also want a good overhead light, also, but not one that's harsh, or florescent.  I'm not sure when I will be able to get a dress form, but I would like to have a couple of them eventually... one in my size and one for my daughter. 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Rani, congratulations!! I can tell how excited you are. :) (Sorry for the mess that got you to this point, but if this is how the universe sends its apologies, who's to complain?!)

I know that you mean to do much more than simply sew in your new studio, but Pattern Review has an *excellent* sub-forum on Sewing Spaces, all about design and functionality of studio spaces: You can browse the threads on existing spaces and issues like lighting, flooring, laying out workstations, etc...

Another excellent resource for inspiration is Pinterest. I don't have a studio board (I discovered I'm a person who needs to create right smack in the middle of all the family bustle), but I know a lot of people post great studio ideas over there.

STOP FORGETTING YOUR CAMERA, and post some photos as you go along!  We're starting to get into more fabrication-type projects as we expand our costuming into cosplay, so I think we'll need to adapt part of the garage or basement into workshop space. I was hoping that my current washing machine could be salvaged for a dedicated dyeing station (we have an upstairs laundry, but additional hookups in the basement, and I briefly fantasized about having an extra set down there, with a utility sink...). Alas, that thing has washed its last, but now I'm dreaming about picking up a cheap used machine. Ack!

Anyway, enjoy your new space and keep us posted on what you do with it and what you make IN it!


Everything goes better with giggles

Rani Zemirah

Thank you Gem!  I will definitely take a look over at Pattern Review, and I am always haunting Pinterest looking for new storage ideas, new ways to repurpose things FOR storage, and for crafting ideas, in general!  It really has just exploded into an immense idea resource, and I take advantage of it probably far more than I have time for!  lol 

I love your idea of a dedicated dying station.  We do some work with dying, and I would like to do more, for various things... so that's something I need to look into.  Maybe not with an actual washing machine... but if I was to bring in an industrial size mop bucket with wringer I might be able to have something that would work, but not take up too much room!  Definitely something I have considered in the past... so maybe I need to start looking into it again.  Thanks for reminding me!  :)

And thank you, AuntieG! 

Sooo... YAY!  It's HERE!!!  Soooo excited, we can hardly sit still!  I took lots of photos and video of it being moved this morning, and set down in our backyard, so I'll post a few of then here now.  I'm sorry in advance for the large size...

Front view, with a little damage to one of the doors from the last really big storm we had this summer.

Before they started moving it out of the previous yard.

Left side back and corner of the inside. 

Right side loft.

It has a loft on each end, and now it has our great big shelf in it, also!  As soon as we get a lock for the doors we will start moving other things in!  Hoping to have a LOT of it moved by the end of this weekend... but we'll see.  I started getting sick night before last, and now it's pretty full blown... and I would sooo rather be in bed right now!  But no... I've waited too long for this, and who knows WHEN we will have another gorgeous weekend available! 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Sorry if this has been addresses already... are you going to insulate this?  It will make staying out there working more bearable. 
Lady Crimson Cadena

Clan of the Celtic Rogues
Sherwood Forest Faire (Home faire)

"I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then" - Alice

Rani Zemirah

Quote from: Crimson on February 13, 2014, 09:41:28 PM
Sorry if this has been addresses already... are you going to insulate this?  It will make staying out there working more bearable. 

Oh, no worries!  I AM planning to insulate it, because the summers here are pretty unbearable, at the best of times!  I have been daydreaming about replacing all of the sheet metal with wood siding... but I've decided I'm just going to insulate it, instead, and then panel the inside with plywood halfway up the walls, and then peg board up the rest of the way.  That way I can hang all of my tools right on the walls!  :D 

I'm also looking for a small window A/C unit, so we don't roast out there, because it will get far too warm to be in there most likely by mid April, without some sort of cooling.  There wasn't really any way to put it under the trees, so it sits in full sun, which means it will turn into an oven pretty quickly, unless it's cooled somehow.  Good insulation is a start, but freon will definitely be our friend, come summer! 

I had hoped to have more photos of our progress by this time, but this last week has been a bit difficult, since we've been quarantined in the plague house, here... and I am just finally starting to feel like I might survive!  My poor renlet is still feeling pretty awful, though, since she didn't start getting sick until this weekend.  Today will make her 2nd day of missing school, but I think she's starting to feel a very little bit better, as well.  I'm hoping that by late morning I will be feeling up to actually moving some things in, although yesterday afternoon I did finally get the table put together, and a front step set up so I don't have to practically climb up into it any more!  I need several more brick pavers, though, so I can expand the step to cover the whole front opening.  Craigslist... 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Rani Zemirah

Ok... we've gotten some things moved out to the studio, and right now, because we had to move things in a hurry to meet a deadline for a house inspection, it now looks more like a storage shed than a studio... but here are a few photos from before it got more crowded than we were planning.  There is still a LOT of room, but there are a few things that need to be done before we can start laying out the space the way we want it.  First, it has to be insulated, starting with the west wall (since I will likely have to do it one wall at a time, as finances permit)... and I will be picking up a gallon of deck sealer this coming weekend, as well, so I can get the floor sealed against any moisture before we decide if we want to paint it, or not.  It's just plywood, but it still needs to be sealed really well.  The roof needs some sealing, as well, since the screw holes weren't sealed when it was built.  Not much, but I have a friend who is going to climb up there and do it for me, so I don't have to deal with climbing a ladder! 

Ok... on to the pics! 

East wall with shelves and sewing table.

Panning around to the SE corner, and the corner of the cutting table, now loaded with about 1/3 of the art/crafting supplies and tools.

Everything piled up, including the 4 almost completely hidden sewing machines, waiting to find homes on the huge iron shelving unit in the background.

I LOVE my cutting table! 

Cherry finish H-frame easel I rescued from big trash pick up day about 9 years ago.

Sewing table that I traded logo work for last year.  We rolled it across the lawn, then had to unfold it and show it off!  LOL

This is only about 1/4 of what's in there, now... but it shows almost the whole table.

It's taking a little time, but getting there... and we're starting to talk about how we want to lay it out.  This has been a dream for so long that, now that it's actually becoming a reality, it just makes me smile all the time with the wonder of it all!  I'm just so thrilled to finally be able to do some physical work to make it happen! 

Rani - Fire Goddess

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