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blog to be posted

Started by rengypsy, March 08, 2010, 10:21:05 AM

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so, here is the blog to be posted on our website, but since my communications with yall began here, i will post my thoughts here first.

we love yall.  we feel your presence and your support.

A beautiful beginning...

The First Annual Sherwood Forest Faire is well under way.  We are dreaming in color and three dimension.  We've pinched ourselves many times to see if we will wake up, but the dream just just persists...and so many of your shining, beautiful faces are all around us in this dream.

It's been amazing trip to get us to this point.  

Our attendance numbers have exceeded 7,000 for the first two weekends.  The exit surveys have been over the top.  We have addressed glaring shortcomings (ie. too few restrooms, need for more trash cans, better parking directions, signage)...and we will continue to work diligently toward making Sherwood a first class entertainment venue for Texas.

Our internal goals for Sherwood are extremely high.  Our business principles are: (1) Authenticity, (2) Quality, (3) Family Orientation, (4) Fun, (5) respect, (6) support for art, music, theatre...

Our forest is magical.  It is magical because we entered it with the deepest respect for nature, for protecting the wonderment of what was there before we entered.  It's magical because it is a place where many people have built their individual dreams.  It's magical because there is a strong sense of community being developed here.  It's magical because magic attracts magic.  Love attracts love.  Peace attracts peace.  Trust attracts trust.

The world too often has been jaded and loses any belief in miracles or dreams coming true.  But dear friends, Sherwood is a physical and spiritual manifestation of the power of many people hoping, desiring, and hand-in-hand building something spectacular that will outlive our own lives.

I am taken back to the streets of England twenty two years ago when i watched folk working on one of great cathedrals of the old country.  I stood there and watched as stone masons chiseled away at rock...and realized the original builders started a work they would not see finished in their life time.  They were building something more substantial--something to stand for centuries.

George and I, with your help and commitment, are building Sherwood for centuries to come.  We know property values go up...and the allure is to cash out for great profits; but, George and I have had long discussions about our mission, our purpose for Sherwood.  And we want our kids and their kids and kids for generations to come to be humble caretakers of the vision of Sherwood.

We are dreaming with you.  We feel your passion, your respect, your bathing praise for just allowing Sherwood to have a life of its own...over and beyond what structures we build.

It's such a spectacular journey walking beside you.  Each day of faire, before, during and after, George and I are touched beyond belief by your energies.  

We find ourselves in tears by the warmth of each of you.  Sherwood is yours.  It is built on firm foundation of a respect that we are all on this journey together and each of us has a means to make the journey more meaningful.

Sherwood is a journey of shared responsibilities, shared work, shared vision, shared hopes.

Embrace this Forest.  Bring your best to this experiment of business, entertainment, community, art, music and love.

Tell us what we can do to make the experience even better, more meaningful.  Swim with us in the deep waters...and know the fullness of this excursion.

Sherwood is strong.  It's spirit, it's soul, it's family is well-rooted in fertile soil...and will continue to grow, fed by your energies.

Thank you for making this venture a heart-felt one that has changed us in so many ways.

Humbly and most respectfully, your servants,

Rengypsy and Lord Antioch

it's all about the journey and the people we choose to make the journey with