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How much money do you spend on faire?

Started by Valiss, November 04, 2009, 11:12:46 AM

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If I and the cost of the FoF or the discount tickets in the case of TRF and Sherwood around $60 for food and tips.  More at TRF and Sherwood for camping fees.  Considering that a ball game ticket can be over $60 it a pretty good deal.
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin


I've already spent probably $150 for St. Louis Ren Faire this year (went with a vendor friend, who drove and we camped on site, so no gas or admission!).  That went to tips, food, and a new chemise.  I'm saving for the Kansas City Renaissance Festival, my home festival, because I'm getting a season pass this year. My spending plan:
$75 for the season pass
$8 in tips for the Jolly Rogers/Musical Blades per day ($4 each) plus $5 for other acts=$21/weekend in tip $= $147 for tips over the season
$8 a day for food (I'm planning on bringing either lunch or a snack each day...we'll see how this one goes because I looove faire food!)=$112 over the season for food
$200 for garb/accessories (I want to buy my first bodice and possibly an overskirt, and/or a belt)
$121 "extra" cash ($17 extra per weekend...lets me get at least one treat every weekend, ie a CD, a gift, something from the artisans. Could also probably go towards tipping.)
I'm planning to have $580 saved total by the beginning of faire. That figure doesn't include the season pass, so my total on KCRF this year will be around $655 for all seven weekends.  That doesn't include gas, but I'm about 20 minutes away from faire, so it shouldn't be that bad.  I could end up adding to that total and I probably will as I get my paychecks over the festival season. Add that to my St. Louis spending and my total for faires this year is $805.  It's the most i've ever spent on faire--but it's so, so worth it!

Ronald the Bald

So far this year around $3500. That is 8 weekends of Scarby, 1 weekend at Sherwood, 1 day each at Four Winds and Norman. The biggest expense was a pair of boots for over $1500. That one shouldn't have to be repeated. Still expect to go to Middlefaire at least one day and 1 or 2 weekends at TRF. Also am getting a bunch of new garb made so I expect to spend around $7000 this year. This is an exceptional year because of all the new garb.

In a normal year it should be around $3000 for the 2 of us. Back when I was much poorer I could do a full season of Scarby for under $500. Biggest expense are garb and motels. I don't camp. I need my sleep.

Lady Renee Buchanan

I'm afraid to add it up.

So far this year:

Airfare for 2 from Chicagoland to Florida.  Rental car in Florida for 5 nights, hotel for 5 nights, 2 people, 2 days BARF admission, plus gas, food, drinks, gifts, tips, & my new WONDERFUL ghillies from Heart & Sole, Willin Sole & Lady Nicolette.

Airfare for 2 from Chicagoland to Dallas.  Rental car in Dallas for 6 nights, hotel for 6 nights, 2 people, 2 days Scarby admission, plus gas (including a side trip to San Antonio & Houston), food, drinks, gifts.  And my new Moresca bodice & skirt.

Gas, food, drinks, admission, gifts, tips for me both days, Steve one day to Janesville.  Ditto for Dubuque.  One day gas, food, drinks, & tips, plus admission for 2 people for Peoria (Jubilee).

18 tickets to Bristol, plus 2 Fof memberships, we've been 1 day so far, so gas, food, tips, drinks, and whatever catches our eye to purchase while we're there.

Coming up later this year in Sept.  I'm going to MN with 3 friends, so gas, bought my BOGO ticket already,so saved 1 days entry fee.  Plus 3 nights hotel, food, drinks, MAYBE another pair of shoes from Heart & Sole.

Also Stronghold, in Oregon, IL.  Two days for me, 1 for Steve, so gas, entry fees, food, drink, tips, & gifts.

People say to me, "Don't you ever go on REAL vacations?"  Well, for us, what we do, is BETTER than a "real" vacation.  Though we could probably spring for a trip to the Caribbean with what we spend on faire.  Don't wanna!
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

What you said, Lady B!  Faire IS my vacation...  ;)
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


I use to save up all year for faire. Not that I still don't, but now I have to feed myself and being a poor college student, money goes elsewhere now.

I can't remember what year it was, but it was the same year Katrina hit New Orleans. I had a good 300$ saved up for my season at TRF, I was ecstatic. But then the hurricane hit and there was a fundraiser at school to help people. I lived around Houston and a lot of families from Louisiana had to relocate to where I lived, and I had made friends with some of those kids. As much as I love renfest, I couldn't justify keeping the money so I donated it all. I'm not going to lie, that was hard, but worth it :) My mom paid for my admission and gave me food money so I could still go, which was nice

I remember I went to TRF once and spent less than 100$ including admission, food, and some fun stuff, and I was pretty proud of that. I'd say over every faire ever, I've spent about...I have no idea, between 800-1000$ over 6 years? Honestly I don't know, but I usually take about 100$ with me to every weekend :/ Thats a lot of books for school eh?

