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A Gypsy Tale

Started by SarviaRose, June 04, 2008, 09:08:42 PM

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Caitlyn watched as Jasper and Robert went to hunt, she wasn't very worried Fenella was there and as she entered camp Molly came running up to her and hugged her tight.

"Cait oh I have missed you so much. You have changed so much." Molly stared at her sister.

"I know I have been throw much also. I am a widow now." Caitlyn said trying to get her sister to stop looking so worried.

"So he is gone. That pig who hurt you so much is finally gone." Molly stated.

"Yes Mol he is gone. I am sorry we have been gone so long. You needed us here."

"Caitlyn, don't you dare say that we all knew you would come back when you could."

"Take me to the sick and hurt. I can heal them."

"Fenella has been waiting for you, the herbs and her magic are not working. She says your magic can heal with a touch she just needs to tell you how on some of the harder case."

Caitlyn followed Molly to a large tent where it looked like most of the camp was located. She looked in horror to see Johnny laying hurt she ran to him and with out thinking brought him into a hug. Molly and Fenella watched as the color in Johnny's face returned.

"Cait is that you?"

"Yes little brother it is me."

"You would be so proud of me I fought very hard."

"Shh Johnny rest you will be better soon." Caitlyn mumbled some words and put Johnny into a dreamless sleep.

Fenella than came over and took Caitlyn's hand.

"Child I know you will be able to do this. You will be tired very tried when you are done and unable to help if something attacks before Robert and Jasper return."

"I understand."

Caitlyn's eyes looked over the group and wonder where her parents where she thought they would have come to see her or be here in the tent. She shook her head and started working. Before long Caitlyn could feel the energy level dropping greatly and prayed Jasper and Robert would return. She was on the verge of passing out when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Sister take a break you need one. You have taken care of the ones in the most danger. Already, let Fenella work on the others for awhile."

Caitlyn didn't say anything but Molly took her hand and forced her to leave the tent. She didn't remember hearing Molly yell for Chad to come help her. All the sudden she felt herself being lifted into the air.

"Caitlyn you need to eat."

Molly slapped her sister again Caitlyn wasn't asleep she was just staring into nothingness.

"Molly please stop."

"Dad!" Caitlyn snapped out of the daze.

"Yes Cait, now please eat or I will let Molly hit you again."

Caitlyn took the bowl that was offered to her and started to eat. She looked around some more greatfull that her father was okay.
However it didn't take long for her to notice. She dropped the bowl and felt her dad put his arms around her.

"She's gone isn't she"

"Oh Cait. You don't know how much I wish I could tell you that she was here, but don't loss hope she was taken we don't know where she is."

George put arms around Caitlyn and hugged her close. Caitlyn could feel tears coming down her face but didn't care. Molly was about to hand Caitlyn another bowl when they heard screaming outside. Caityn jumped into action not heading Fenella's words.

She gave Molly and a few others salt to form a circle around the camp.

"Leave this place now." Caitlyn ordered.

There was no response only growls and a few flaming arrows came into camp. Caitlyn could feel her father behind her she knew she didn't have enough energy to force them away.

"Dad you are going to have to catch me"

Before he could respond Caitlyn muttered a spell and was lifted up into the air. The people left in the camp watched as she started to spin as she shot fire into the darkness around the camp. It had the effect she wanted she could see and hear the enemy retreat. The last of her energy left and she feel back to the ground and was caught by her father.

"We will be left alone tonight. Robert and Jasper will be here soon, George take Caitlyn to tent you have for her and Jasper."

George wrapped his daughter in blankets and said a prayer that she would be safe in the tent until Jasper arrived. True to Fenella's word Jasper and Robert came back shortly. Fenella told them what had happened and where Caitlyn was. Jasper ran to the tent and saw Caitlyn was sleeping and again it was trouble. He crawled in under the blanket next to her and held her close.


"Yes my love."

"I'm happy you are back." She leaned up and kissed him softly and feel back asleep.

Caitlyn woke up a few hours later, Jasper was sound asleep. She got out of the tent and found Robert sleeping next to the fire which was now very low. She restarted the fire and took a seat next to her big brother.

