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Milord's father needs new garb--ideas?

Started by gem, December 19, 2009, 12:29:46 PM

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I've just made my inlaws a Fair scrapbook for Christmas, and I realized that my FIL has been wearing the exact same garb every day for the last three seasons!  The rest of us have lots of different outfits, but the poor man just has the one.

His current garb has a sort of fantasy swashbuckler thing going for it--a paned sleeve shirt, cavalier hat, and this green jerkin thing I made him.  Not a great picture, but this is what it looks like:

I drafted that pattern, so I could use it as the base for whatever new thing I make him. He's hard to fit (medium in the shoulders, 3X in the belly), so if I don't have to start with a completely different sort of garment, like a fitted doublet, all the easier.

I think I'd like to see him in something a little more rustic/peasanty, just for variety.  And in no way does this have to be *remotely* H/A!

Anyone want to brainstorm ideas?


Genievea Brookstone

Just a thought gem... What about something a long the lines of Lord Denathor or King Theodin? Seeings how you have a Gimli... Why not keep the theme?
Genievea Brookstone
Lost child of the Woods


That might be fun! 

or a Henry VIII type look in browns and russets and gold?

Aunty Lou

OR, or, or, you could go completely peasant with osnaberg-cloth shirt, without panes or cuffs, to be rolled up or frayed.  Corduroy or woolen doublet with leather ties or lacing, and knee-length pants, also frayed at the ends and/or patched, with a bag cap with chicken feathers.  The colors could be dark browns and blues with some faded glory (Hand-me-bys, don'tcha know...)


Good looking garb.... make a fresh one that is the evil counterpart of this one.
Anál nathrach- Breath of serpent
Orth' bháis 's bethad- Spell of death and of life
Do chél dénmha- Thy omen of making


Okay how about these as inspiration?  Here are some of my favorite inspirational Mens Gear:


Lady Cilean Stirling
"Looking Good is not an Option, It is a Necessity"
My Motto? Never Pay Retail


Natasha McCallister
Bristol Faire 1988-2005
The Wizard's Chamber/Sir Don Palmist
59.2% FaireFolk Corrupt


Yeah. You people are way too ambitious. (Apparently you missed where I said "no fitted doublet.")

Aunty Lou has the right idea.  I think I'm going to have to paw through my stash and see what I have in the more rustic vein.  Thanks, Lou!