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- Mundane Sewing Discussion -

Started by willin, May 30, 2008, 06:43:03 AM

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Auryn, I think I know the fabric you're talking about! Or I have something *very* similar--dark blue crushed velvet with silver scrolls. I only have a remnant (bought for doll clothes), but I've been using it for Christmas ornament backs.  I have also seen a gold-on-green version of the stuff online (like in a JoAnn project ad), but never actually saw the fabric IRL.

Last night Milord was saying how much he'd like it for a Father Christmas costume, but I doubt we'd ever find it again.

Lady S, I think you and the PP could whip out a glorious tree skirt in pink velvet and pink marabou trim. LOL


I'd say that is taking his Flamingo thing a little far  but..... ;D
One of his friends got him found a pink flamingo wearing a santa hat, and white beard.   She got it as a joke, not realizing how appropriate it was for him.  It was hillarious.

I think I may put the Christmas Tree skirt on my "Christmas in July" sewing list with the santa hats.

Now I was informed that there has been a baby boom in the PP's office and he needs shower gifts.  Thankfully I make these wonderful washcloth/ hand towel infant toddler bibs.  They have a T-shirt rib neck ribbing so no dribbles down that way. When done slip it off, and into the washer like any towel.  Works great for droolers. Also make a great gag gift for 50 year olds. :)
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.

Adriana Rose

It seems you created a monster with the Pink Pirate!

OOh put little Pirate duckies on the bibs! I made a shirt like that for my son when he was an infant and he looked soo cute!


Quote from: LadyStitch on December 20, 2010, 03:17:47 PM
Now I was informed that there has been a baby boom in the PP's office and he needs shower gifts.  Thankfully I make these wonderful washcloth/ hand towel infant toddler bibs.  They have a T-shirt rib neck ribbing so no dribbles down that way. When done slip it off, and into the washer like any towel.  Works great for droolers. Also make a great gag gift for 50 year olds. :)

I have to say, these are the BEST types of bibs out there!  These are really the only type I have ever used for my three girls.  LOVE them!!!!!  =D  They cover pretty much everything and so I never really have to be worried about food stains on their clothing.  =)
Amanda  =D

"Do not call for your mother.  Who is it that you think let the demons in to eat you up?"


Have I created a monster in the Pink Pirate....  that would be a yes.  I figured that out a few years ago.  He has become more so since he discovered he can show me a picture of something and be able to make it.  ::)

Every mum I have given the bibs to , at first is skeptical,  after using them....  well I have orders for more.   ;D They love that they can just peel them off and toss in the washer.  To be honest they are not that hard or expensive to make.  It all depends on how nice to towel/washcloth you want to use. I stumbled onto the pattern in an old sewing for children pattern book.  Loved it since I tried it. ;)
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.

Queen Genevieve

Does an Irish Step Dance solo dress count as mundane? ???
Queen Genevieve

Adriana Rose

My mom has a TON of Christmas craft books, and those things have a lot of really cute and fairly easy things for kiddos. I made a herd of dinosaurs out of one of the books for all the kiddos in my family. The funny thing is that my mom made one of them for my sister when she was a baby.


Quote from: Queen Genevieve on December 21, 2010, 07:12:17 PM
Does an Irish Step Dance solo dress count as mundane? ???

It's pretty mundane for this group...  Compared with fairy wings, faun legs, pairs of bodies, ruffs, court dress, pink pirate dress...   ;D

Got pix to share?


Here are a few shots of what I have been up to.  I *hope* to get shots of the leading ladies two gowns tonight but we shall see.  With how nutty things have been, we shall see.

The first is a "Hail Mary Pass" from the stash.  The dress we got back from the seamstress helping me turned out not so good, so we had to make a new one, in a night... Anyway, this is made up of a UFO object from the wardrobe, the skirt from a bride's maid dress, left over purple fabric sash from another bride's maid's dress, and the feather's off a tattered 80's prom dress, oh and a white fabric rose I had.  Would have like more roses, but hey, when it is 2:30AM and you have to be awake in 4 hours to take it to the theater.  You do NOT get picky.

The second photo is our Werewolf.  No I didn't do the head, but it is pretty cool. It has a working jaw.  I did the shirt.  It was my first attempt at body shaping with batting and foam.  Isn't great but doesn't look bad.

Lastly is a quick shot of my she wolf.  The other shots I have of her didn't turn out well.  They are very blurry. The dress she is wearing is the "ripped up " version of the pattern I was describing earlier in the discussion. Also she is wearing the fake claws I asked about in the other thread. They turned out well.  I swear the actress is going to loose 15 pounds by the time the show is over.  She has on a body padding shirt to give her a hump back, then the fur suit, then the dress, and the werewolf head. Oy! 
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


the werewolves look fantastic- well done.

I actually sewed something and finished it this week.
I made a couple of sweaters for my parent's dog. They turned out really cute, I will try to take a picture of them today.

Its the first thing I have sewn in basically a year
Scissors cuts Paper. Paper covers Rock. Rock crushes Lizard. Lizard? poisons Spock. Spock smashes Scissors. Scissors dec

Lady Rosalind

Excellent werewolves!!!! I was hoping you'd post a pic of the ripped dress being worn! Excellent work!