"Cait you should be sleep."

"As should you. I saw Jenny she has her own tent now. I am sure she would share it with you."

"I was so tired this is as far as I made it. You make this magic stuff seem so easy."

"I've had more experience. You've just learned you have magic. I still over do it like today."

Robert sat up and hugged his sister. "Caitlyn you know Jasper and I will never let anything happen to you."

"I know but Mother is missing." Again tears started to come down again.

Robert's hug tighten. "Don't worry little sis. Now go back to bed sleep, I'll put sleep on you if I have to. I know you have been troubled in your sleep."

"Okay Robert, I will go back to bed but you do not have my permission to put sleep on me just yet."

Caitlyn got up and headed back to her tent. Jasper was awake when she came in.

"Caitlyn come back to bed."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


It was nearing daylight and something woke me up, I jumped too find it was just the women fixing breakfast and happily putting on the Elk we had brought back the night before too roast upon the fire.

Caitlyn was still sleeping Jasper had said she was exhausted from healing the sick there and she needed her sleep so I told Jasper of the hooded creatures last night in the woods and what they had, the effigy of the leader of the gypsies.

Jasper surprised me when he told me the story of the camp being attack during the time I was gone and this troubled me greatly, I told him we need to go out and scout for signs of the enemy  who was there last night and he agreed.

Everything in camp seemed quite and Jasper wanted too go with me but I managed to get him too stay for Caitlyns sake and he reluctantly did, quickly I saddled my horse and was moving out making circles around the camp looking for signs.

Then suddenly I found what I had been looking for a blood trail, it was old obviously from last night but it was  clear and I began too trail it deep into the woods, the tracks seemed to fall harder and harder fore they became deeply embedded in the sandy soil and then I found where the thing had either fallen or laid down too rest fore there was a great deal of clotted blood there and much sign that it squirmed around a great deal but no sign of the others they travelled in the same direction but far ahead of this one.

I made a couple of circles about the camp site but found nothing of evidence that he'd wandered around while there so I began too trail him again deeper and deeper within the forest and then there ahead of me upon the trail lay the emaciated figure of the creature face down.

I dismounted my horse and tied it too a branch and pulled the heavy boar spear from the loops upon my saddle and walked cautiously toward the figure, it never moved so I pocked it with the spear and it still lay motionless.

I used the spear to flip what was left of its carcass over and found it too be a hideous disfigured man or what was once a man, it appeared too have been in great pain and died hard.

It was then that the Hermit appeared before me "Young Squire!" as he usually said, never fear its dead!.

As you see its been dead for a long time and someone has brought it back from its grave too do their unholy bidding!, there is a wizard in at the last mountain in the pass where you were last night he has the power too raise the dead as his army of minions and has taken control of a village beyond the mountains why even now he tries too stop me as I give you this news!, he has some strong powers indeed but he's a fool for he spent his main time learning the destructive arts of violence and killing  and those arts associated with it like raising the dead.

He can be defeated!, but beware he does the bidding of the witch who has vexed you all now for sometime she is further too the North!.

To defeat this wizard the sword will be useless, you must work with Caitlyn!, he can only be defeated but trickery and magic stronger than him!, you cannot win by using force against him, learn what he doesn't know and you can kill him with that!.

After that the Hermit disappeared and I was now completely vexed!, how can we kill something with what is not a weapon but by deception?, I knew I must get too Caitlyn soon and I spurred the horse forward and rode quickly back too camp!.


It was about midmorning when Jasper started to worry that something was wrong with Caitlyn. He had helped Fenella make some potions after Robert convinced him to stay at camp. Fenella seem to look even older than her remember he was about to ask when she turned to him as if she could read his mind.

"You know how the hermit is Robert's guide. I am Cait's and as she gets stronger the older I become, I have lived a long life and as with the hermit I will never really be gone. I will always to there to help Robert, Caitlyn and you. You Jasper have to start believing in the powers you have."