Oh, anyone ever measure money in garb? A friend said he made some amount of money in one weekend and I said "that's like 4 bodices!" ;D
- Shanon (with just 1 N)

Home is where
the faire is


I'm sure you know, but if you work the faire, you get in for free. That alone will save you some cash, you get to have a great time and you get to stay after hours for all the real fun.  :)

Will Gamwell

How Many Faires?
Just 1.  7 weekends @ the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.

Being a performer myself as well as the fiance of a Belly Dancer . . . On average, about a $1000 per year.  Give or take.  The most, we've ever spent, about $2300.

For next year, we'll probably hit the higher mark.  Need a stage combat sword (or two), new boots, adding to the outfit.  And the belly dancer always needs new shiny things.


Doing really good this season, but now I need a new shirt AND pants.  Oi!

Captain Teague

We only have a couple single weekend faires close to us. And we try to attend 3-4 of the bigger ones per year.(Tampa, Georgia, Tn.,Scarby, LARF, and trying hard to get this Thanksgiving off for TRF ) With driving expense, motel and etc., plus we usually find some very well made items for our garb arsenal, I would say at least 1K per faire on average.

Faire is our vacation, yes.  ;D
The Code is the Law...


So far, my husband and I have only gone to SWFF and TRF. At each, I would say I am averaging about $100-$150. That however, is not including gas. Also, this is the first year we will be staying in a hotel, so that will be another $100 for a two night stay about 30 minutes away from TRF.

I don't see myself getting any garb this year, as I'm still researching different kinds and types that I would like to purchase ( if anything I MAY get a nice skirt if I see it. Not feeling bodices yet, or noble stuff). I do however want to buy a -lot- of CDs and tip rather heavily, since I won't be dropping $200 on a bodice.

I just wanna have fun in my garb this year, and I can be a high roller in a few more seasons!
2013 RenNado Survivor
Phoenix Risen


Well, so far, I've spent close to $20,000. But that includes booth space, tent rental, insurance, materials, packaging, displays and garb for 6 people. See, it doesn't sound quite so bad now.

I'll need to spend at least $2,000 more, because I'm paying my middle daughter $100 a day to babysit my two youngest daughters. they will be the beautiful, well behaved girls in the matching blue brocade.

I need to be child free so I can help my oldest daughter in the booth.

We had sure better sell a lot of soap!
Genevieve McQuilling
Slave Labor


I can't say that I have ever spent as much as many of ya'll have in a day during a whole season at TRF...
I think I average about 50-60 bucks a day. I am a cheap b*stard  ;)

I have 6 tickets for this TRF season I got on a half price deal a while ago, like $65.
It's about $10 for gas round trip.
I regularly survive a day at TRF with about $40 for chow, drinks and tips. I hardly ever 'shop' and even less likely 'buy' at all the vendors, unless I have something in mind ahead of time, for example I'll be bringing a little extra for opening weekend to get a music CD.

I only have a few items of garb that are only for faire, and my garb is simple- some shirts and vests, a couple hats, and some gillies. I guess over the last 5 or 6 years I've invested about 300 bucks in various items. I think the single most expensive piece was a leather vest I got a couple years ago that was about 90 bucks. I do not count the kilts and various items that go along with them, as I wear them pretty much all the time.
"Pants are for guys with ugly legs"
Member of Clan McLotofus,
IBRSC# 1619,
As seen in Renaissance Magazine


Once the admission is paid for I usually spend 150-200 at faire, including tipping and if I find something in the shop to buy.
"Love can make a summer fly, or a night seem like a lifetime." -Andrew Lloyd Webber

Lady Rosaline

I usually go to TRF 3 weekends a year, Sherwood Fair once or twice, and Scarby once. At TRF, I usually start the weekend with about 250 to 300 a weekend. Which has to cover gas, 400 miles round trip in a large truck 100 min., 2 tickets at 16 or 18 dollars each, food and drinks, and camping. So that leaves me about 50 or so for tips, trinkets, etc.

Sherwood cost about the same.

Scarby, I have to add hotel cost and a lot more gas. So it runs me at minimum 500.

And that doesn't cover the cost I spend on garb, which I either make or have been given most of, things for camping, and booze for camp grounds.

When I take the kids you can add 100 to 200 more per trip. I only get 1 trip a year alone most of the time.
So I guess in a year 2500 to 4000. And if I had more to spend, i would.
I'm the reason the rum is gone! (Unless Teach is near by!)