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He Never Should Have Said It....

Started by FortuneRose, August 01, 2008, 03:17:56 PM

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I sent my husband an email at work today reminding him our festival starts Aug 30th.  He sent me an email back saying he would pull out all of my stuff so I could go through and see if I had anything that would fit me anymore  (after having a baby my body just isn't the same size or shape...  and I KNOW with the weight alone my old stuff doesn't fit)..  and goes on to say that if I can't find anything we'll need to get something ordered or prepare to purchase at the faire.  HAHAHAHA...  he should have NEVER opened his mouth (or typed that out rather) because lord knows I have no time to sew anything with the wee-one around and I am ALWAYS willing to make a new garb purchase.  ::evil laughter::

Ah, where shall I start this year..... 

Joyce "Delfinia DuSwallow" Howard

Oh you lucky girl! Go for it, it'll make him happy. (lol)
MDRF Dandy  "Delfinia DuSwallow"
Sun'n Penny - Clan O'Morda
LandShark #71
Maker of Buttery Nipples


"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point.
That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know."


I think you have earned new garb!!  Happy Shopping.
IWG #3440
Landshark #19

Lady Amy of York

Oh No, she is on the loose now ! There will be no   stopping her now ! ;D
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Master James

I say GO FOR IT!  He went there, he can deal with it!  Besides I ALWAYS encourage my wife to buy more fabric if I'm not buying it!  Oh and I had to FORCE her to buy the bodice she wanted because she thought it was too expensive!  GEEEZ!  So HAPPY SHOPPING!   ;D
Why can't reality be more like faire?
Clan M'Crack
Royal Order of Landsharks #59
RFC #51


I've been a new mom four times over. They're darling, wonderful and scream like banshees. GO FOR IT!! You've earned it. Cravings, weight gain, hours of painful labor, no sleep.

Yep, you've earned yourself a right spiffy new outfit.
My journey from mundane to Ren Actor

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

I say ..."YOU GO GIRL!!" Shop to your heart's content and make it GOOD GARB!!!  LOOK STUNNING !!!

The baby weight will come off. With determination, discipline, you will have a better body than you started the pregnancy with.
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde


Good Grapes is the man demented or in his cups.   :) ;D  I hope the rent he gets from land and serfs is substantial because he is going to need it.
Ancient swordsman/royalty
Have Crown/Sword Will Travel


Have fun shopping and we expect to see pictures of what you get!

;) :)
Weddings & Events at Sherwood Forest Faire.
PR for life!


Go for it!

Giving life to a new baby definitely deserves new ren garb! yay :)
Clan M'Crack-Season M'Crack


Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL