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Gold coins at Faire

Started by Baron Frederick, August 07, 2011, 04:24:24 PM

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Baron Frederick

I picked up a roll today at the bank(U.S. Grant )  thought they would be fun to use as tips for the performers

                                               Baron Frederick
Baron Frederick

Lairde Guardn

When I opened my pub I immediately changed over to the dollar coins when stocking my registers, also kept rolls of dollar coins as the back up change......After the first month of business, I changed back to dollar bills at the request of my waitresses and bartenders.   It only took one week for my staff to demand that I get the dollar coins back.......It seems that their tips were about 100 % or more higher when they used the coins as change.     Just a thought for all you bartenders out there.....Keep the dollar bills in the register and give the coins out in change,  more of them find their way to the tip jar.
Lairde Guard'n
Lairde Highe Chieftain Emeritus
Irish Penny Brigade
Rogue, Teer, Otter
Landshark, Bard, DG, RFC
15.8% FaireFolk pure, 84.2% FaireFolk corrupt

The Rabbi

Aint techknowledy great? Granted I may not be the fastest snail n the race or even the brightest crayon in the box but being able to do simple math is almost a lost art and algerbre something to this day I do not grasp is common place. No one sector is more important then the other but there are three basic things needed for a fair. Performers, Vendors, and Patrons at the end of the day it is the patron who pays the bills and the performers and vendors who have earned thier pay. Happy patrons spend money and give tips which in turn equals happy vendors and performers. I personally as a vendor would not want to deal with $50.00 in coins all in one shot but one or two at a time no big deal. As a past Vendor I always kept a coffee can to toss those odd coins in so at the end of the day I did not have to seperate them from normal currency"Susan B. Anthony" coins were fun till I figured this out. Performers sorry no easy way to keep yours seperated that I know of. Fair Owners We are responsable for keeping all three in good standings and content; be prepared to purchase these odd coins and make life easy on the ones who help pay your bills. If all the patron has left is a few coins are you the vendor going to deny the sale or you the performer going to say keep your tip I dont want it.
My sanity is not lost I sent it away
Proud member of FOKTOP


As a vendor myself I really don't mind the coins. One faire I vend at has wooden coins that they use to buy food and drink but we are able to take them because they will come around and cash them out for us every Sunday. I keep a separate box just for those. Kids love them when they get them back as change. I love hearing the kiddies telling mom or dad that they just got pirate coins for change.
Chime'n Penny / Cheiftess Clan O'Maille
Irish Penny Brigade
Guppy #90
IWG #3740 Local #57
Lost Viking
Booth Owner @ KyRF & ORF
Keeper of All Bells & Chimes
RESCU Rally Captain ORF &  KyRF

Lairde Guardn

As far as Coins of the Realm issued by different faires, I am not sure why they use them, but at the event that I run, I use them because I get a percentage of the booths gross sales.   And this is just a way of keeping everyone honest.    And many do go since we are a fundraiser and all monies raised go to charities....all the better.
Lairde Guard'n
Lairde Highe Chieftain Emeritus
Irish Penny Brigade
Rogue, Teer, Otter
Landshark, Bard, DG, RFC
15.8% FaireFolk pure, 84.2% FaireFolk corrupt


I would be happy as a vendor to be getting any form of currency, regardless of its shape, weight, length. Provided that I can turn around and either buy something else with it or pay the hired hands. Tips or even in a giant bag... 50 at a time? Okay. I make pouches for things like that.
"Always with the negative waves, Always with the negative waves. Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful."


*rant on*

This is not directed at anyone in particular, just a general statement. Not looking to ruffle any feathers, but...

Receiving coins has nothing to do with being able to do math.. It's somewhat insulting that this seems to be the biggest defense being used.. Just sayin.. A dollar is a dollar any way you look at it.

That being said...

The coins are a pain in the @ss.. plain and simple, and we do TRY to give them back out as change, and guess what, your average dane (which makes up the majority of the patrons at any given faire does not want these things) It's the playtrons who think it's awesome to use the gold coins to pay for things or use them as tips, etc.. So next time you come to the pub should I give you back your change on a $20 in gold coins? See where I'm going here?

No one is going to turn anyone away, or turn their nose up if someone chooses to pay for their purchase or tip with them, but keep in mind, that tipping that great street performer with a coin(s), he/she in turn puts that tip in a bag or pouch and then carts that extra weight around all day.

It all spends the same, and I think all that is being said here is to be considerate when using the coins, and paying for $50 in beer/garb/food or what have you is just rude. It's like buying a $5 cup of coffee and paying for it with pennies.. Is the cashier capable of counting them all, sure, but I'll bet you will be remembered as being an @sshat the next time you come in to Starbucks..

*rant off*

A Captains Wench

It's always Beer:30 here....

*sigh* So many kilts, so little time......



