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A-Kon 22- June 10-12th: Sheraton- Dallas, TX

Started by eloquentXI, June 04, 2011, 08:33:44 PM

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I follow several webcomic artists on twitter and I sooooo want to be there right now.
VIII if you make it, You should ask Overbeck from "Times Like This" about Cassie's latest adventure. He was using Scarby as a backdrop for the latest storyline. It would have been quite awesome to see cast members in the background of the comic!

*I need to go find a rum based comic now*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"


Devils Panties chick is here. Have not seen evidence of a leafblower. ;)

In other news, the pre-reg line is ridiculous IMO. We'll probably have been in line 2 1/2 hours when all is said & done. 30 minutes I'm OK with. 2 1/2 hours, not so much.

Rani Zemirah

Already seeing facebook pics from an old friend who's there now, and I'm turning green with envy up here! 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Quote from: Rani Zemirah on June 10, 2011, 12:47:03 PM
Already seeing facebook pics from an old friend who's there now, and I'm turning green with envy up here! 
Well, I've got LOTS of pics to go through, so look for them in a few days!
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam, Mythbusters

Rani Zemirah

Can't wait to see them!  I heard it was wall-to-wall bodies, and Friday night was packed with costumes!!! 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Quote from: Al-Nimer on June 12, 2011, 08:19:25 PM
I've got LOTS of pics to go through

and... you are IN lots of them as well  ;)

Stalk well...
Enthralled with the Faeriebox...


Quote from: Rani Zemirah on June 13, 2011, 03:05:36 AM
Can't wait to see them!  I heard it was wall-to-wall bodies, and Friday night was packed with costumes!!! 

It was wall-to-wall people a lot of the time. On the A-Kon board theres some talk that they may be outgrowing the Convention Center. I don't know where they would go but there were a TON of people there.


They were WAY too crowded.  All in all, not an enjoyable con for the wife and myself.  Great costumes, horrible temps, horrid lines at registration, thievery, bad hotel attitude, hotel parking issues, photography issues with the con... maybe after reconsideration we marginally broke even on enjoyment for the whole weekend.

Stalk well...
Enthralled with the Faeriebox...


Quote from: Stalkwell on June 13, 2011, 11:37:39 AM
They were WAY too crowded.  All in all, not an enjoyable con for the wife and myself.  Great costumes, horrible temps, horrid lines at registration, thievery, bad hotel attitude, hotel parking issues, photography issues with the con... maybe after reconsideration we marginally broke even on enjoyment for the whole weekend.

Stalk well...

This is not confirmed, but word on the streets is that next year is the last year for the Sheraton to host A-Kon. After that, I think the possibility is the Anatole? Not sure.
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


Quote from: VIII on June 09, 2011, 12:09:21 PM
Will Jennie Breeden from Devil's Panties be there?!?  Will she have her 'Kilt-blower' with her?!?
Oooh!  I may HAVE to go!

LOL! I hung out with Jennie last night post-Con over a beer at a friends house and no, no kilt-blower this year (though we were laughing about it when she did take it to DragonCon). Maybe if many people get together and guarentee to wear enough kilts, we can convince her to bring it next year.  ;)
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


Quote from: Stalkwell on June 13, 2011, 08:37:42 AM
Quote from: Al-Nimer on June 12, 2011, 08:19:25 PM
I've got LOTS of pics to go through

and... you are IN lots of them as well  ;)

Stalk well...
Thanks Stalkwell, I'm looking forward to seeing yours!  Some of mine did not turn out very well due to poor lighting, but here's the link to the set anyway:
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam, Mythbusters

Ronald the Bald

I should have some up later this week.

It was way too hot and crowded. There were people stationed at several locations asking people to move on and not stop because people slowing down to talk or shoot/pose for pics created backups.

The heat was like late May at Scarby. Most of my costumes had salt stains by the end of the day. Felt like it was in the 90s in most locations (this is indoors).

Costumes were great and plentiful Friday and Saturday. By Sunday they were becoming rare and rank.

Ronald the Bald

Something strange happened at A-Kon. Several people asked to take my pic, which is normal, but others wanted to take pics of my camera!! And a couple of really nice young ladies asked to stroke my lens while commenting how long it is!

I really had a good time in spite of the heat and crowds.


I've got to agree with most of the comments on this years con. Way more people than last year, (was just too crowded), and the temp in some of the rooms was a bit on the high side and I was in shorts.
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.

Rani Zemirah

Well, I'm sorry I missed all the amazing costumes, but I'm not at all sorry to have missed the masses of sweltering humanity, and the heat, itself!  I really enjoy something with a bit more room to move around, and enjoy myself...

Guess I could always go as "the Boy in the Plastic Bubble", and have a little air conditioner strapped to my back, eh?  ;)  heheh
Rani - Fire Goddess

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