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A Cautionary Tale

Started by Seamus Ex Machina, November 10, 2009, 05:40:16 PM

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Seamus Ex Machina

Saturday, 11/7, around 9 AM

It was gorgeous fall as I cruised north on I-75, enjoying the sound of dual exhausts and the cell phone ringing.  The latter brought news that the whole gang was on the way, and remarkably, even on time.  We were headed to a RennFest in central Florida, with locals on site. This meant a good faire with friends we hadn't seen in a while,  a great after-action party at the ranch, and a place to crash.   This was going to be a weekend to remember....

I pulled in, made the rounds, and changed.  Guinness and mimosas were passed around.  We caught up.    Dear God, the private lives of Rennies....

We headed inside, and the changes were not subtle.  The economic downturn has taken it's toll on everybody, and apparently RennFaires are no exception.   About a third of the vendors were gone.  The crowd that morning for the one weekend faire was sort of sparse, I thought.

Doh!   I had left my wallet in my pants pocket, and had to walk all the way back to the parking lot to get it.  I left my full mug with friends, and started the long walk back.

Picked up mug, friends and cigar.   You wanna interview us for a documentary?   But, of course...BTW, I give one helluva interview.   Head to the beer truck for the third beer of the day.

Beer School!  I graduate top of class.  Total of samples;  maybe two beers.   Something not right, Houston...I haz a goofy.....

After a grand total of 6 beers and 3 hours, I was in a tent, trying to master the zen-like complexity of sitting upright.  I fail.

Blackout.   Total loss of memory till around 7:00 that evening.

The photos are on FaceBook, and they are spectacular.

I had been drugged.  Slipped a mickey.  I had  committed the ultimate in stupid mistakes:  I had let my mug out of my sight.   I do not blame my friends for this, because I know better.  I want to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of them for taking care to see that some one was with me constantly.  I was given plenty of water, and a comfortable spot on the grass behind a tent to sleep it off.  I don't remember eating pizza, but  I apparently did.   Judging by what was left in my wallet, it came out to around $20 a slice.....I don't remember walking around the faire that afternoon, yet apparently I did.   I channeled Tucker Max.   It was Weekend at Bernie's. I came to later that evening, doing 90.   Fortunately, I was not driving.

I slept for 12 solid hours that night, a near impossibility for me.  I woke with a metallic taste in the back of my throat, and a curious finish to the evening;  there was no hangover, just a vague poisoned feeling.  The next morning we discussed it for hours.   Most of you know my lifestyle.   I like to drink.  A lot.  And I will take the piss for being drunk, as I have in the past and most assuredly will in the future.  Six beers is a good start, not an excuse for a 3 hour nap in the sunshine. I don't believe I was the target.  My very attractive friend whom  I had left my mug with was indeed the target.  I drove home and slept another 12 hours.

Yes, it was quite the weekend to remember, kiddies....

This has happened several times at numerous faires.   I want this to be the last time it happens.  This is why I have come forward. I must let my good friends here know that at that relaxed, friendly Faire that you and your friends and family are enjoying yourselves, lurks a miserable SOB that intends to do you harm.

Stay safe.

Legendary Hellraiser


Wow, Seamus, I'm glad neither you nor your friend was hurt.  When I was newly legal and going to clubs I always watched my drink at every moment b/c of this very reason.  As I've aged I've become more lax, thanks for the reminder that we must continue to be cautious, even at our beloved faire.


Wow Seamus .. that was quite a scary adventure. I hope nobody will go through this again and I'm so happy you are OK.
Gypsy Fur Trader
Ette,Divine Oracle

My goal in life is to be as good of a person
as my dog thinks I am.


I'm so glad you're OK!

My hubby got drugged once at a bar, it's a frightening experience!  He doesn't remember much of it but it scared the hell out of me!
Got faerie dust?

Welsh Wench

Please everyone watch this video.

Can you even see it the first time around? I couldn't.  It is so easy to slip something into someone's drink.

Seamus, I talked to you at 4:30 and you did make sense. A little groggy but I wrote that off to the first-faire-of-the-season celebration.

So glad you are fine!
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Anna Iram

I've been considering getting a leather mug lid made or using a pretty lace hanky like our royalty does. Up till now to keep out the dust, but all things considered, not a bad idea for other reasons as well.

Glad to hear you, or your friend were not seriously harmed, and glad to see your friends had your back!


Glad you're okay, and I hope this never happens again, to anyone!
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL

Captain Jack Wolfe

Thank God you're OK, Seamus, and that you had friends close by to make sure nothing else happened.  I'm looking forward to seeing you in March, and I don't want anything spoiling that!  ;D
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Rani Zemirah

I'm so very glad you're ok, dear, and so incredibly angry that there are people out there that find this sort of thing either humorous, or far worse, a means to an end.  Glad of the reminder to watch out for each other, though...
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Rowan MacD

Quote from: knarlyknot on November 10, 2009, 05:48:51 PM
When I was newly legal and going to clubs I always watched my drink at every moment b/c of this very reason.  As I've aged I've become more lax, thanks for the reminder that we must continue to be cautious, even at our beloved faire.
It's been awhile since I'd heard of this nasty little piece of work being pulled.   
   I used to watch my cup like a hawk, even going so far as to pouring out my drink if I thought someone had a chance to tamper with it.  Thanks for the warning.  I was getting waaay too lax.
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt

NoBill Lurker


So glad it turn out for the best for you Seamus...

What a way to start out the Faire season!
So what are you doing this weekend?
I'm going to BARF!!!
You're going to...wait...WHAT???


Well Seamus, thank you for the "very attractive" part however you may be a bit

For everyone out there, I am that friend. Another friend of ours was with me while waiting at a vendor tent for Seamus to retrieve his wallet to make a purchaseand we were pretty close to his mug on the table. I picked the mug up to move it closer to us which may but what caused someone to think it was mine if that is the case.  Only two others came near that mug sitting on the vendors table in that time, one the vendor, two a female patron a "mundane".

In line with the thought that it may have been meant for me..............We went to beer school..........unbeknownst to anyone but myself and Seamus I dont drink dark beer, all my beer samples which were REAL SMALL dixie cups were given to Seamus it is possible it happened there as well.

I personally feel horrible that this happened on my watch of his mug or my passing of my drinks.  However, it should not have happened at all.  I feel violated, as if someone came into my home to hurt me or my friends and family.  Faire is suppose to be a "safe" place a family event, it now worries me.  I will be putting a cover over my mug as some have suggested and will no longer set it down anywhere.

Seamus, no need to thank anyone I am certain for being there for you thru this tha is what we do and you have done it for many.  We need to get this information out however so everyone at every faire knows to watch out!
The Lady Phoenix
Wicccan Warrior
Wench at Heart
AKA *poison grace*
Risin' M'Crack
Cruise Director Clan O'Conner

Lady Kett

I'm glad you are ok Seamus, and well, mean people suck. It is indeed a warning for all of us to beware.


I'm so glad you're ok Seamus!! This is awful!!
Royal Protector of Raccoons, Mistress of the Poi, Best Friend of Windland/Nim, Guppy, Seamstress for The Feisty Lady.


We still love you both, and if you figure out who did this, be sure to let me know. I will send Guido (he does kneecaps)! Please take care and stay safe. I miss you both, and want to see you again at BARF.
Peddlin M'Crack
Countess of Tyrone
IWG #3790, Local 96