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Men's Pants

Started by Kiss-me-Kate, August 03, 2008, 10:48:42 PM

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Hi Everyone,
Can you recommend a Big 3 Pattern to make basic garb pants for my bratty son?  He is seventeen and 5' 11".

Nothing fancy or complicated please, something I can knock out in an afternoon. 

I am using black broadcloth.


~ Notouchin' M'Crack
Pucker Up!

Lady Kathleen of Olmsted

Simplicuty 4059

McCalls 5446

Butterick 4574

Hope these are of help.
"As with Art as in Life, nothing succeeds like excess.".....Oscar Wilde


The most basic are 4 rectangles.

width of the side of the hip to the belly-button line, length of waist to ankles.

Here is one of the ugliest drawings of what I am talking about:



I use a pajama pants pattern. Try to get the one that consists of one pattern piece. You cut both legs together, sew up the inseam, tuck one leg inside the other, sew up the crotch, turn the legs out, sew a casing for elastic or drawstring and hem the cuffs. I spend more time pinning the pattern to the material, and then pinning the long seams on the pants legs together , than I do in the actual sewing.

Or, try for wrap pants.

Vive Ut Vive



A question about mens pants - um....<blush> does one sew a fly or some sort of trapdoor in the front of said trousers?  I mean, with a belt and vest over, possibly a second belt holding a pouch, a mug, etc,'s not very....practical to drop trou. 
Advice? suggestions?

I've been bitten HARD by the bug, and would love to do it right.

thank you,


None of Milord's pants have flies.  ('Course, come to think of it, not sure I've ever seen him use the privy at Fair.  :o Erm, that is, I mean I'm not sure I've ever seen him head off in the direction of the privies.  Yeah.)


I love my Pirate pants, they have buttons. Of course, I don't have to worry about all that in a kilt. Having said this, most of the pants I wear do not have a fly or opening, as that was not too common in early periods. I would LOVE to find a pattern that has a hidden fly or something though. Anyone have any ideas?


The pajama pants pattern has no fly. The wrap pants require no fly. Yes, it take a moment or two longer to drop trou, but I don't wait until the last minute and get in a bind. Personally, I welcome the opportunity to readjust the belt/pants/shirt/doublet.

If you do leave an opening, you've given yourself the perfect excuse for adding a codpiece.

Vive Ut Vive


Simplicity 4059 (above) has a really nice pants pattern.  There's a shaped yoke with a button fly.  It's not too tricky if you have some sewing experience, just be sure to mark everything carefully before you put it together.  It's probably more of a weekend project, though.

I have also used scrubs or pajama pants patterns with great success. They're fast and easy.  There are lots patterns out there for those (and big 3 patterns go on sale for $1-$1.99 all the time), but I think they're all pretty much the same.  For several years, my husband has worn scrub pants made out of pinwale corduroy stuffed into his boot tops.  No potty issues have been reported.


I picked up a pajama pants pattern. 

Since pattern directions are written in hieroglyphics to me, I will consult a friend/Maman to get me started.  I learn by doing, not by reading vague directions with crappy pictures. 

Thanks for the help everyone.  I hope to have them done this weekend. 
~ Notouchin' M'Crack
Pucker Up!

Welsh Wench

If you find it isn't working out, Kate, and you need something in a hurry?
Try scrub pants.

A friend of mine did that and no one knew.
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


Thanks honey.
I thought about that.  But I need a pair of black Lg/XL so of course I will never find a pair in time. 
I will find them when I am not looking.

I have the pants cut out, and will try working on them shortly.
~ Notouchin' M'Crack
Pucker Up!


Just a quick thing--don't forget to compare the pattern size you're using to a *real* pair of the gent's pants; mundane patterns can run *very* large.  I made Milord a pair of pair of pyjama pants last winter.  In real life, he wears an XL (40-42), but I think I ended up making him a *medium* from the pattern, and they're still roomy!


I got the legs started and will have a friend walk me thru the rest.  If they run large, I'll figure something out.
~ Notouchin' M'Crack
Pucker Up!


Too large = extra poof. Tuck 'em into boots on the bottom, and tighten the waistband, and its all good (within reason). I actually used a pajama pants pattern, but wanted it poofier myself. Might just be that pattern though...
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with catsup.