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Interrupted journey

Started by DonaCatalina, June 16, 2008, 10:25:48 AM

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My terror must have shown in my face when I turned away from the window. Don Ramiro said "Please Elvira, do not be afraid. This is not what you think". Still I tried frantically to climb over him to get out of the moving carriage. His arms came around me and pulled me down onto his lap. Sister Catarina and Maria both screamed when it seemed that Don Ramiro had attacked me. The carriage jolted to a sudden stop and Don Ramiro released me. Maria and I both flailed at him as he cried "Please stop and I'll explain". Poor Sister Catarina cringed back in her seat. It finally dawned on me that it was useless to resist his strength. He held me crushed against his chest when I went limp from exhaustion. He saw that I had no more fight left he opened the carriage door and got out. "Come down and I will explain" he called to me. I climbed down and tried to rearrange my tousled clothes. Don Ramiro began to pace beside the carriage as he held his hand up to his forehead. He turned to regard me and spoke "I must apologize. I did not divulge my intended destination for several reasons. The first is that I wanted to get your true reaction. The second is that you might have refused to come." I looked up to see what Maria's reaction to this was as she watched from the carriage door. Her face told me that she had not known our destination either. Nor had she known of Don Ramiro's plans. Shaken with fear and exhaustion I could only stand still and listen. He moved so that he stood directly in front of me when he continued "I need your presence to prove to myself and other witnesses that I am correct in the identity of your kidnapper." A significant look passed between Sister Catarina and Maria. The nun had not only been brought as a chaperone, but an impeachable witness. His right hand grasped my elbow and his voice turned hoarse when he spoke next "I swear that no harm will come to you. Please believe me".
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


With my eyes closed I tried to calm myself. His grip on my elbow loosened and his hand slid up the back of my arm onto my shoulder. When I felt his touch on the bare skin of my neck I jerked away in shock. Maria's worried face was the first thing I saw when I turned away from Don Ramiro. The other men were watching solemnly from the top of the carriage. "If I help you" I said as I tried to steady my voice "Do you promise to see that these bandits receive justice?" His voice was low and rough as he simply said "Yes". I forced my fear down as I faced him again. "Then we had better get this done" I answered. I gritted my teeth and climbed back in the carriage. After I had sat down, I poured myself a generous glass of wine. A confrontation with the man who probably had planned my abduction seemed certain. Don Ramiro stood in the door of the carriage, his and all the other's eyes were on me as I downed the wine all at once. The tension in the air was thick as Don Ramiro got back in the carriage. He rested his arm on the back of the seat behind me, but I did not acknowledge it as I sat frozen in my seat. Sister Catarina looked as if she could not decide if she was more afraid of me or Don Ramiro. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I sat there. Did Don Ramiro think me a gullible child that he could take advantage of? My life had not given me much experience with men outside of my immediate family and our servants. Don Ramiro frightened me with his attempts at charm as much as he attracted me. Nothing in my life up until this point had prepared me for being kidnapped, escaping from bandits and dealing with this enigmatic man. My preference would have been to return to the convent, but the carriage rattled up the road regardless of my silent wishes. For what I must do, I knew I needed to be resolute. Some time passed before the horses slowed and stopped at the wooden gates that I remembered.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


