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How do you wake up and get going in the morning?

Started by Valiss, October 15, 2009, 11:09:28 AM

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My 2 month and 15 day old little boy wakes me up every few hours so when i look at the clock and it feels like a good time to get up i do.
The Lady Kat.

Love with all your Heart, not just part of it.

Morgan Dreadlocke

120 lb Rottie dancing on yer full bladder usually does the trick.
My intentions are to commandeer a venue, sail to Tortuga, then pick, strum and otherwise play me weasily black guts out.

Tipsy Gypsy

0500- alarm goes off. Mutter, grumble, head for bathroom. Stagger to the kitchen for a Slimfast, then shuffle to the computer for a 15-minute blank-staring contest with the monitor. Cede yet another victory to the PC. Tiptoe past patio door to avoid alerting the puppy and starting a frenzied scrabbling at the glass for his breakfast (because he hasn't eaten since bedtime last night and he's going to starve, starve I tell ya!), flip on bathroom light, squint, begin morning toilette. Lather, rinse, repeat.
"It's just water, officer, I swear. And yeast. And a little honey. How the alcohol got in, I have no idea!"


I set my alarm at least a half hr before I actually need to wake up and I hit the snooze lots and lots until I'm basically awake...  Then get ready as quickly as possible.  Go to work and just wait to wake up...  no biggie since usually nothing big goes on in the morning!
Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Champagne the Bubbly
Bubbles the Fairy
Frost the Arctic Barbarian
Red the pirate

Lady Rebecca

For me, it depends on whether I'm showering in the morning or not. If I'm not, then I get up an hour before my first class (right when my cellphone alarm goes off - though I do set two other alarm clocks just in case, since I'm paranoid). I jump out of bed, put my contacts in, use the facilities/wash my face, then put my makeup on and fix my hair, get dressed, and eat breakfast while checking my email and/or facebook. Then I run out the door to class. If I'm showering, then I wake up 45 mins earlier, and that's the first thing I do after the contacts, and then I straighten my hair before the makeup.

Hausfrau Monica

Alarms anywhere from 4:30 to 6:30 depending on the day and then it is a toss up between who is more awake to go and make the TEA!  Gotta have tea!  Then I usually get to sip in bed for about 15 minutes.  Depending on the craziness of the day, I am up and making lunches and getting the guys out the door then I am usually putting something on over the jammies (who cares what you are wearing under a snow suit!) to walk the dog.  If I am opening the restaurant then it is a quick run to get dressed and if I have the day at home, it is sitting at the computer checking the usual sites and drinking tea and eating my oatmeal.


Plaxnty Burke played by Sarah Mullen.  No, I've not kidnapped her, though the thought is tempting :)  I have a clock radio that will play MP3s on a USB thumb drive.  I have Luna's Fancy ripped to that thumb drive.


Alarm clock, hit snooze.  Move dog, move other dog, move first dog again.  Small dog dances on bladder, smaller dog licks face and barks.  Alarm clock, turn off, get up to pee.  Return to bed, smaller dog rubbing herself all over my space, small dog barking and demanding to be played with.  Shower, deodorize, dress, leave.
Dayna Thomas
Nixie's Mom
Bristol FoF Hench
Education Goddess...yeah, right
FoF Merchant Liason/Merchandizing Maven


I'm been eating some almonds with breakfast recently. Almonds are a great source of vitamin E and they also have good amounts of magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, fibre and are a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat.  Alton Brown mentioned that they are the only nut in the top '10 super foods' list. So for breakfast I'll have some almonds, fruit and sometimes cheese. 


The little cold nose on the cheek and being licked on the ear pretty much does it.  :o
No sleeping in when Bailey is ready to go outside.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


It doesn't matter if the alarm is on or not at presisely 6AM my 25 pound Boston Terrier has to go outside, even if it is just to sniff the roses.  If I do not move after first bounce he will sit himself right by my head and start a very high pitched tinny whine.  If that still doesn't work he will do a short yap, and then an even louder high pitched anoying whine.  Then repeat each time getting louder and adding bed boucing shoves to the bed.  I will then crawl out of bed, let him out, got take care of my buisness, let him back in from doing his buisness.  If it is a weekend, back to bed for another 2-3 hours.  Weekday, grab clothes I laid out the night before, and head to shower.  When out , move the DH's to the bathroom.  Then head to the kitchen to prep lunches, & breakfast to go.  Somewhere in there feed the dog, feed the ferrets, and load/unload the dishwasher.  Hopefully by the DH is awake and moving, if not cheery to be so. The dog goes in his crate for the day. We grab stuff from the 'launch pad', and away we go.
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.

Capt. Morgan

Daylight Savings Time or nay, 7 days a week it's usually around 5:30AM I get a small gray paw belonging to my cat Smudge, on my cheek,/nose/ eye accompanied by a meow which translates to "'re awake? Well....while you're up you might as well feed me, my brother and the other one."
I can be one of those "bad things" that happen to bad people.


Taking dogs out for the first time in the morning wakes me up most of the way and coffee does the rest.
Usually up between 5 and 6 am.