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Happy New Year! Happy Hogmanay!

Started by Capt. Morgan, December 31, 2010, 12:38:27 PM

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Capt. Morgan

New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.
~Hamilton Wright Mabie

Wishing you all a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

I can be one of those "bad things" that happen to bad people.

Merlin the Elder

My wish echos Capt Morgan's.  Tonight is Amateur Night on the roads...let's be careful out there!
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...

Capt. Morgan

I thought St. Paddy's Day was "Amateur Night"...well, this is probably a close second!

Be safe and be smart!
I can be one of those "bad things" that happen to bad people.


Yes, those are both amatuer nights!  I would always caution my Marines before we secured for these holidays:  "Remember, a cab ride is cheaper than a DUI".

Before I get flamed for not mentioning the dangers of driving drunk, remember the audience I was addressing: a young group of testosterone filled warriors who could relate more with a HUGE bill than some terrible injury that "wouldn't happen to me".

Enjoy your New Years!  I'll be home, not driving on Amatuer Night!


staying home and enjoying my family and a bottle of rum...

Happy New Years everyone!  Stay safe!
Got faerie dust?


Going to a Hogmanay party, a bunch of guys in kilts with bagpipes, drums, flasks and knives, what could go wrong there ?!  ::)

Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit !
"Pants are for guys with ugly legs"
Member of Clan McLotofus,
IBRSC# 1619,
As seen in Renaissance Magazine


You have heard the tolling of 12 strokes.
Wherever a friend may roam, whatever their
lot in life may be, when this hour falls upon
the dial of night, the great heart of friendship
swells and throbs. It is the golden hour of
recollection, the homecoming of those who
wander, the mystic roll call of those who
will come no more.
Morning and noon may pass us by,
the light of day sink heedlessly in the West,
but ere the shadows of midnight shall fall,
the chimes of memory will be pealing forth
the friendly message,

"To Absent Friends."
Home Faire:Sterling
Clan O'Doinn-Irish Penny Brigade (New York)
Carpenter of the good ship Medusa.
Foktop Knight
Clan Vogdis

NoBill Lurker

So what are you doing this weekend?
I'm going to BARF!!!
You're going to...wait...WHAT???

Lord Figaro

May 2011 bring you joys you never expected, and may your sorrows get left behind too become nothing more than a thin memory. All my love to my fellows here, may the morrow bring new possibilities.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

George Santayana


Happy New Year and may the new one be a million times better than the old one was.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess

The Lady Mercedes

Ditto! Happy, healthy & safe 2011 everyone!
Why be mundane when you can be a Rennie?!