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Prayer request

Started by Xantrawler, December 08, 2009, 08:29:11 PM

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Sorry about the late response but you and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers at this time.

God Bless you as always my friend.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


Sorry it has been so long since I posted, but as some know I was in the hospital for a bit. Well, I relapsed after my next chemo round and my counts dropped way down. So far down I ended up back in the hospital and getting a transfusion of blood, 2 units.

Besides that, after I got out the first time I was draggin. It was literary a 24 hour job for me to take care of myself. My wife did help, but there is only so much she can do when I curl into a ball, duck my head under the covers and all my replies are "Myfu gathorn unhumpthscron neyfarken barbie shrimp"

I knew fighting cancer was going to be rough and one of the hardest things I ever did, I just didn't know how rough. I'm going to talk in detail about the last three weeks in my blog on myspace. Since you don't have to be a member to read it go ahead and have a look.

One bit of good news, while in the hospital they did a CAT scan and compared it to the MRI done in Dec and the tumor has shrunk. I thank the Lord for this and all of you who kept my family and me in your prayers, it does work.

Now, I'm off to convince Lady Amy that all us survivors of 08,09 and the start of 2010 should gather at Sterling and do a Maypole dance in honor of us who have survived catastrophic events, or in memory of one who fought the brave fight.


You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so glad things are looking brighter for you.
A brave fight indeed!
Maybe Sir Douglas could help bring about the 'pole dance'?
Take care my 'partner in crime'....hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)


Xantrawler, I am glad to hear that you're humor is with you, and know that I am sending thoughts of strength & healing your way ~ and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you at Sterling this season  :)
50% Endora, 50% Aunt Clara.

Lady Amy of York

Xantrawler,  I am happy  to hear  you are doing somewhat better my friend. Prayers  and  friends  can  do a  wonderful  thing for  the  healing  process.

Oh, I plan on being there at Sterling.   I can't leave  you  by  yourself  to keep  an eye  on  Irish.   ;D ;D :)

I love  the maypole   survivor  dance  idea !  ;) 
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


My friend I'm glad to hear that things looking up for you now and that you can finally be at peace again. Keep the faith and continue to keep us posted on how you are doing.

God Bless you as always.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


I went to the doctor this past Wednesday. It was the one month checkup after completion of treatment. This visit is to see how I am doing and how recovery is going. We went over a few things I need to do and the doctors talked about any problems. When I told them that I still have a lot of problems with my mouth, especially the back of my throat they scoped me.

The scope is no big deal, a slim fiber optic tube that slides up your nose and down the sinus cavities to the back of the throat. First one doctor then the other looked.

They found nothing!!! The tumor is gone!!! The head Doctor even reached in and palpated and could feel nothing. As of right now I have no tumor, not even a small itty bit.

I have to have an MRI in two months to confirm this and check to make sure the lymph nodes are clear but for now it is the happiest time in my wife and mine life. I can't thank you all for the support, the prayers and the positive energy.

Now all I have to do is concentrate on my recovery, which is going to take a couple more months, but with all the support I have and after what I have been through it will be nothing.

Thank you all and bless you all


Lady Amy of York






Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


What wonderful news!   
I am so happy for you both! 
Keep your positive thoughts going and all will be well! 
You are always in thought and prayer! 

irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)


I'm so glad to hear that everything is looking up for you now and that the tumor is completely gone. I'm so happy for both you and your wife.

God Bless you as always my friend.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


Just a quick update. It has been three months since I finished treatment for my cancer. Today I had an MRI done and not only is the tumor gone, as I have already reported, but the doctor saw nothing in the lymph nodes.. As of right now I am cancer free. Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts.  I look forward to Starling even more so I can claim my hugs from Lady Amy and irish. I still have the road of recovery to walk, but I am happy with the doctors report. Now to get just a little bit better so I can have turkey legs. Thank you all and God bless
Frank and Lillian


irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)

Lady Amy of York

Excellent news  my friend ! ;D
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Pharmar Greybeard & Maria