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I need some boots

Started by Realmwatcher, May 22, 2008, 11:57:27 AM

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when it comes to Renboots, I've heard very few praises about it.  The majority of people I've talked to complain about Renboots

there was a whole thread on it once but I don't remember where it is (it might have been on the old forums)


That is odd.  We have used them for 3-4 years.  Nearly all our guild has boots from them.  The ONLY problem I have run into was because an owner's family member died, and he didn't answer his phone for a week or so.  Our order of boots for my husband took 2 more weeks than expected, but we got them by our deadline.  They are affordable boots, but if you buy the 150-200 bargin ones you get what you pay for over the long run.  They will last 3-4 faire's of medium use, for some of our guild that means 3-5 years of wearing them to 1-2 faire's a year, other's it isn't worth the investment. 
My hubby has worn his in shows all over the world, and has had them for 3+ years and loves them.  Granted he wears them at least once a month for a day or two at a time.  He isn't a performer at faire.  If you are wearing them day in day out....get the Catskills or Bald Mountain. Your feet will thank you.
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


FWIW, my cheap, no-idea-of-a-brandname calf-height mocassin boots that I mighta paid $40 for have lasted me a decade of 9 weekends a year at Bristol plus a coupla other wearings throughout the year.  And that's typically 2 10-hour days per weekend where I spend basically all of my time striding around the grounds.

My cheap brown Jedi boots from here have sustained a coupla dozen wearings with no issue at all.  Including swing dancing in them a few times.  :)

I've got a cheap pair of black boots that fold down over my calf which are basically the same as the brown ones, just taller.  They've also been worn plenty of times with no adverse experiences.  I can't remember where I got 'em, but they were inexpensive.   ----  Now that I've looked at the scaboots site, I'm pretty positive that what I have are the "Big John knee & Thigh boots" that SCA sells.  (Same tread pattern, 7" zipper, etc.  They sure feel like pleather to me, despite sca's claim that they're actual leather.)   I'm pretty positive that I didn't get them there and that they cost quite a bit less than the $100 they want for them.  Regardless, they've held up fine.

The most important thing about footwear is that they fit.  You get a crappy fitting pair from anyone and you're gonna have issues.  (Now, before everyone jumps in and says that, "Well Sandlar will work with you until they're perfect." sure they will.  That's not really the point here.  :)   ) 

Doug "Doberman" Hillman

Grichels indentured servant.


I got boots last season from Native Earth and love them, and know lots of other folks who also swear by them.


I have some inexpensive Pirate boots I got at - pretty comfortable actually!


Oh and I'd like to also give anther thumbs up to Native Earth.  Many guild members have them and love them and some have had thier boots for 8+ years (and have resoled them).


Ditto the thumbs up for Native Earth. My two button shoes have 7+ seasons of hard wear on them, and IMHO look better than the day I bought them. One word of advice; get them nice and wet, and then wear them as they dry. They'll be much more comfy afterwards.

For good, cheap boots, I highly recommend a pair of plain black or brown Justin Ropers. They have a low, walking heel, and a wide rounded toe. They aren't the fanciest boots out there, but they are fairly well made, and can often be found for about $60.00 a pair.

Vive Ut Vive