The gates did not open immediately as they had upon my first arrival. Our driver shouted up to the men on the wall to request an entrance. His answer could not be heard inside the carriage but since the gates did not open, it appeared be negative. Once more our driver called for admittance, this lead to a lot of shouting back and forth. After being refused admittance again, the driver's voice was drowned out by the sound of many hooves. As the cavalcade of many mounted men surrounded the carriage, the sight made me stiffen in my seat. Sister Catarina's eyes grew as round as saucers. Through the window I could see most of the men who had ridden up and surrounded the carriage. A good portion of them were armed with crossbows. Don Ramiro's hand gripped my shoulder and startled me. He leaned closer and whispered "They are mine. Do not be afraid." There were more shouts. At last the gates swung open and the men on horseback preceded us through. When we stopped in front of the house, I looked back through the window I caught glimpses of the men who had been brought down from the wall. Don Ramiro's soldiers gathered them up and headed them towards the house. The front door opened a crack and someone peered through the opening at us. When he came out and started towards the carriage, I recognized Alfonso. Torn by obvious terror, he moved as if one half of body was walking forward while the other half tried to remain still. No one followed him out of the door. One of Don Ramiro's men moved his horse between Alfonso and the carriage before he got very close. This effectively kept Alfonso from seeing inside the carriage. Don Ramiro opened the door and ordered us "Stay here until I ask you to come out". Then he stepped out of the carriage.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  The carriage was turned so that only the windows on one side offered a view of the front door. The soldier who sat his horse next to Don Ramiro blocked half of the windows so that we could see nothing but Don Ramiro's back. However we were close enough that we could hear clearly. "Who are you?" Don Ramiro barked. Alfonso sounded remarkably sober as he answered "Your Excellency, I am Alfonso the new steward." I heard Don Ramiro's snort of disgust. Then he continued "I see that you know who I am. Is my nephew still here?" After I had heard this exchange, the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place in my mind. Nephew was not a word that I had expected to hear. A distinct note of fear had crept into Alfonso's voice when he replied "Yes Your Excellency. Would you like to go in to see him?" Don Ramiro's voice had grown cold enough to freeze my blood when he replied "No. Bring him out here to me." I could just see Alfonso turn back towards the door when a cavalier nearby shouted "Run dog. Your Master is impatient." To the sound of male laughter, Alfonso took off on a shambling run and disappeared inside.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


The manner in which Alfonso had addressed Ramiro made me realize how little I actually knew about him. I watched him flick his gloves against his leg as we presumably waited for his nephew. It grew warmer inside the carriage as time passed, with no breeze to give relief. Maria and Sister Catarina shifted uncomfortably in their seat. The door opened and an elegantly dressed young man walked towards Don Ramiro. Alfonso was just visible inside the doorway as he watched this meeting. "Dear Uncle" the young man spoke "If I had known you were coming I would have prepared a better welcome". "No doubt" sneered Don Ramiro "Is that why your men on the wall tried to refuse me entrance?" The other man replied "I can hardly chastise them for erring on the side of caution. The last news I had of you was from Italy. Again, if I had known of your coming, or why you came......". The sentence he left hanging implied a question. Don Ramiro's voice had not thawed when he answered "I am here because there are several questions that you need to answer." The man gestured from Don Ramiro towards the door and asked "Would it not be better if we went in out of the heat? We can discuss whatever you wish more comfortably inside". Don Ramiro did not respond immediately. It seemed that the minutes stretched out and I could see how this would have unnerved Don Ramiro's nephew. "No, I think not" Don Ramiro finally replied "I am sure you did not think he would, Hector, but my head steward wrote me in Naples. He wanted to express his concern over your dismissal of the servants on this estate. He was under the impression that I had ordered this through you." At last I knew the name of this nephew who appeared to be the architect of my abduction. Hector replied "It is true that I may have given him the impression that I had passed along your instructions. But since I found servants who were willing to work for much less, I thought you would appreciate the money I saved you." Don Ramiro shook his head and replied a tired voice "Hector, Hector you never think anything through and consider all the consequences. Did you consider that the olive and grape harvests are not far away? Did you even consider that it takes skilled labor to harvest these? Did you think of how I would react to their loss?" He began pacing in a manner which had become somewhat familiar. "Just the loss of my vintner is enough to seriously hurt the revenues of this estate" He continued. He had not shouted but even I flinched to hear his stern tones. Hector, the target of this torrent ceased any attempt at a reply. Then Ramiro told Hector "When I came here to find out what was going on, I found the whole countryside in an uproar over the dismissal of all my servants and armed men searching people's houses. It only took a few questions to determine that the armed men on the roads were employed by you." From the little I could see of Hector's face, he looked distinctly uneasy. His voice was uncertain as he replied "I had heard reports of bandits. I reasoned that it would rebound to your credit if I managed to get rid of a few of them." One of Don Ramiro's eyebrows had risen as he commented cynically "Did you really?" Hector did not have time to respond before Don Ramiro continued "Then after all that, I received notices from several of your creditors about your gambling debts. I told you that when I paid off your debts after the Feast of Three Kings that it was the last time. You may be my sister's only son, but there are limits to what I will accept."
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Hector's voice quavered as he replied "I had worked out an arrangement to pay off my own debts. I was not going to ask you for money". Don Ramiro turned back to the carriage door and opened it. Then he said to Hector "I also know why your plans for money have not worked out." He held out a hand to me and I let him help me down from the carriage. Maria and the sister followed me out of the carriage and stood behind me. Hector looked bewildered at first then panic stricken as realization set in. Alfonso ran out of the house and tried to make it to the stables but one of Don Ramiro's men knocked him to the ground. This time Don Ramiro's voice sounded more sad than angry when he spoke "Hector, this time you have gone too far and I am forced to turn you over to the king's justice. I overlooked the petty thefts over the years and I paid most of your debts. With this act, you have made me realize that you will never learn to restrain your selfish impulses." Hector threw himself at Don Ramiro's knees and pleaded "You cannot send your own flesh to the royal courts and imprisonment. I promise that I will change. I will never do anything like this again" Don Ramiro merely turned his face towards the gate and said "It is too late for that". All eyes followed his gaze towards a small company of soldiers that had ridden through the gate bringing with them the royal banner.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