I am currently in the midst of costuming a production at our community theatre, for the FIRST time ever. Here is a short list of the things I have to MAKE before Tech week, which begins the last week in February. This is an challenging play to costume, as you'll see when you glance down the list.

1. Scarlett O'Hara green curtain dress and matching hat (hat is finished, thanks to finding a green wool hat that I could pin to the right shape, and finding the stash of 5 billion feathers stuffed under the table in the costume room). The mockup of the bodice has been made and fitted, and I am redrafting the pattern tonight, before going to the theatre for pictures (WHY, oh why, do they want crew photos for the programs???). I found tassels and cord at Hobby Lobby on clearance, for under $6, but this costume is sucking up the majority of my budget, even doing everything on the cheap. We're borrowing a hoop skirt and curled wig from a costume shop in a neighboring town. We're hoping to get the rentals for free, in exchange for a larger ad in our program (fingers crossed).

2. Two Mammy dresses, with aprons. Luckily, they don't have to be identical, because to save money, I'm using a dress and apron from the theatre's costume stash for one of the dresses. I'm trying to figure out how to get the other dress out of 3 yards of a fabric piece I found in the theatre fabric stash. Probably not going to happen, but I can dream... We need two dresses because chocolate pudding will be thrown into the actress' face, and it will probably get on the dress. While one is being washed, the other can be worn.

(Did I mention that the actress wearing the Scarlett dress will be having flour thrown in her face? Stuff of nightmares, let me tell you...)

3. Two witches' cloaks. One is finished, the other won't take long. I found two round tablecloths at Walmart for $2.25 each, and I'm just following circle skirt instructions to make the cloaks, and hemming the open edges. Not sure what to do about the matching hats yet... For a community theatre, we have a distinct lack of witch hats in storage...

4. Chef's jacket. Luckily, this is pretty much going to be the same as my son's Dr. Horrible coat. Rectangles. Easy.

5. three additional aprons. One sequined, two with designs relevant to the show. I nearly cried when they suggested raffling off the special aprons every weekend... That would mean making 6. Oh, and the design hasn't been made yet, and I'll probably have to do that as well.

6. Ukrainian folk costume. Which reminds me, I'd better actually look this one up. I've been in denial.

Like I said, this is just the stuff that I have to sew, not the entire list of costumes needed. And my budget??? $100, and the directors bought a $20 wig out of pretty much before I even knew I'd be doing costumes.

I'll post pics when I get them... At least I won't be bored!!!


Quote from: Lady Rosalind on January 05, 2011, 02:34:26 PM
Excellent werewolves!!!! I was hoping you'd post a pic of the ripped dress being worn! Excellent work!
Why thank you  ;D We didn't do the masks but I think they look cool.  All of the onstage costume shots are currently being held until after one weekend of shows.  So many people are excited about the show that they don't want to see spoilers posted everywhere. I'm just glad everyone likes what I have done.  When the lighting person comes to you and says, "Working with you mean I get more fun stuff to play with."  Makes my day.  :)

1. That doesn't surprise me in the least. Just the fabric has bound to eat it up. I wish you luck. As for flour being tossed at her, try using a lint roller to get the worst off, just don't let the dress get wet with the flour on it.  And PLEASE put the fear of all things holy into the actresses & actors about this dress.  If anything happens to it , their guts are yours.  I say that because if the cast knows that it could be $50 bucks to clean the dress out of THEIR pocket if they ruin it, they will be nicer to it and around it.
2. I have to say that is doable to get done.  When I had to do something similar I just did a very basic block bodice with 3/4 sleeves, and used the rest of the fabric in the skirt.  It worked for the character, and has since been used many, many times.
3.  Good luck with the cloaks.  For the hat, depending on how nice you want it you can go cardboard, OR you can check out "" They have great deals on stuff, and you can find very nice coupons
4. Yes they are simple to make, also McCalls has a pattern for them.  Another thing you might try is craigs list. Someone might be getting rid of their old uniforms.
5. Ok, I would have been after some one if they wanted to raffle off the apron's each weekend.  However if you had time to make a new set after each weekend, it MIGHT work.
6. Ukrainian folk costume? Been there done that, and good luck! 

All of that out of $100, sweetie my heart goes out to you.  And yes I would have strangled my director if he spent 20% of my budget before I even seen it.  I had a designer spend $90 of my 300 on some evil scientist gloves they didn't even use in the show!  We were so hacked!

If you need to vent send me a message. Trust me I can understand.  ;D
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


My toile for the funeral suit:


I've done some minor adjusting and experimented with the sleeves (I have big upper arms: All that book and sewing machine lifting!), and will try the collar today. The black wool should arrive today and I can get onto the real thing.  Meanwhile, there's a lot of gold Russia braid and some pearls to sew onto a couple of Abu waistcoats...  Px if those later!

Taffy Saltwater

I am always in awe of everybody's work and pretties.  Thanks for sharing.

Lady Rosalind

Both capes are finished, as is the base of one apron, and the scarlett hat. Hopefully I'll be able to get more finished this weekend, as time is running short!