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Loaning Garb

Started by Lady Renee Buchanan, June 19, 2010, 07:05:57 AM

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Master James

I have mostly only loaned out garb to friends and family and only if they were going to be at the same event as me.  I recently loaned out one of my garbs so that an old acquaintence of my wife could bring his hound to our faire.  I gave it to  him that morning and collected it before he left and then took it home and washed it.  He took good care of it and I've never had a bad experience with loaning out garb but then again, I've VERY selective of who I loan to.  Also, I will NOT loan out any of my noble garb as they are hard to maintain and we've put too much work into them to have them ruined.
Why can't reality be more like faire?
Clan M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #59
RFC #51


I loaned out garb to what I thought were good friends, and when I got the stuff back, there were rips, dirty all over, some buttons missing. >:(

I swore after that happened to me twice, I will never lend garb out to anyone. :P
Being Blond means I have the right to walk into any wall.


Quote from: RumbaRue on July 03, 2010, 01:19:16 PM
when I got the stuff back, there were rips, dirty all over, some buttons missing. >:(

This makes me upset.  Seriously, who treats other people's things that way?  That's just ridiculous.  I hope you held them responsible for fixing it!
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - W. Shakespeare


I'm renewing this thread.  With PRF starting this weekend I have 2 ladies asking to borrow garb.  I do not know these ladies very well.  And as we all know, garb is expensive and it's taken me years to put together several very nice ensembles complete with accessories.  (I'm a wench)

How do I politely decline lending my garb?  Additonally these ladies want to accompany me to faire.  I go early, alone (by choice), and set my own schedule for the day.  I'm not interested in their company the entire day.  Again, how to I politely "blow them off?"

I haven't invited these ladies to join me nor have I offered them garb.  So why do they keep insisting?



They know you are a native of the faire, for lack of a better word, and want to go on tour with a native and yet look like a native themselves - sort of like how many people travel to another country and call up their family/friends that live there.  

If they aren't the same size as you, not lending the garb is easy - explain that although you are excited that they want to come to faire, your garb is made for you and your size.  They'd be uncomfortable in something that wouldn't fit them and you don't want them to uncomfortable all day -that won't be fun!

As for not wanting them to come with you - explain that while you are delighted that they would want to hang out with you, they would only get to see a few things since you have a very specific schedule and it may not be interesting to them.  Instead, say you'd be happy to meet up with them for lunch but they'd probably have a lot more fun and get to see a lot more of faire if they strike out on their own.  


Isabella, thank you for your input.  I'd never thought of myself as a native...but I can see where these ladies think that!  And I can follow the idea that if they dress like and go with a native, they will be more accepted as such.

I suppose I should be flattered.  I WILL use your other suggestions as to size and shape of garb.  Shaking them off once they find me at faire will be a bit more difficult.


Ser Niall

I actually wish I had friends asking to borrow garb, not that I'd lend any to them  ;)   Most of my friend's don't dress up for whatever reason (insecurity I guess).  And they like to make comments on my outfits all the way to the faire (they still love going at least).  However, it never fails that once we get there, the cast makes fun of them for dressing in such odd attire  ;D

Now that I'm making my own stuff, I couldn't imagine loaning anything handmade out.  It would be like lending my child.  Besides, like previous posters said, handmade garb is fitted to yourself, so it probably wouldn't look right on others.
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.

Lady Kett


I actually have accumulated enough wenchy goodness that I can dress a small army of women and at least one man (as long as he wants to be a pirate!). Usually this is reserved for one of my best girlfriends who goes with us once a year, or my daughters friends. To discourage the faint at heart though, I tell people that our normal routine is to get there at 8:30am (cannon is at 10) and that they have to get dressed in the parking lot, and we aren't leaving until nearly 8pm.

Those who are not daunted by that get a lecture once they are dressed on the estimated value of what they are wearing and a firm lecture of how I will disown them and bill them for damages.

For our vow renewal this past May, I dressed 6 of our friends, and our daughters friends with no mishaps. Now mind you, these are are RELATIVELY inexpesive pieces and if anything were trashed I would be cranky but not heartbroken, and that person would not be welcome back with us.

I've also enjoyed taking virgins to faire and showing them around. I get to see things I may not normally see or do because of our routine.

So there you go....slightly different take on your dilemma. Whatever you do, don't let them stress you out over it. Keep Faire as your happy place!


Lady Kett,

Thank you for your thoughts.  These ladies don't want to wear my "old" stuff.  They want the new custom fit or tailored items that I currently wear.  They also "love" my studded leather accessories, hats with feathers, etc.