On the other side of the coin I get annoyed when people use credit cards to buy a cup of coffee or a donut it really slows things down.
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin

Merlin the Elder

The consensus seems to be, there is no consensus.  Some vendors say "no way" and the next says "bring `em on."  There are valid arguments on both sides, so what to do?  If you don't want to accept $1 coins, would it be considered rude to put up a sign that says, "Please No Gold Coins!"? You already see signs that say "No bills over $20, Please!"  It seems a viable solution to me, but I have been labeled a nutcase by some.

Muffin, the crack about being able to make change was me being a wisearse... I realize it's much more than that.  (That isn't to say that the "art" of counting change hasn't been lost).

Quote from: SirRichardBear on August 09, 2011, 02:08:50 PM
On the other side of the coin I get annoyed when people use credit cards to buy a cup of coffee or a donut it really slows things down.
Ain't that the truth....
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...


The only time I ever minded gold coins was when the shop I was working at ran out of paper dollars.  I tried giving a woman her change with the gold coins, and she started screaming at me about my trying to cheat her by giving her fake renfaire money that she couldn't spend anywhere but this stupid faire, etc etc.  (you could tell she was really enjoying her day at the faire)

I had to point out the "In God We Trust" part to her before she'd believe it was real currency.  *headdesk*
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." -G. Radner


Quote from: Merlin the Elder on August 09, 2011, 02:33:14 PM
The consensus seems to be, there is no consensus.  Some vendors say "no way" and the next says "bring `em on."  

I see a difference in this thread too.

Paid worker and volunteer worker.

If I had an employee complain about a customer spending $100, that would be the employee's last day.

I believe the two Ladies posting in this thread are volunteers. And I think that is a big difference. Who they are working for, and patrons, should make their work as easy as possible. I'm sure they are at the top of the over worked and underpaid list.

If I see either of them at faire, I think I'll throw a tip in their jar, even if I don't buy anything.



Now I know its hard to determine the tone of a post, but Wow..... I really hope you weren't trying to insult us..  :-\

With all due respect no one here is complaining about anyone spending $100.00. A good portion of our profits go to charity, yes that's right, drink a cold tasty beer served to you by a fabulous wench and the money goes to a worthy cause..  ;) So huzzah for someone spending $100! and yes, I am a volunteer, so I am obviously not out there to make money, I am out there because I love it, and its fun.. The tips are considered a bonus, and I'm pleased if we can cover the costs of expenses for the run, (camping, gas, food, etc..) but if not, oh well.. I do not expect anyone to make my job easier for me, generally as "alcohol providers" we deal with more crap than most, (read: idiot and or angry drunks, underage stings, etc..) but I know what I signed up for.. Both Sitara and I can make change and have taught others to do so through out the years..  ;D

Money is money, it all spends the same, and we will not turn anyone away who chooses to pay with coins, nor will we make any faces or make you feel foolish, (well to your face anyways  :D :D kidding.. kidding... or am I?  ;)) We are grateful for all money that comes to the pubs or our way, but the fact remains, the coins are stupid! they are simply a time waster, and hold up the line just for the sake of someone thinking they are being "period" by paying with coins.. and yep I would feel the same way if I was a paid employee *which I will never ever ever be at MNRF* I like being a volunteer..  :-*
A Captains Wench

It's always Beer:30 here....

*sigh* So many kilts, so little time......



Quote from: Muffin on August 09, 2011, 03:29:25 PM
Now I know its hard to determine the tone of a post, but Wow..... I really hope you weren't trying to insult us..  :-\

Heavens no, quite the opposite actually.


Merlin the Elder

What Ferret is saying, Muffin, is that part of what an employee is being paid for is to put up with BS. A volunteer is not. We're supporting your position.

So now the question arises... How do you know if you're dealing with a volunteer or not?  And, I'll ask again... what about a sign if it is a problem dealing with coins?

[As an aside, I've been in the hospitality business before, and I've had customers that ended up costing me more than they spent. It's a difficult situation to get into because bad news travels faster than good news.]
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...


Quote from: Ferret on August 09, 2011, 04:02:06 PM
Quote from: Muffin on August 09, 2011, 03:29:25 PM
Now I know its hard to determine the tone of a post, but Wow..... I really hope you weren't trying to insult us..  :-\

Heavens no, quite the opposite actually.


I figured as much, but its so hard to tell just from reading!!  ;)  :-*

Merlin, I'm not sure there is a way to tell the difference, but from what I know of most fest workers, we may as well all be volunteers from the amount of money that is made "working" during the run!

As far as a sign saying No Coins or something like that, for us it wouldn't be possible, its not that we can't accept them, its just that we would rather not for convenience sake..

Anyways, like I said, money is money, and we are happy to have it..  :)
A Captains Wench

It's always Beer:30 here....

*sigh* So many kilts, so little time......