"My powers are nothing compared to there and I don't know if I want them. I see what they do to Caitlyn she is exhausted right now and Robert gets that way also."

Fenella let out a laugh. "The both will learn their limitations. Caitlyn wanted to help everyone and make sure they where safe she over did it. She will be okay. Why don't you go wake her?"

"I think I shall." Jasper headed out of the old women's tent and to the one he shared with Caitlyn.

"Jasper?" A small voice said as he entered.

"Yes love."

"Join me."

Jasper crawled under the blanket and took Caitlyn in his arms. Jasper gently kisses Caitlyn.

"Are you okay Cait?"

"I am fine, a little hungry and a little tired."

"Do you want me to go get food?"

"No just stay here they can do without us for awhile."

Jasper looked down at Caitlyn and saw the big smile she had on her face.

Eventually the couple exited the tent. Jasper went to get some food for them and Caitlyn headed to Fenella's tent.

"Child you look well rest."

Caitlyn blushed. "Is there anyway we can put some sort of field around the camp at night?
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


As soon as I arrived back at the camp I immediately began looking for Caitlyn, she wasn't in her tent and I couldn't find Jasper either and I was begining to think that something had happened when I heard Caitlyns voice with Fenella.

I called too them and Fenella bid me enter, I immediately related the story the Hermit had told me and what he said about if we were to defeat the wizard it will have too be without weapons for he is nearly invinceable at them.

Fenella listened intently but then shook her head, "No he's not invincible but he has sold his very soul for the knowledge he has and that makes him very very dangerous!".

I said too them both that as I rode back toward camp I asked myself if too defeat him we must beat him a way besides with weapons so I thought well whats the opposite of "Hate?, its Love!, isn't it?".

Fenella and Caitlyn were thinking I'd fell of my horse and hit my head when I said "just wait now!", " He has zombies doing his bidding right? and they were once human so if they can hate they might could also love!".

Caitlyn said "What on Earth are you talking about?".

Its very simple I said, they feed on hate now and desire too destroy us but if they remain with enough emotions to hate what if we could place one of the strongest desires possible upon those evil things, what if we could make them have such a desire too be near the wizard that they would tear down the walls and gates around his castle too be nearer too him?.

Either he would have too destroy his own zombies else they will destroy everything he has too possess him! and once they have him he cannot defend himself!, then we can destroy him.

At worse it will drastically change his evil plans!.


Fenella thought it was a good idea but she said she needed some things before they could begin such a large spell, Caitlyn looked at me like I was crazy but Fenella told her it was possible especially for a short time and maybe long enough they could wreck the wizards castle.

Jasper and I went along with Caitlyn and Fenella but it wasn't long before the Hermit showed up and told us too only stay within hearing distance for the herbs they would gather were more potent when gathered by trained practicioners, he went further on too tell me that he was proud of my new abilities but discouraged I hadn't advanced further, then he laughed because I knew he was joking.

It was about this time we began too notice tracks coming too and from the area of the pass where the wizards castle was and we both knew immediately they had scouted the gypsy camp and likely would attack tonight!.

I turned too Jasper and bid him defend the women with your life young Jasper I must warn the camp and get them too making preparations for battle in case this plan doesn't work but Jasper grabbed me by the arm and said "Robert you have taught us well and I can get the people started on defences the way you showed me but you must stay with the ladies for your sword is more powerful than mine and you have magic as well, let me go too the camp!".

I didn't like the idea of Jasper going so far back through the forest alone but it was daylight and the zombies only attack from dusk until dawn they sleep during the daylight so I let him go.

Jasper had left about fifteen minutes when I got the strangest feeling something was wrong but I couldn't quite discern what! so I spotted a hawk flying high above and began too concentrate upon him and soon we joined and his eyes became as mine.

From his view point I could see several mounted and heavily armed horsemen  riding away about a mile from where I was, I bid the hawk too swoop down and see who they were and too my horror I could see Jasper wounded and unconscience slung across the saddle of one of the horses.

As the great bird swooped down I could see the eyes of the vile knights who rode away they were fearsome and they're eyes were completely black with no white showing "They are possessed!", I thanked the hawk for his help and left him to fly his own way and hurried toward Caitlyn and Fenella I had too tell them what had happened!.