The leader of the group rode up to us and announced "I am Captain Ruiz. I am looking for Senor de Medina." Don Ramiro stepped forward and replied "I am he. There are nine men here that you have been sent to arrest."  The rest of their conversation was out of my hearing as they had walked away from the carriage. My attention was drawn by the noise of a wagon coming through the gate. It was hardly more than a wooden cage on wheels. This was the conveyance meant to take away Hector and his fellow conspirators. The crossbows of Don Ramiro's men prevented any escape attempts by the bandits that Hector had employed. Don Ramiro stood like a statue in the courtyard and watched as the men were shackled and loaded into the wagon. Hector had regained his composure and spat towards his uncle before he climbed into the wagon. Alfonso wept openly when his turn came to be shackled. The sound of his weeping seemed inhumanly loud against the relative silence of the courtyard where the only other sounds were the shuffle of men's feet and the faint creak of saddle leather. When all of the men had been loaded into the wagon, the cage door was slammed shut loudly enough to make me jump. The Captain saluted Don Ramiro and started off with his charges. I watched them slowly make their way through the gate and vanish down the steep road. As the courtyard full of people watched, the last two cavalrymen were jostled aside at the gate by a rider on a lathered horse. He threw himself off his horse in front of me.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


His hat fell back off his head onto the ground as he wrapped me up in his arms. It was my older brother Esteban. I shrieked for joy as I hugged him tight. "Papa and Mama are on the road behind me" he explained "I stopped at the convent and they gave me directions to get here." I looked around him at the gate and asked "How long before they get here?" He laughed and tousled my hair as if I wear a child. "Two more days at least, even Mama can't make a carriage go as fast as a single rider." It was only then that he turned to the silent Don Ramiro. "Are you the man that we have to thank for the safety of my sister?" he stated. Ramiro replied "I have done nothing more than my duty as a gentleman" and stalked away. Esteban started to follow him but I grasped his arm. "It was his nephew" I explained "That can only be a shame for him". Esteban shrugged and asked "Can we get him to loan us this carriage to carry you back to the convent?" I patted his arm and replied "Be patient Brother. I do not know we might be able to do right now. Please wait here a moment". Don Ramiro was leaning on a railing outside the stable when I approached him. After some hesitation I gently touched him on the back. He whirled around and turned his stony gaze on me. "I wished to apologize for my brother" I began "he could not have known how hard his words would be for you." Don Ramiro's face visibly softened. He started to speak but paused for a moment before he finally said "I should apologize for being so rude." He walked back over to Esteban and said to him "Your sister would undoubtedly like to retrieve any of her possessions that she abandoned here earlier. I spoke most harshly to you and I ask your forgiveness. I would like to extend my hospitality to you until your parents arrive, especially in light of the debt that my family owes to yours".
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  Esteban did not answer right away and looked around at his tired horse. When he finally said "We will accept your hospitality", I greeted his answer with mixed feelings of apprehension and relief. Don Ramiro gave orders to his men to dismount and see to their horses. The dim entrance was the same as I remembered it. But this time Ramiro led us to a large shaded courtyard just inside the hallway. When we were seated Don Ramiro told us "If the rest of the servants have not fled, I will get someone to serve us refreshments. He went back inside and left the rest of us. Maria and Sister Catarina hurried to follow towards the kitchens. The minute that we were alone, Esteban started to ask about my ordeal. "No" I told him as I held up a hand to ward him off "I will tell everything when Papa arrives so that I only have to tell it once". His grimace told me that he would be impossible to live with until his curiosity was satisfied. "You know that everyone will think that you were ravished" he sniped at me. I slapped his face and tuned to go back inside. Don Ramiro came through the door just in time to see me slap Esteban. The tears that welled up in my eyes must have been obvious for his expression hardened as he turned his face from me towards Esteban.