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Whats your BEST ground score?

Started by TwiLight, January 04, 2010, 12:13:00 PM

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My BEST ground score was actually getting a LOT of my own stuff back when returning to the "scene of the crime" the day after my (in) famous "Lost Day at Excal" (it's a loooong but very entertaining story)...

That day I lost my flask, my driver's license, a credit card, AND my trade-mark, frilly black shirt!

I got back EVERYTHING, except the flask!!! A small tax t' th' faire gods if y' ask me.

And Blue - I feel the same way about favors - I wear 'em the day I get 'em and if they make it home with me, they get stored.
Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable

Anna Iram

A thought for anyone who does find an item but doesn't trust that the true owner will call for it and it will end up in someone elses hands. Unfortunaltly that could happen, especially with cash and I think sometimes that's why folks don't turn in an item found . You could leave a message with a contact number and a vague description with lost and found. Enough that someone who did lose an item would know one was found and by describing it you would return it. I've done this in daily life and it works well. I'm assured it goes to the person it belongs to.

The flask thing..I do recall reading of another person who lost a flask once. The flask was turned in...but minus the loki. :)


Well, I can tell you 2 groundscores someone got from me. :(

At one faire, I lost a mug.  This was something given to me at my first job.  Each employee that summer got one, and it was a design never to be made again.  It disappeared from my belt, and I am still not convinced that it actually fell off, as it was attached pretty securely.  Check around the area I noticed it missing, tried going back to where I knew I had it last, check lost and luck.

The other one was my war fan.  Tucked it in my belt after getting out of the car, walked onto the grounds, discovered it missing.  Turned around to see a large group of tourists following me in.  They would have walked right over it.  It wasn't on the ground (and I checked, throughly, all the way back to my car which wasn't far from the gate), and none of them said they saw it.  Right.  Thanks for stealing my birthday present. :(

The only think I've actually found on the fairegrounds was 2 little girls who had lost their parents.  Took them to security where they were re-united.  If that counts, that is DEFINATELY my best ground score. :)
My (infrequently updated) costume blog:


Quote from: Elennare on January 05, 2010, 12:30:32 PM
Well, I can tell you 2 groundscores someone got from me. :(

At one faire, I lost a mug.  This was something given to me at my first job.  Each employee that summer got one, and it was a design never to be made again.  It disappeared from my belt, and I am still not convinced that it actually fell off, as it was attached pretty securely.  Check around the area I noticed it missing, tried going back to where I knew I had it last, check lost and luck.

The other one was my war fan.  Tucked it in my belt after getting out of the car, walked onto the grounds, discovered it missing.  Turned around to see a large group of tourists following me in.  They would have walked right over it.  It wasn't on the ground (and I checked, throughly, all the way back to my car which wasn't far from the gate), and none of them said they saw it.  Right.  Thanks for stealing my birthday present. :(

The only think I've actually found on the fairegrounds was 2 little girls who had lost their parents.  Took them to security where they were re-united.  If that counts, that is DEFINATELY my best ground score. :)

I also scored a small child once and reunited with mom.  Always a good score.

Never have lost anything, thankfully!  Did find a small hand painted broach of Elizabeth I when I was a kid.  Still have it.
Natasha McCallister
Bristol Faire 1988-2005
The Wizard's Chamber/Sir Don Palmist
59.2% FaireFolk Corrupt

Celtic Lady

Quote from: Sitara on January 05, 2010, 12:08:56 AM
I tend to turn in things of value and keep what would be considered trash.  Hanging about in the pub we have various pieces of broken jewelry and coin doodads, ribbons, etc.

My favorite groundscore however, will always be my cat.  T'was the week after faire ended and the "recovery party"*   was winding down as it was 2am and raining.  I am getting in my van to enjoy my slumbers when a soaked creature jumps in right in front of me.  Aaaawwww!  It's a sweet little kittie!  He's awfully skinny and it is now pouring rain.  Mr. Kittenface sleeps with George and I, suckling on my shirt all the while.  Come morning, we get out to do our business and the kitty jumps out and follows suit, under the van for privacy's sake...he must be shy.  When I get back into the van, the kitten follows me.  We drove into the campground and asked around...nobody knew who this little guy belonged to.  We decided to bring him home with us and fatten him up.  He now weighs 3 times as much as he did then and is a happy housecat.  We named him Ren Cat McGroundscore...we call him RC

*This is where all the pub workers get together to feast and drink any and all leftover beer from the season.
He's adorable. He is the best "ground score".