I called desperately too my sister and Fenella but they were not too be found and I ran across the meadow down into the valley beyond where I found them near a small creek gathering herbs, I told Caitlyn that Jasper had been taken and she immediately tried too go too him and Fenella and I both had too hold her back but finally she realized with Fenella's guidance that to go now might bring the death of not only Jasper but for her as well.

We took what they had gathered and carried it back too camp, Fenella insisted on keeping some special herbs covered from the light and only she should hold them but after what seemed an eternity we finally reached the camp.

Fenella took Caitlyn by the hand and led her off toward the wagon too work but first she turned too me and said "Robert what we are up against is some of the strongest magic I've seen so do what you can for these people for if Caitlyn and I fail the only thing standing between us and them are you and a few of our own men!".

Well this did nothing too improve my confidence in the situation but I mustered as many men as we had that were fit for duty, it was too late in the day too even try digging a ditch around the camp but I knew another way I'd heard of and that was too saw off thorny bushes and drag them into a makeshift fence with the bushy and thorny parts sticking toward the outsides and with all the men soon we had a fairly good fence around the camp.

I then divided the men sending half too cut saplings for makeshift spears and half too drive stakes down into the brush fence too help anchor it in case of attack, I didn't tell them but I had some trusted men dowse the thorn bushes with pitch for it they breached our wall the price would be high fore I'd set it ablaze as a last resort.

The sun began decending down beneath the trees and the shadows grew long as the last of my men returned too camp with the fresh cut sapplings and we pulled the last of the fence into place covering the only opening to camp now I told them sharpen the the sapplings and harden them upon the fire they may be nothing more than sticks but the further we can keep those zombies away from us the better and we'll use our swords, axes and daggers as a last desperate stand.

I told the men of the dire things ahead of us and bid them if the wall is breached and the camp is overrun there is no cowardice too save yourself fore if you get a chance else they make zombies of all of us and descend upon some other wretched village.

We built fires inside and outside the wall around the camp large bonfire that seemed too hold back the hideous things but I thin we all knew it wouldn't hold till dawn, the mood lightened as the women brought food for supper and I had then pass a bottle a little liquid courage to steady the nerves, I turned toward the wagon where Caitlyn and Fenella worked but it was still quite.

I didn't eat but poured a large tankard of ale and sat down too wait.


Caitlyn had to put all her energy into focus on working on the spell with Fenella, she was wrenching inside. Fenella kept an eye on her worrying that at any moment Caitlyn might run for it to find Jasper.

"Fenella don't worry I know what I must do. I will find Jasper and get him back."

"Oh child I know you will try to do the right thing. You and Jasper are connected more than most couples he is drawn to you and you to him, You might not be able to not run off to him."

Caitlyn stared at her, but didn't say anything but continued to work. After working for hours start Fenella urged Caitlyn to get some rest and prepare to fight. Caitlyn headed to her tent and could see Robert talking with Johnny. Johnny had taken to having a big brother like at duck to water. She couldn't help smiling a little. She ducked into the tent and laid down on the blankets tears started flowing before she could try and stop them. Before long Caitlyn woke up screaming her dreams troubled her greatly she could see Jasper being tortured.

"Cait!?!" Robert yelled

Robert ran into her tent following by George. George went to his knees and took his daughter into his arms.

"I have to save him but I can't" She sobbed into George.

"Cait don't worry once we have finished what we need to do here we will find your Jasper." Robert told her.

Caitlyn composed herself as her. "Yes Robert that is what we will do."

"I'll change and be out shortly. I love you both."

Caitlyn's brother and father gave her a hug and than headed out of the tent. Caitlyn went to one of corners of the tent and started to dress for battle. When she came out of the tent everyone but Robert stared at her he had been the only one at the camp besides Fenella who had seen her dressed this way. She walked to her older brother, he looked up at her and could see the sober look on her face.

"So big brother, I don't much look like Lady Cailtyn Harrington do I?"