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  The two ragged boys that I had grown accustomed to seeing during my stay came out into the middle of this scene. They bore a tray with food, with glasses and wine. Ramiro said nothing to Esteban while we were served. .The food was dust in my mouth after my brother's cruel words. The silence stretched out uncomfortably until an older woman came in and addressed Ramiro "Master, the rooms for your guests are ready. The Senorita's maid is waiting for her there." Ramiro nodded his acknowledgement and she went back inside the house. Ramiro stood up and gestured towards the door. "I am sure that Don Esteban would like to rid himself of the dust from his travels." He said "I would be pleased if you both would join me for breakfast in the morning". Esteban replied "Certainly, until morning then". Then Esteban and I followed the woman inside the house. I was not surprised to be quartered in the same suite of rooms as before. But this time there were no guards in the hallways. Esteban was shown the room a few more doors down. When I closed my door, I fell on a sofa and sobbed. I was safe and would soon be home but nothing had gone as I imagined. I was afraid that my brother had spoken the truth and my reputation was ruined. Maria retreated to the other room and did not disturb my sorrow.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  I had finally cried myself to sleep. When I woke, it was fully dark inside the room. I made my way through the bedroom and stepped outside. The same stone bench sat outside the door. But I was too restless with conflicting emotions to sit. The courtyard was not as dark as it had been inside my room, so a little of the moonlight must have reached it. After a few circuits of the small space, I sat down and started to comb out my hair. My heart thudded in my chest when a hand touched my shoulder. I jumped up in surprise and was even more surprised to recognize Ramiro. "My room also opens onto this courtyard" he said softly. I looked wildly back at the other closed door behind me. "Your brother's room does not" Ramiro answered my unspoken question. He sat down and pulled me back onto the bench beside him. I could feel the heat of his leg through the fabric of my dress where we touched. He exhaled a long breath and said "I heard what your brother said that caused you to slap him. It seems Hector has left me with that burden also." I turned to face him and asked "What exactly do you mean by that?" His blue eyes were barely visible in the pale light. He finally answered "Your brother may be right. Even though your maid never left your side, there are some who will make that assumption". My stomach felt like a knot twisted inside when I heard him say that. A tear leaked from one eye as I realized that my family might not be able to arrange a marriage for me now. Ramiro leaned towards me and extended one finger to wipe the tear from my cheek. At first I did not realize what he did when he slid his hand behind my head and pulled me to him. A shock ran through my body when his lips touched mine.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


Ramiro did not try to hold me when I pushed away from him and stood up. My tears flowed hot and fast as I cried "Do you also consider me a fallen woman that you would take advantage of me in a moment of weakness". I started to run away, but he grabbed me by the shoulders before I could escape. "Do not go" he pleaded "I should not have kissed you. Please accept my apology. I would never think of you as a fallen woman." His relaxed his grip and drew a shuddering breath. "There are times that I do not know how to behave with women" he told me "I adored my sister but I was barely a man when she died giving life to Hector. My mother was gone long before I was old enough to know her". He sat back down and dropped his head into his hands. When I did not leave he continued "I have lived among soldiers most of my life and avoided women. But I have always striven to keep my honor. And now it seems I may have lost that." As I had no idea how to respond to him, I waited to see if he had more to say. After a few moments he lifted his head and told me "You should go to bed. We will find a way to protect your reputation tomorrow." He paused with a sad smile before he said "At least I will try to keep your brother from tormenting you". He stood up walked back to his room. When my shaky legs functioned again, I returned to my room.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


