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What is the stupidest/silliest thing you have ever done to yourself at faire?

Started by Valiss, July 21, 2010, 11:13:07 AM

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Arrived late on a Saturday after driving all day and was very hungry. Pulled in the parking lot, got dressed, and had to use some cleaner to remove some stain before going in. Well, ye olde drumsticks don't taste so great when you have acetone on your hands and think you are being poisoned. Lesson learned!


Rowan MacD

  Tried to wash dog-doody off my boots with muddy water, (more mud than water)
then traipsed off through a nice dusty street, slinging mud balls as I went.
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt


I was overheated and someone handed me a drink to cool off, so I chugged the whole thing - one of those milk-based, frothy orange drinks, poured into an untreated copper mug.   Fun times.  :(

I stick with wooden mugs now.  No more weird chemical reactions for me, thanks!
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." -G. Radner

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

Serving Rusty Nails at Rendezvous and trying to have a toast with every one handed out... 18 shots later, Queen Bonnie knighted me with the title, Lord of the Rusty Nail.

* about this close, {------} to alcohol poisoning* :o
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God

Lady Rosalind

Didn't really do it to myself, except that I placed myself under it, but I had part of our booth fall on my head when the wind came up one rainy afternoon. 15 minutes later, I got a waterfall on my head, and down my back. Stupid me for standing in the same spot.


... not to mention your frantic panic looking to and fro to locate the source of a low voice calling out Gooooody... Gooooody !!!  :o :o :o
"It is only with the heart that one sees rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
   Antoine de St. Exupery

Anna Iram

My entire faire "career" has been bases in either the silly or the stupid end zones.  :)

I guess my silliest/stupidest was my tripping over my hoop skirts in my eagerness to join in a dance and falling flat on my face in the center of a large crowd as my hoops slowly fell over my head. I was mortified. I laughed as best as I could about it afterwards..after a good cry...but I learned the value of wearing my skirts just a little shorter and investing in a proper pair of bloomers!

Rowan MacD

Quote from: Anna Iram on July 21, 2010, 02:03:47 PM
My entire faire "career" has been bases in either the silly or the stupid end zones.  :)

I guess my silliest/stupidest was my tripping over my hoop skirts in my eagerness to join in a dance and falling flat on my face in the center of a large crowd as my hoops slowly fell over my head. I was mortified. I laughed as best as I could about it afterwards..after a good cry...but I learned the value of wearing my skirts just a little shorter and investing in a proper pair of bloomers!
I did the same at last years Wild West show,  caught my heel in the hoop, and ended up doing a not so graceful deeep curtsy. I was luck not to plant a facer though I did end up seated in the middle of the road.
  A bit later I found out that I had sat guessed it.....Horse doody (seems to be a trend)
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt


I am going to start this by saying that if my husband is behind me he walks too close.
We were leaving the nobles glade at Bristol and I wanted to follow custom and curtsy at the end of the carpet.  Well needless to say I curtsied and he didn't, stepping all over my skirt, practically knocking my head off, and attempting to do a rendition of bad line dancing to get our balance back.  Luckily the queen was not there and only a few ladies saw us twist about.  Though they did get a good laugh out of it.  I tend to walk behind him a bit now! :D
Natasha McCallister
Bristol Faire 1988-2005
The Wizard's Chamber/Sir Don Palmist
59.2% FaireFolk Corrupt

Lady Rosalind

Oh, I almost forgot this one!

During the dancing show this year at Door County, I managed to trip over the back of my hoop, then on the front of if while trying to get up! I ended up sitting on the floor of the stage, while my dance partner was trying to help me up, but was only making it worse!  :D

The thing is, the only reason I fell was because the gentlemen were disguised as bandits, and Sir Fane was growling and snarling at me when he went to kiss my hand, causing me to lose my balance in surprise, and fall!

Of course we had a full crowd in the audience, too.  :P

Adriana Rose

This summer the court was walking by, my girls and I were doing the proper curtsy and all that jazz and me being the grace that I am tripped over the front of my skirts and proceeded to fall flat on my bum. Now when ever the King walks by he always jokes and says " You may rise" and for good measure says it a second time.

robert of armstrong

Wearing this


I was repeatedly photgraphed playing with a bubble making apparatus and blowing huge bubbles with the fae at Maryland RenFest, right outside the pub that sells oysters.

Very manly, very tough
Always on the lookout for my next noble cause.

And because a flail don't need reloading, that's why.


Well, not exactly something I did to myself, but it is kinda silly.

Walking back to my car, through mid-calf tall grass, wearing knee high boots that were pretty snug around my leg.  All of the sudden, I feel something in my boot down by my foot.  I look at my...well, he's my husband now, but I think we had just started dating when this happened, and tell him there's something in my shoe.  He asks what, I have no idea.  Whatever it is, though, it's settled under my arch, and isn't hurthing, so I'll wait till we get to the car to see what it is.

At the car, I take off my boot and dump into my hand...a very confused looking grasshopper!  We both stared at each other for a moment, and then the grasshopper jumped away.  Poor little guy.  No idea how he managed to get in my shoe, but at least he was ok.  Gave me and my husband a pretty good laugh, though.  :)
My (infrequently updated) costume blog:


Rat Pucking in TNRF  when it was held in June, in 95 degree heat wearing 2 layers of velvet.  Spent the next hour and a half in the EMS tent trying to revive myself.  Now I try not to do faires in the summer anywhere south of New York.
Ancient swordsman/royalty
Have Crown/Sword Will Travel