Robert laughed. "No you look like Cait the Sharrafi Kralyissa."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


The moment we had all waited for had finally happened and with the dying daylight the dead arose around the perimeter of the camp, what appeared too be hundreds!.

They didn't attack they just stood there on the edge of the forest waitting for some signal for them too begin, I almost cringed too hear they're horrid teeth gnashing at the thoughts of fresh corpses especially since they were too be our own and then suddenly as thought a trumpet sounded they all began too slowly move fourth toward the bonfires we'd built earlier in the day.

The apparently had no reasoning power for those who were headed toward the fires never wavered but went directly into them and burned like walking torches, our men said prayers and held firm, poor Johnny stood beside me and I dreaded the thought that our first battle together might be our last.

Suddenly there was rustling coming up behind us and I turned too see Fenella heave a large bag over our breastworks and into a nearby fire, it poped and began a shower of sparks and much smoke, Fenella began too chant I looked toward Caitlyn and she chanted the same words as the smoke from the bag Fenella threw into the fire began to spread from one zombie too the next as if it had a mind of its own!.

Then something began too happen!, they would stop then take a few steps and stop again as if they'd lost the thoughts of the task they were sent for and then something truly remarkable happened!, they began turning around and walking back into the forest!, Fenella laughed out loud!! "its working! its working!" she yelled and said too Caitlyn and I, "if you can control your fear now is the time!, follow them and take advantage of the wizards momentary weakness!".

Caitlyn, Fenella, Johnny and I mounted horses and had too follow the vile zombies at a trot too keep up with them as they made their way towards the wizards castle, once there they caught him completely off guard and began battering down the gates of the castle and soon broke through!.

They seemed completely oblivious too all of us now but were bent on one thing and that was finding the wizard!, who knows what they might do when they find him after all these are zombies under a strong love potion and they began tearing everything too pieces looking for the wizard until he came out of the tower in the center of the castle and tried unsuccessfully a spell against them, but as the old Hermit said his powers only covered evil and he had no defence against something good like love!.

He ran back inside and the zombies began too tear away at the the door of the tower and soon had it ripped from the wall and poured inside of it.

About that time across the compound the knights who'd captured Jasper came staggering out, confussed and dazed and we immediately pounced upon them completely overpowering them and took them all prisoner, but this time they were not evil!, the possession of them had been broken!.

Caitlyn lifted one of them into the air with her mind and yelled "WHERE IS JASPER!", he and the others said they had him in a cell in the dungeon of that very building and would take he there.

They began appologizing saying they knew what was happening but they were powerless to fight against it, they had no will of they're own!, Caitlyn listened too them not and said "If he be harmed by you I will crush the life from you all!", and they vanished inside the building.

Fenella turned too me and said "Look its the darkest of the night now and your powers are at they're strongest!, unleash them against the tower and destroy the zombies and the wizard while all are still inside!".

I didn't have the slightest idea of how too do this but like the old hermit said "just imagine it be so!", and thats what I did imagining a roaring fire upon the very foundation of the huge tower and it explodeing upward incenerating everything within it and there the fire began and burst fourth from the very stones of the tower and and spread as though it were burning pitch up too the very top where the screams of the wizard could be heard as the zombies glowed in the fire!.

I was shook suddenly by Caitlyn as she said "brother come the tower is going too fall!", I turned too see everyone standing behind me waiting too flee this place and then I too followed as the fire consumed the entire compound in a unnatural blue flame!.

We all rode back too the camp, even the knights who had captured Jasper, they were lords from the surrounding countryside and they had never seen such as this they exclaimed! and they bid us too visit them and rid they're areas of evil of all sorts but for now we told them we must get some rest before thinking of anything else and we all retired too our own beds still amazed at the fact the area was now safe.

The gypsies simply said "Oh that sort of thing happens all the time around here!" and went too bed!.


The morning seemed to come especially early this day, I suppose it was because we were up half the night but I was pleasantly surprised too smell bacon and eggs cooking for breakfast and I was starved.