Have them dress in the parking lot?  Great idea.  That ought to scare the poo right out of them.

Ser Niall,

Thank you as well for your input.  Most of my garb is made to my measurements or I have had the item(s) altered to fit me.  I often alter my own clothing.  So it is unwise to lend anything to someone who isn't exactly my size.



Quote from: arbcoind on August 27, 2012, 09:11:03 AM
So it is unwise to lend anything to someone who isn't exactly my size.

And no matter how they may protest NO ONE is EXACTLY your size!!! ;)
Even someone who is very close to your size could dramatically alter the stretch and curve and krinkles in that bodice you have been wearing for years and make it no longer comfy.  I say no way Jose!
Natasha McCallister
Bristol Faire 1988-2005
The Wizard's Chamber/Sir Don Palmist
59.2% FaireFolk Corrupt


Dinobabe, you are correct and thank you for responding to my question.  It's good to be able to come here to post a question, have everyone understand it and get some very good advise.

Now to get these ladies to understand. 


Lady Renee Buchanan

Since I had the original question & started this topic, here is what I found worked for me.

I bought a 99 cents Simplicity or Mccall's pattern for this dress (can't remember which one & am not by the pattern box), but instead of sewing the sides, I left them open & under each arm put 3 sets of grommets.  It is a cotton blend, can get thrown in the washing machine, is very cool when it is hot, and can be worn by anybody, just lace tighter or looser depending on the person's size. I bought the material at Joann's with a 40% off coupon for this (around $10 plus trim, also on sale), but someone else made one for another friend using 2 tablecloths I bought at Goodwill for $4 each, and her trim was from leftover stash.

I wear it myself when it's so hot that I can't stand wearing anything heavy.  All that is needed is a long chemise - and I don't mind loaning that, as I have 3 long white ones.  It takes only a couple of hours to make, so not a lot of money or time invested, and every time I've worn it, I get comments on how nice it is!

A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Rowan MacD

   It's pretty easy to throw together something reasonably wenchy or pirate-y from stuff they have around the house.    Tell them to make it themselves, and they will always have it, and respect it, better.  A basic 2-3 panel skirt with a drawstring waist takes about 2 hours: Just a few squares of cloth sewn end to end, hemmed on one edge and and have a curtain rod pocket on the other. They can make a few and layer them.  Cotton shirting is .99-1.99 yd.   
   Tell them that corsets/bodices are personal items, like favorite jeans, and you don't share personally fitted stuff.  They should understand that comparison. 
  Just about all the accessories, like belts and hats, that they need are available to buy at faire, and be sure to  tell them that's part of the fun (it is).  Once they see the prices, they will appreciate that the stuff they want to borrow from you is not cheap, and may understand why you don't want to loan yours out.
  They can hunt up tankards and cups at the Goodwill.  That's where I get my 'starter' and 'loaner' stuff from, I don't care if I get it back, or even in one piece since it's used by kids. 
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt


Quote from: Rowen MacD on August 27, 2012, 12:46:51 PM
   It's pretty easy to throw together something reasonably wenchy or pirate-y from stuff they have around the house.    Tell them to make it themselves, and they will always have it, and respect it, better.  A basic 2-3 panel skirt with a drawstring waist takes about 2 hours: Just a few squares of cloth sewn end to end, hemmed on one edge and and have a curtain rod pocket on the other. They can make a few and layer them.  Cotton shirting is .99-1.99 yd.   
   Tell them that corsets/bodices are personal items, like favorite jeans, and you don't share personally fitted stuff.  They should understand that comparison. 
  Just about all the accessories, like belts and hats, that they need are available to buy at faire, and be sure to  tell them that's part of the fun (it is).  Once they see the prices, they will appreciate that the stuff they want to borrow from you is not cheap, and may understand why you don't want to loan yours out.
  They can hunt up tankards and cups at the Goodwill.  That's where I get my 'starter' and 'loaner' stuff from, I don't care if I get it back, or even in one piece since it's used by kids. 

These are some really good points!
Natasha McCallister
Bristol Faire 1988-2005
The Wizard's Chamber/Sir Don Palmist
59.2% FaireFolk Corrupt


Renee and Rowen, thank you for your input.  You have some very good ideas.  These ladies don't care to be regulars at Faire.  They just want to go once a year and borrow any and all things.  They've asked me to get them free tickets, which I'm not able to think we can all conclude that they want a free day at faire!
