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Question About Belt and Bodice

Started by Saoirse_Anam, July 21, 2008, 01:34:28 PM

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This is the first year I'm wearing a belt, and I just realized that I don't know where it goes in relation to my bodice!! Mine isn't square, it comes down to a point near my naval. I think it goes just below the bodice, but I want to be sure. Help me out! Merci beaucoup!
Do it not for glory or profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something that did not exist before


It's personal preference, really, but I prefer to keep my belt snugly around my waist, so my hips can take the weight of whatever I'm carrying on my belt.  You can see it in this picture (tho' that bodice isn't particularly pointy).


Where it is in the pic is about where I figured it to just looks funny if you put it a lot lower than the bodice. Thanks for the answer!!
Do it not for glory or profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something that did not exist before

Master James

Is your bodice and overskirt separate or together?  If they are separate, then put on the overskirt, then put on the belt with all your hangers on them so that they are long enough to stick out from under your bodice.  Then put on your bodice.  The belt is hidden by the bodice and because its on top of the skirt, you can access everything you hang off the belt.
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Clan M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #59
RFC #51

Taffy Saltwater

Snug around the waist on top of the bodice.  That way you can whip it off when you visit the necessary and not worry about dunking any of your treasures - and who really wants a wet tail?


Quote from: Taffy Saltwater on July 21, 2008, 07:43:27 PM
Snug around the waist on top of the bodice.  That way you can whip it off when you visit the necessary and not worry about dunking any of your treasures - and who really wants a wet tail?

hmm it would appear someone else has dressed as a cat for halloween and forgotton a crucial costuming decision....
"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point.
That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know."

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

When I wear my wenchier bodices, I wear a nice leather belt with my pouch hanging off to one side. My hips bear the weight. The pther side, I have my Tankard straps and other miscalleanous items.
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde

Marietta Graziella

I belt on top of the bodice, at the hip level.  Tried it under the bodice and found it most uncomfortable.   I say, personal preference.
Nothing clever to say here.  Not enough caffine yet.


When I'm wearing a short/cropped bodice and I'm not wearing my sword I'll have my belt at my hips.  But, if I'm my renaissance-era corset I always belt it at my nature-waist (at skinniest point) and over the bottom where it swoops down a good inch plus below my belly button.  A tighter leather belt helps to keep my corset from shifting out of place.  Many women belt over the lower tip of their bodice to keep cheaper boning from bending!

"Bending? What's bending?" - quote from us women that have heavily boned bodices and corsets


I didn't even think about that...mine bends really bad (it makes me want to scream whenever I sit down), so I'll have to put my belt over the bottom tip. Darn you women who can afford well-boned bodices  :P
Do it not for glory or profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something that did not exist before

Taffy Saltwater

Quote from: Saoirse_Anam on July 22, 2008, 01:56:00 PM
I didn't even think about that...mine bends really bad (it makes me want to scream whenever I sit down), so I'll have to put my belt over the bottom tip. Darn you women who can afford well-boned bodices  :P

Can you open up the channels and replace the boning w/cable ties?


You can open up the channels in some bodices but you risk the integrity of the fabric.  It's better to remove stitches and sew it back up right to replace old boning... If you show the bodice to any seamstress they can tell you the best ways to do it.
And, properly boned bodices aren't always any different priced they the cheaply made one; you just have to know where to look.  Those of us that make garb as a hobby often make things for cheep and every fair has a few dozen hobby-seamstresses.