Already up and setting beside the cook fire were the knights who'd been at the wizards castle they were readying too return too they're respective homes and after breakfast all left save one older knight and he looked troubled so I asked him what vexed him so?.

He told me he lived in a country not far too the West of where we were now and that he had taken his men out too fight an evil that had plauged the lands there and thats when he was taken by the evil wizard but he said he feared to return for such mischief had happened that he was afraid the entire county might have abandoned they're own homes by now.

I asked what could be so bad that a knight and his loyal squires could not defeat it?.

He replied you may have heard of them or seen them yourselves coming from Harringtons too here, he stated it was his county that was plauged by the werewolves, he looked so down trodden I hated too deny him my help but said I could not speak for the others here but I would help him if I could but I know nothing of werewolves and would have too consult Fenella as too how they should be killed!.

He offered us ten bags of gold if we'd all come there and fight this menace for him that is if we could clear the evil permanently from his lands.

I told him I'd have too bring it before the others and he should stay until evening for thats when gypsies like too talk bussiness after they're suppers and a little drink of course!.


Caitlyn woke up with the feeling of arms around her at first she was confused and tensed.

"Cait, my love it is me." Jasper told her.

She was than wide awake, she rolled over and hit Jasper in the shoulder.

"Don't ever leave me again."

Jasper let out a laugh, he took Caitlyn in his arms and kissed her.... Eventually the couple exited the tent when they could spell the food cooking. Caitlyn was still in her fighting clothes as she ran out of the tent, Jasper shook his head and grabbed her clock. He wrapped it over her as she stopped next to Robert listening to his conversation with the old knight. She thought about what he said and remembered the tracks they had seen on their way back and the transformation into the wind to get away from them. She knew she would try to help but she needed to talk with Fenella to get knowledge on werewolves.

"Cait what are you thinking?" Jasper whisperer to her.

"You know we are going to have to help Robert, I can see in his eyes that he is going to help. I know I have to help also."

"And you know where you go I will follow."

Caitlyn smiled at this, she took Jasper's hand and squeezed it tightly. The couple did not speak to Robert but waited for him to finish the conversation and for the old knight to leave.

"Robert you know I will go with you. But since my powers are stronger in the day and werewolves are night."

"Sister don't worry you and I both know that you have more power in the dark of night than most people of magic have all day."

"Just as you brother have during the brightest part of the day. I only worry that Johnny my try to come with us. He has taken to you."

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


That evening as everyone set before the fire and all were in good spirits I announced the offer the old knight had made too us, everyone seemed ready too begin the trip there and soon the old knight himself began too tell the people of how his county once was and how it had became.

Caitlyn was worried about everyone going along but Fenella told her that werewolves are dangerous but that if they come for us then we don't have too waste energy hunting them! and everyone laughed saved the knight who seemed bemused at this attitude and very ready too begin the trip there but we all agreed to start at daylight in the morning and travel as a gypsy caravan, Fenella went further too suggest we take the mountain roads so we could have the advantage of one of the most powerfull herbs we would need and that would be wolfs bane!.

Then the party began and and for the first time I noticed the slender lines of Jenny as she danced before the fire but I tried hard too keep my attention on bussiness.

That morning as the first slivers of light broke in the East the camp came alive, some cooking breakfast and some packing up the loose gear, the old knight whose head was still groggy from the night before stumbled toward the fire and set down, everyone ate and in a flash we were repacked and ready too begin.

Fenella pulled her wagon into the first position and Caitlyn rode with her, Jasper and I rode along on horses and Johnny was upset that he had too drive Caitlyns wagon alone he wanted too be in on the plans but I assured him he would and this seemed too appease him.

I rode back up beside Fenella and Caitlyn and heard her speak "Oh werewolves are nothing!, they are like wolves and even thought they may cause lots of mischief they must keep they're numbers low like the wolves do or they all starve and this they know!, but don't tell the knight!".

She said further "There will be one leading male and mostly his pride or women, of these there will be male and female children but no male can grow too age least he depose the leader and assume his role!, if the county is like the old knight says we will easily spot where the wolves live for during the daylight they must live as human so they must have crops and signs of life around they're homes.
The homes that are completely abandon will show it, the wolves will not have a complete idea of what they do at night but they know something happens, the women will be the easiest too find as they will be left alone during the day with no man".