I like to leave little coins in the play areas for the kiddies. you know the ones you find at a dollar store. they have pirate and madi gra styles and the kids get excited when the come into my shop and see a whole treasure chest of them. I even will upgrade the little girls to a partybead necklace if they ask. I also like to keep small bells to give to the good kiddos when they are in the booth before they leave.
Chime'n Penny / Cheiftess Clan O'Maille
Irish Penny Brigade
Guppy #90
IWG #3740 Local #57
Lost Viking
Booth Owner @ KyRF & ORF
Keeper of All Bells & Chimes
RESCU Rally Captain ORF &  KyRF


Quote from: will paisley on January 05, 2010, 09:09:53 AM
That's pretty much what happened to my first R/F pin.  I went to lost and found, and when I described what I lost, I was told that people tend to "hang on" to pewter pins.  Odds are that some day tripper picked it up without having any idea whatsoever what it represented, and now it's on a random dresser collecting dust.

That happened to me, I lost my R/F pin at TNRF. I got lucky because it fell off right outside a booth I was shopping at, and one of the people who worked there found it and tracked me down. I would suggest writing your name on the back of your pin with permanent marker, just in case someone from the forum or a person you know finds it. Also, if a random stranger finds a pin with someones name on it, they may be more likely to turn it in.
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb


A rock

I wouldn't consider keeping anything as a "score" that wasn't mine.

Except for that rock..... that rock is MINE. MINE I TELL YOU ! !
Muahahahahahahahaha....*cough cough*
Anál nathrach- Breath of serpent
Orth' bháis 's bethad- Spell of death and of life
Do chél dénmha- Thy omen of making

Sir Michael Geare

I would is not a score but a loss to someone. 

So far, I've found and turned in to Lost and Found:  2 wallets/pouches, a scarf, a cell phone, 2 cameras, bodice dagger, countless mugs and a flask.
'The exercising of weapons puts away aches, griefs, and diseases, it
increases strength, and sharpens the wits.'


Awesome topic:
First: Keeping mind that when you find children, they themselves are not lost, they know exactly where they are, IT IS THE PARENTS WHO ARE LOST.  With all of the missing kids these days and rennefaires are not exempt from attracting pedophiles, parents need to be more mindfull of what is around them.  They use leashes for their pets but think nothing of letting their kids wander around God knows where and then cry bitterly when one gets lost, abducted, or worse.

Now here is mine.

At GARF about 5 years ago, I lost the pucking rat with which I won the pucking tournement in the keys years ago.  I tried lost and found but to no avail.  I had to adopt another rat from Emyrus(sp).

Last year at ST. Louis  I spent the whole day with friends and we did not wander to far from the pubs.  I have a large ruby gauntlet ring that has the vague shape of a serpents head.  It is a true knuckle duster.  I generally have to remove it to pay for and drink what ever is in my flagon.  After a session of that we were about to go off when I discovered that I did not have my ring.  I immediately  went back to the pub to see if I left on the bar and found that I did not.   I then turned around and began to retrace my steps and lo and behold not 10 feet from the bar there was my ring on the ground.  That was a fortuitous moment for another half hour and surely some one would have had a worthy ground score.   If I get a chance to take a picture I will post it.
Ancient swordsman/royalty
Have Crown/Sword Will Travel


Maybe I don't find as much stuff because the gals at Scarby are soooooooo beautiful that my eyes are usually not focusing on the ground.

That's been the cause for a few missed steps, steps in mud, steps in water, stumps toe....etc but I always act like I meant to do it.

Anál nathrach- Breath of serpent
Orth' bháis 's bethad- Spell of death and of life
Do chél dénmha- Thy omen of making


I lose a Welsh hat pin my wife had just bought me some kind soul turned it into lose and found. 
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin

Var Greyshadow

I found someone's driver's license in the parking lot at TRF after I'd come out the gates for the evening.  I asked at the wagon rental and was told lost and found was back inside.  I fought my way back in through the outgoing crowds and located the right place to turn in the license.  I knew someone would be having a bad night when they discovered it missing.

In terms of things I've kept, I found $15 once and one of those little tiny wooden goblets.
"All that is gold does not glitter; Not all those who wander are lost..." ~J.R.R. Tolkien "The Fellowship of the Ring"

Noble Dreg

Quote from: Var Greyshadow on January 06, 2010, 12:01:26 PM
In terms of things I've kept, I found $15 once...

You mean you didn't immediately yell out "Who lost $15!"    ;D
"Why a spoon cousin? Why not an axe?"
Because it's dull you twit, it'll hurt more. Now SEW, and keep the stitches small

Welsh Wench

I just think a good rule to follow is 'If I lost this and someone didn't turn it in to lost and found, how would I feel?'

I also like to think that rennies hold themselves to a higher standard.

I also believe in the Easter bunny too.   :-\

Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....