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10th "Castleteer Gather'n", DECA list'ns

Started by Old Tinker, July 26, 2010, 02:09:16 PM

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jinx  We will for sure bring guacamole and chips (Joseph's contribution, since he makes the -best- guacamole I've ever had).  I will more than likely bake something...probably pumpkin-walnut cupcakes with and without cream cheese icing, since I want to make cupcakes, and those sound super good right now.  xD
Mischievous Little Imp.

Maeve McMayhem

Not sure what we're bringing yet... I'll check back in soon and let ya know!
IWG #3771
1/2 of Misplaced Laces

Sir Samuel

please good scribe put us down for Home made potato salad. maybe more to be announced later
Knight Templar
Knight of Malta
Knight of the Order of St. John
In God I (WE) Trust
Prince of the True Name
Defender of all Widows, Orphans and Damsels in Distress


I will be there on Friday night through Saturday afternoon, most likely, though no overnight on Saturday due to family obligations. Not sure for food, yet!
Lost Viking
ORF Street Cast - Dilettante Scruffins
IWG #3856 - Kaitrin O'Dulchaointigh


Captain Blondie
~:Rose Of the Seven Seas:~


Chime'n Penny / Cheiftess Clan O'Maille
Irish Penny Brigade
Guppy #90
IWG #3740 Local #57
Lost Viking
Booth Owner @ KyRF & ORF
Keeper of All Bells & Chimes
RESCU Rally Captain ORF &  KyRF

Ariyana the hugging wench

Our friend Amy seems to be thinking of coming to the gathering  with Christina again this year so please add her to the list. No idea what I might make... too far away to be able to know.

Oh and if he is not on the list already, Jeff Rooks and his wife Tammy (Of our very own Minstrel Woode) is planning to be there. Not sure about the other members at this time


Papa, could you tentatively add one Mr. Newby to the list?  Not as anyone's guest; he's already a Castleteer, but he mentioned he may show up, and I told him I'd make sure he was on the list just in case. :)
Mischievous Little Imp.

Paul Blackpowder

I do believe I said it earlier, but my food for the dinner will be meatloafs. Also, Look for postings frm Charlene Black, Ray Smeltzer, and Kevin (I believe) Harney. They have also evinced an interest, dear sir.

Paul Blackpowder

Milord Tinker, I am adding Charlene Black as another guest, if you please, good sir.

The Phoenix

I would like to extend my gratitude for the invitation and I look forward to the adventure!


I will be there!

Elvish dragonfly
Bugs'n M'Crack Clan O'Maille
sister of Lady Pegos


I have two more guests to add to my list!  I'm sure some of you remember the wonderful Mr. Blue, as well as his lovely Mrs. Blue!  They'll be coming, and bringing shepherds pie, and possibly some other things.  ^.^
Mischievous Little Imp.


merry meets-renrat and zeent wish to attend this gather'n. sounds like great mischievous fun. hope to meet lots of wonderful folks.      blessed be......


Myself, Zyn and Kelsey (we all attended in the spring) wish to attend again this time 'round.  We'd also like to add 5 others from our festival who are interested (can provide names, if you wish?)...if it's not too late to add ourselves, that is!

I can bring soda pop (that seemed to go over pretty well in March).  Not sure what everyone else's intentions are.