Soon we found ourselves high on a shelf road above a green valley and we pulled too the side for lunch, Fenella called us and said "this way children come see the herb we need, wolf bane".


Caitlyn and Jasper were happy running and playing in the soft swaying grass along the ridge and I was going too call them back but Fenella stopped me and said "They have so little happiness let them have this!".

I couldn't help smile as I saw how happy they were and I couldn't help remembering a beautiful young blonde I once was in love with her name was Gretchen and the very sun shined from her for me, we were married and lived happily in the Southern forests of Prussia and we had a small house it was more of a cottage really it had two rooms downstairs and one large room above.

Gretchen became pregnant and I farmed the small fields we cleared and she became a little ill one day so I took her back home from the fields and put her too bed, I went back too work for there was much too do before Winter snows came and I seemed to have lost track of time for I worked very late this day unintentionally but came home after dark, the house was dark and quite so I thought she was asleep and I was so tired I washed up and ate alittle bread then went too bed myself.

As I crawled into the bed next too her I took her little hand, it was cold and dead, she died while I was working!, I layed there all night long telling her about what I was going too do too the farm and how happy we'd be but she didn't hear and in the morning the sunlight lit her face and she seemed to be pleasantly smiling and died without pain so I wrapped her up in the blankets and took her outside and buried her in the flower garden she loved so much and I burned that little house down too the ground.

That had been the best time in my life with her, I had a hard youth and she seemed too make it all worth it just too be with her and now she was gone as quickly as she had come into my life!.

After that I wandered and became a mercenary and fought many battles hoping too die and join my Gretchen in death, I tried too die!, I ran into the enemy hoping too be killed but somehow it never happened and soon they made me a Captain and yet I still could not die!.

Fenella grabbed me and shook me looking straight into my eyes she said "That dream that haunts you will never die least you let it go!", she said young Jenny looks at you often and she would make you forget this awfull thing thats happened".

I told her for now at least I don't want too be close too anyone for sometime I feel like the hand of death and those around me die but I remain like a tortured soul.

I then told her I must put it from my mind I think I'll go hunting!.

She said "More death will not bring you happiness only the living souls with you can!", "But ride ride ahead and scout Robert for we are near the werewolves already!", the old lady smiled and somehow I felt better even just too speak of what I've carried for so long now and I remounted my horse and rode ahead with Johnny coming behind me yelling "Wait brother, wait on me!", he for now was someone I could teach and help grow, Fenella was right I must let the other die!.

The sun was warm and we rode and talked enjoying this day until it grew late and I said we should return too the camp.


We arrived back at camp and Fenella and Caitlyn came running too meet us, she said tonight was a full moon and she was very worried that we had wondered too far into the forest.

I assured them I intended too be back by dark and asked what that strange line was around the camp?.

Fenella said its a wolf line, its made by braiding together wolf bane with other protective herbs and flowers and when braided into a string it will protect all that it encircles!.

This woman has never failed too amaze me!.

Caitlyn called Johnny and said come wash up for supper and as we all turned too walk back too the wagons a blood curdling howl came from the forest in the valley below, Fenella pointed up "See already the moon has risen!, they are afraid of us because were new too them but once its fully dark they will try too come into camp but see they cannot cross my wolf line!".

Fenella told me too come with her too her wagon, Caitlyn was obviously angry with me for taking young Johnny so far from camp and said little too me.

As soon as we arrived at Fenellas wagon she turned too me very seriously and said, "I saw many tracks today along the ridge, more than I'd ever expected do not tell the others!, now I need to instruct you on how too kill these dog beasts I've already told Caitlyn.