I woke well before Maria did. She was apologetic when she rose to find me already bathed and dressed. It felt good to be back in my own clothes again. I went in search of breakfast with Maria trailing behind me. The old woman who was in the kitchen had only bread and fruit to offer us. She explained that the kitchen servants who had fled when Hector was arrested had taken a good portion of the larder. Don Ramiro certainly had some work ahead of him to get this estate back in shape. Maria and I had finished our meal when Esteban came in. He blushed when he saw me and stuttered "Ah...Elvira, I feel bad about what I said to you yesterday. I did not realize until later how much that probably hurt you." His contrition made me sigh even as I realized that Don Ramiro might be responsible for it. My brother had never before apologized without a scolding. I could not help but smile a little as I told him "I forgive you. Tell me if anyone sent a message to the convent. They must think we have kidnapped Sister Catarina". His return smile beamed at me as he replied "Yes, Don Ramiro sent a rider to the convent last night. We will probably have to stay here until Papa comes, but the sisters will direct him here."
Ramiro walked into the room just after Esteban finished speaking. My face went hot and then cold as the memory of last night washed over me. "Senor Esteban" he said "Would you care to join me for a ride today? I need to tour the estate and see how much work needs to be done here." Esteban was visibly pleased at this unexpected invitation and he replied "Of course, if you would be willing to loan me a horse. Mine would probably be better for a day's recovery." "See one of the men in the stable" Ramiro told Esteban "At least my horses are still there. I will meet you outside in a bit". Then he turned and left without a word to me.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


  I felt a little abandoned when Esteban followed Ramiro outside. It seemed I would have to spend the day by myself. I returned to the infamous library alcove. The dust on the books was partially explained by Ramiro's year in Italy. I started and put down several books before I realized that I was too restless to enjoy them. Several maids were startled by me as I wandered around the public parts of the house. It seemed as if these were the house's old servants who had come back. They certainly were not the ragged cringing wretches that I remembered. Their discomfort at working in my presence was obvious, so I began to avoid them as I rambled. The original building had been added onto several times. The expanding rings of the house, each with its own courtyard created a tangled maze. The upper floors were mostly smaller bedrooms with storerooms and servants quarters over that. The highest floor was one large room that at one time seemed to have been a reception hall. One wall still held two faded tapestries. Windows looked out in every direction. Beneath one was an old padded bench. I kneeled on this to open one window and look out. A brisk summer breeze blew through the window and cooled the room. With my elbows on the windowsill I watched the landscape far below. From this height, the river appeared small and distant. With my head on the wide sill, I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander. My imagination conjured up an ancient Hidalgo standing in this very room and surveying his domain.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


About mid day I ventured from my aerie for some food and water. When I went back up the stairs I took a book and some wine with me. This time I was about to settle down and read. It seemed odd to be so utterly alone and undisturbed. The point at which it became too dark to read came upon me by surprise. The afternoon had passed by and I had not realized it. Probably because of the lingering heat and the effect of the wine I had not even felt hungry when dinnertime passed. I snapped the book shut and tried to muster some enthusiasm for going downstairs. The last golden light of the sunset faded from the ceiling as the room passed into near-dark. The sky outside shaded into purple just as the door slammed open. Surprise at the noise propelled me from my seat as Ramiro burst into the room with Esteban on his heels. Ramiro put a hand on his chest as he gasped for breath. Esteban spoke first angrily "Do you realize that we have been searching the house in a panic looking for you?" I shook my head in denial. "How could you disappear like that without informing anyone?" Esteban shouted at me. Ramiro waved Esteban off and told me "That you did not come out for dinner did not worry us. But we did become concerned until Maria told us that you were not in your room. If one of the kitchen girls had not remembered that you took a bottle of wine and went upstairs, we would never have thought to look for you here. When I thought you had disappeared; it nearly scared me to death". Both men glared at me as if I had committed some crime. A little shaken at their vehemence I stammered "What could possibly happen to me inside the house? And why are you so angry at me?" Ramiro grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me once hard. "Has it occurred to you that one of Hector's men might have plotted some revenge?" he hissed "I am angry because I love you and I was terrified that someone had harmed you". I looked back at Ramiro in utter disbelief. Esteban and I spoke together the same words "What did you say?" Ramiro released me and looked away. "I said I was terrified that someone had harmed you."
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess