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How important are weapons to your persona?

Started by DonaCatalina, March 04, 2009, 09:04:50 AM

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Var Greyshadow

"Bloody 'ell hard ta be a guard with out yer weapons it is!" - exactly right, jcbanner!  Since I'm a Royal Guard at Scarby, having at least one weapon is required. 

However, even in my more fantasy Ranger persona, I woud feel very strange without my sword at my hip and my quiver on my back.  It seems like strapping on the sword is that final bit that really says, "I'm at faire!"  As far as the weapons being essential to the persona, I think my leather tunic and woodland shirt and pants would carry the image well enough even unarmed, but if I were truly roaming the Wild, I'd be armed to the teeth.
"All that is gold does not glitter; Not all those who wander are lost..." ~J.R.R. Tolkien "The Fellowship of the Ring"


My peasant characters usually cary a belt knife, which I use for eating. However my pirate character, Mad Mary Teach, is very definetly NOT armed. Character wise, she's not allowed to have them by order of the Captain. She's not even supposed to be off-leash while in public, as she's not fully house trained. In reality, I don't carry them because I spend a lot of time rolling around on the ground, climbing things, dancing and falling over. I'd probably stab myself.

Eric the Ugly

Oh, geeze. I'd feel naked without a weapon on my side. It may sound silly/shallow, but honestly, I don't think I could truely enjoy going to a faire that didn't allow weapons.

Having a CCW, I carry a handgun at all times, so on Fest days, I just switch to a more appropriate tool of self-defence. :)


I enjoy carrying my sword, dagger, whip, and bow and arrows (or some combination thereof) to faire, when allowed.  I think they help show who I am.  The bow can kind of get in the way sometimes, though (it's as tall as me!).  However, I go (or at least went) to some faires that did not allow weapons. 

Being an elven ranger who has had hundreds of years to train, the most important lesson I have learned is that *I* am the weapon and whatever I happen to hold in my hand is mearly an extension of myself, so I am never unarmed, even when I am visiting mortal lands that have laws against the wearing of weapons  :)
My (infrequently updated) costume blog:

Jezzy MacPeaks

I used to carry many blades, but now I carry a flintlock!  I can get by with a small blade, you never know when you're going to need to core an apple.  *lol*  But, I cannot stand to be at Faire without my flintlock.  I use it mostly as a handrest, which then allows for a really cool Piratical pose!  ;)
Pyrate Queen
Costumer, Extraordinaire
Hook'n of Clan M'Crack
Have Blunderbuss, Will Plunder


On the topic of flintlocks, I don't know how important they really are to my persona, but I can tell you they have a persona built into them that would likely rival that of a cast member or two.  no kidding, I have an introduction for three different pistols that describes each one perfectly, but you would never know its about a pistol!


 ;D I carry no edged weapons nor firearms... however, I do wield a fully loaded Renaissance Bubble Machine and for heavy artillery, a marshmallow catapult on a stick.
"It is only with the heart that one sees rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
   Antoine de St. Exupery

Jade Sapphire Emerald

Both at Faire and in the mundane world, I feel naked without my weapons, be it a pocket knife, throwing dagger, sais, or even a *poking stick* wand. My character is one of a traveller, more travelling bard (still working on her stories) who has seen much of the world while in search of her father. Being on her own alot, she needs to defend herself, and so, in turn, feels rather naked without her weapons, and defenseless against predators, animal or human!

In the mundane world, I just like sharp, pointy things, and I'm way overly prepared...

P.S. I actually had a dream recently where I went to faire and did not have a single weapon on me. Needless to say, I woke up a wee bit scared as if it were a bad dream!
-Formerly Emerald Rogue-
-AKA Jaden Karr-


Yes and no.
I'm still a work in prpgress, but part of the persona is "overpreparedness".  To that end, I am a boarding party unto myself with 6 pistols, 2 blunderbusses?....blunderbi?...blunder-s-bus? Whatever! a belaying pin (ok it's actually a big wooden pin used to secure theater ropes, but it serves) and a hand axe.  Could I go without them and still have fun? Sure, but that would be a dem big waste of money!!


Well... I don't carry any weapons per se. Most people who see me either recognize me or have heard of me and are afraid I have unstable chemicals on my person... ;D
Does anyone else hear a ticking sound..?


I've been known t' wear me "trophy wife" from tyme t' tyme (a lovely cutlass) ... but when thar be plunder t' be 'ad, she can get a bit in th' way - so she gets left behynd on those occasions.

... then again - wot persona?

I AM my persona!  8)
Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable


I'm a highlander, and being as how ever fair i go to takes place in england, I'm out numbered and aweapon is kinda required.  Now if we were in Scotland, then i probably wouldn't need a giant arse sword strapped to me back, cause then the numbers game would be in my favor.

robert of armstrong

I have found that strapping on my weapons tend to make me feel like I have finished putting on my persona - I don't often carry a sword, but rather a large bearded axe, war hammer and/or two-ball flail.
Always on the lookout for my next noble cause.

And because a flail don't need reloading, that's why.


Quote from: Macintyre on April 14, 2009, 11:19:25 PM
I'm a highlander, and being as how ever fair i go to takes place in england, I'm out numbered and aweapon is kinda required.  Now if we were in Scotland, then i probably wouldn't need a giant arse sword strapped to me back, cause then the numbers game would be in my favor.
That would depend on the number of MacDonald clansmen in the crowd, seeing how friendly the MacIntyres are with the Campbells. ;D
Malcolm Abernethy
Knight Commander, Order of the Blue Ribbon
IBRSC #1272
1608 Society
"Be the best you can be... considering."

Lady Christina de Pond

being me if i didn't have atleast one object with a point on it I would feel naked. we shall see how it goes since I"m a lady and i carry a sword and dagger.
Helmswoman of the Fiesty Lady
Lady Ashley of De Coals
Militissa in the Frati della Beata Gloriosa Vergine Mari