She said its very simple actually, there are herbs and wolf bane that repels them like a foul smell repels you but too kill them you must have something pure!.
Silver is the blessed metal do not ask me why but its always been considered more pure than gold, I suppose its because gold invokes such greed in men!.
A weapon coated with silver even a steel one will kill them but the silver is actually what does it and its quickest when stabbed into the heart or brain, she took me inside and I could smell something cooking very hot and she said give me your knife and I passed it too her and she thrust the blade into the molten silver and pulled it out too dry, then she poured silver over my sword and said do not be mad but I took your arrows from Caitlyns wagon and have already dipped them so now they kill werewolves!.

She said this is enough for now that we would remain here tonight but tomorrow we must be ready too take some, if we kill them in human form thus shall they remain but if we can kill them as a werewolf they thus shall also remain so we shall try too kill all as wolves for the hide of a werewolf brings a small fortune in the East.

She then took a necklace amulet and said bend over child, I did and she placed it upon me, it was a large tooth nearly three inches long on a leather string.

She said some kind of incantation over it and then asked me do you know what that is?, I replied "No", its a werewolfs tooth she said and it will give some protection against them for you but it gives you the strength of the werewolf while you wear it!", "tell no one Caitlyn already has one but it only works against a werewolf and I have charged it too work only for you so it will do no one else any good!".

At this Fenella said let us go too eat now while your weapons silver dries fully, she said after supper she would dip a boar spear for me.

I didn't know why but the amulet already seemed too take the fear from me and as the wolves below howled I yelled back at them "I am coming!".


The next morning the frost lay heavy upon the ground and we all had an early breakfast to begin the days trip down off the mountain into the valley and the old knights county.

Johnny, the old knight , Caitlyn and myself rode ahead too scout out things before the others arrived and it wasn't long before we started passing old deserted farm cottages that were once obviously well cared for and painted in a quaint bavarian style but now the gardens were grown up and the cottages nothing more than a roost for birds and rabbits.

We travelled on further and further into this desolate county until we came upon a house of immaculate care and grooming, I asked the knight who's cottage this was but he said he wasn't sure since he seldom dealt with them personally but then our curiousity was satisfied by a well fed brute who came busting out of the cottage door demanding too know who we were and why we were there!.

No one paid much heed too his empty threat but we could all see very plainly the wolf tracks all about the front gate, I dismounted and faced the villan and said "I am justice!", and using the power Fenella bestowed upon me I lifted the villan up and  threw him against the cottage knocking him senseless.

Caitlyn and Johnny immediately jumped too the ground and wrapped large ropes braided with silver around him and soon he was fully awake an cursing at the top of his lungs and by this time the old knight had moved forward too get a better look and said he recognized this brute as one of his tennants he remembers now for he was always trouble for everyone.

I entered the cottage and outbuildings but found noone else there save him so I returned with Caitlyn and we addressed this vile brute, "Fiend we know you are a werewolf you can save your soul by confessing where the others are else your death will be most painfull!".

The brute cursed at the top of his lungs asking what we had bound him in and why he couldn't break it but if he did he'd fix us all, "I assured him he could not break the bounds and his life grew short only he can improve his condition by talking!".

Too this he began a barrage of insults and I pulled on my heavy gloves catching his jaw and with the other hand I removed my hunting knife but not the silver coated knife and I inserted the blade detween his teeth and removed his poision tongue!.

We shoved him too his feet and fired the cottage, the knight said his castle was ahead and we harnessed the brute too a long rope and drug him for as Fenella had told me I would not kill him until he turned and we made off toward the castle.

We knew the others would soon be along and would arrive easily before dark and if this brute wasn't the leader of the pack then I dreaded the thoughts of what we may still have in store for us!.


Caitlyn followed Robert as the entered the old knight's castle it still felt odd he kept looking at her with eyes that where trying to place her. She had to think and it came to her he was at her wedding to Lord Harrington. This made her wonder if he knew of his fate or what he would think when he finally remember where he had seen her before. For some reason this made her laugh.

"Cait what is it?" Robert asked.

"The old knight was at my wedding. I'm trying to figure out that he knows me" she paused "Well the old me." Caitlyn whisper to him.

This news made Robert laugh also, his little sister had changed much since they first meet he could image what someone who knew her as a proper young bride would think.

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP