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To wear or not to wear, that is the question

Started by LadyStitch, May 19, 2011, 11:02:23 AM

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This weekend is the PP and I's 10th wedding aniversary.  I'm tempted to pull out the tiara I wore at our wedding. (I still have it.) Saddly, considering I'm 4.5 months pregant wearing my Rennie themed wedding dress is not exactly an option.

The question is, I'm VERY prone to getting over heated unless I have covering for my head. If I wear the crown, what do I do to keep the sun off of me?

I still have white silk or even a blue cotton I could make a veil with but not sure how that would work out.  I really would like to wear it on Saturday, just not sure how to pull it off.  :-\

This tiara looks somewhat like what mine looks like.
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


Can you incorporate it into a hat somehow? I'm wondering if you can sort of mock up a French hood sort of thing with this as the "paste" (decorative) section.

You do NOT want to overheat the baby! Of course, if you were in Kansas City right now, that would not be a concern. On our weather forecast this morning, the meteorologist report today's wind chill.


How about-
Italian pillbox hat and use the tiara with that? You'd have to remove any combs.

Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


They are saying high of 85  :-\
I could possibly make it look like part of a french hood. Use the crown like the front part, and them have the drape in the back.  Wear my hair in the low buns like I like to do when it is warm.

The thing is I dont' have time to make a pill box hat. The only other pill box hat I have are very small one's that are from the 1940's.  :( I'll be lucky to have the finishing touches on the PP's doublet done in time.  :'(
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


Would a parasol help? It'd give you shade at least and most party supply stores have at least some kind of paper ones.


I think if you did have the time to get some fabric and make a quick viel. Wear it under the tiara. And I agree with Colleen. A Parasol would be good. Even though, Sometimes I find it a pain when going into venders. Always having to take it down and put it back up.

Perhaps if you had a tall hat or a flat cap you could quickly whip stitch the Tiara to the hat?


Dona C, those Lynn McMasters pillboxes are *spectacular!* I'm putting them in my beading inspiration file. :D


We have a nice Red on that the PP has as part of his garb, but doesn't carry much. I might try to make up a veil, and just have the parasol/unbrella to keep the sun off when not at shows.  I just hate sitting at shows and someone has theirs up and blocking our view.
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


I second the (paper) parasol.  :)  I had my hair braided last weekend and couldn't fit my hat over it, so I purchased one at the faire... and it SAVED me.   :) :)


I did the veil and tiara thing today. I also carried a umbrella.  This morning was fine, but early afternoon EVERYONE headed to shade.  It worked fine, but I may invest in a proper parasol if I continue to go nobel.  ;D
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


I did the parasol thing last year with the Much Ado garb (since they don't really have hats). Honestly, I didn't find it effective at all, particularly compared to my straw hat. It may have technically kept some sun off, but I was still squinting fiercely and really hot... plus my arm got tired.  :-\  *Really* glad I didn't invest in an expensive painted one.