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In Memory of Cody

Started by The Scotsquatch, June 17, 2008, 04:03:10 PM

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The Scotsquatch

                                            Farewell to Cody, a dear friend:

A phone call came yesterday bringing heavy hearts to us. Kevin and I met him at FLARF three years ago. He pulled in at dusk and without a break started setting up his camp directly across from us. Louis introduced him as "Cody". I liked him right away and I was cooking the evening meal. He looked tired from the long trip and it was eminent a good meal and a cold drink would help, so I asked him to join us before he did one more thing without resting from the long haul. Surprised and very grateful for the offer, he joined us to eat. Soft spoken, gentle and a downright nice guy, yup that was his personality. 

We laughed with him as he told us funny stories of past events. He was an extremely accomplished talented musician who played the rock and roll circuit during the 60's, 70's and continued right up to present day with names like Rolling Stones.

He thanked me for the food and went to his camper then returned with a beautifully hand made Native American dream has hung on our rear view mirror ever since he presented me with it. I would look at it before we arrived at the next show and would say to Kevin "I wonder if Cody will be there?" Most of the time he was, which was delightful. Every show we worked together gave both Kev and I an in depth look at this man. It was always better than the original meet, there was always more to discover.

He will never be there again and as I write this small tribute, it brings tears to my eyes. This is not fair. I understand the circle of life however it always pisses me off when someone so damn good gets taken before their time. We're grateful he didn't suffer and went peacefully in his sleep. He deserved the best way out. When it's my time I know he'll be on the other side waiting to play me a song! Goodbye our friend, we will never forget you, you were and always will be among the best!


Kev and Patti
Siege The Day!!!
Obside Diem!!!


Unfortunately I did not have the pleasure of meeting Cody, but I have met Kevin and Patty, and let me say that I'm sure his life was all the more richer from knowing you two as well!  Take care my friends.

Knarly Knot

Welsh Wench

It's never easy to say goodbye to friends.
But your life is so much richer for Cody being in it. As I am sure you enriched his.

A lovely tribute, Patti.
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....

Count Adolfo

your loss, as a friend, is felt by all your friends... you'll be in my prayers... as will Cody.
be well, my friend!