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I stopped my subscription to Renaissance Magazine

Started by Obadiah Jib, June 22, 2008, 11:25:47 AM

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We renewed our subscritpion last February. The letters are peoples opinions which like everything else I read and take with a grain of salt. Other sections that catch my attention are the news, the reporting of excavations, what is on exhibit, and most of the feature articles. Sure, there have been a couple of dud issues but we still like it. We have issues 16, 21, and 24-present.
Lady Elizabeth Poyntz
Ynez de Leon
Catherine of Austria, Queen consort of Portugal
Molly Blair


I just had an article accepted for the November issue. It's about my transformation from mundane woman and mother of four to an
Italian Rose Seller at Mirf (lane act, I sing). I would be terrified to write an historical article for them.
My journey from mundane to Ren Actor

Lady Renee Buchanan

A few years ago, they did what I thought was a very nice article on me and our brass rubbings.  The author spent about 3 hours on the phone with me the first time, and then there were several phone calls afterwards to verify the things she put in her article.  So she did put a lot of time into it to ensure its accuracy.

We have been subscribing since about the 4th or 5th issue, and while there are some articles that I am not  interested in and skip over them, I always find interesting things to read.
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich


I hardly ever buy an issue anymore either.

The yearly wedding issue was boring, because they are basically the same article the same year, with the same overpriced gowns.
The bad jokes on the art is soooooo lame. 

I do love the historical articles though, even if they are wrong sometimes.

I have been disappointed with this magazine for a while now and basically only buy one every now and then.  Usually in the middle of the time between faires for us.

~ Notouchin' M'Crack
Pucker Up!

Obadiah Jib

For me, my disappointment out weighs my interest.

I wish it was not so.
First Mate of the Portobello Rose.
I'm not the captain, I just dress better than he does.


I have to admit as a vendor I do get a fairly large number of hits from the link on their website that comes with my ad in the web resources area of 'zine
When you die can you donate your body to pseudo-science?


As a longtime fan of Renaissance Magazine and, more recently, a published author in the magazine, I have mixed feelings on many of these issues. 

I agree 100% with the opinion that the magazine could have more focus on local faire performers & life, but I also feel that the magazine has established a reputation as a reference source.  I enjoy the historical articles, although I've not written one myself, and I appreciate the research that goes into these.  My personal purpose for submitting articles to the magazine has been to try to bring national exposure to some local performers that I have seen/heard at faire, or been in touch with through this and other web sites.  While there is certainly always room for competition, to date RenMag remains the definitive publication for national exposure, and I think most performers would be happy to have a favorable review published in it.  (I hope so, at any rate!)

I would suggest to anyone who wants to see more focus on faires (whether on performers, the faire itself, or anything associated with it) is to write an article and submit it to the magazine, rather than to write to the magazine with your suggestions.  Or, if you feel you cannot write such an article yourself, perhaps contact one of the writers [ahem!], in order to put him/her in touch with the performers/faires that you think would make a good contribution to the magazine.  To the best of my knowledge--and I could be wrong--the editor does not make assignments, but rather accepts or declines anything offered for publication.  That's the way it has been for me, at any rate.

Also, I think someone pointed out that you can sign up for the faire news, which gets emailed from the magazine.  These are news and information bulletins that local faires submit directly to the magazine for distribution to anyone who's interested.

Last item, for those who wish to submit: RenMag does indeed buy 1st serial rights, which means the copyright reverts to the author once the article has appeared in print.   
You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.


My limited experience with the magazine involved a trip to the bookstore where I stumbled upon it while wondering if a ren faire magazine even existed.  So I found this magazine, but upon flipping through the content it seems more targeted to those who are interested in the Renaissance time period more so than renaissance faires.

I was looking for coverage of other faires, the latest faire trends, costume ideas, crafty stuff, and that sort of thing. This appeared to appeal more to the history enthusiast crowd.

Terry Griffith

Quote from: GypsyWriter on July 07, 2008, 11:51:36 AM
I would suggest to anyone who wants to see more focus on faires (whether on performers, the faire itself, or anything associated with it) is to write an article and submit it to the magazine, rather than to write to the magazine with your suggestions.  Or, if you feel you cannot write such an article yourself, perhaps contact one of the writers [ahem!], in order to put him/her in touch with the performers/faires that you think would make a good contribution to the magazine. 

Barb, if I'm reading you right, you mean anyone can submit articles and ideas for articles?  That makes it our fault if we don't like the content.  Makes sense to me.  I can and will make some suggestions to the publisher and if that works then no one has a right or reason to complain.  If smaller faires took more of a pro PR approach, they would all be vying for feature in an issue.  The same goes for performers accept its difficult to write something to promote yourself without sounding like an egotist but that's why we have you, dear Lady, and you do it so well.

All those who find fault with the publication should a rise from the pillows and make it what you would like to see instead of complaining about something that could be a great source of interest, entertainment, information and marketing tool.

"There's a unicorn that's hangin' in what's known as father's room......"


Remember that most magazines run on what the advertisers want. . .not what the readers want.  At about $20 a subscription vs. $500 an advertisement which would you decide to go with if it was up to you?

Faire Magazine will change that idea.  I'm in it to clear the cost of the magazine. . .not a lot more.  M'wife makes us a good living and Pyrates Way magazine is giving us a nice boost in income. . .  I really don't want to be rich on Faire Magazine. . . just want to enjoy (with all the readers) the joy of being at faires/festivals I'll probably not make it to. . . sorry, but it's that simple.

Join us at and enjoy the future of Renaissance Festivals. . . where we all partake of what's available. . .without spending $4 a gallon to do so.
Publisher, Faire Magazine, The Concordium, & The Pyrates Way
Founder, FriendsofMDRF

Black'n McCrack


I let my Renaissance Magazine subscription lapse.   I was very disappointed by their falconry article.  The author NEVER did any research.  There are several blatant errors about birds of prey and falconry in the article.  I submitted an article years ago, but they rejected it. (They called it poorly written).  Hey, my day job for years was an EDITOR.    Then they publish the highly inaccurate article.  I've been a falconer since 1974.  I've been a regional Director the the North American Falconers' Association, so I KNOW about the history of falconry. 

My article was published on the old Renaissance Forum.   I would like to re-post it on the new one.  How can I do it?  IT is a long article, but is good for finding out about the history of falconry.   
The essence of falconry is not in the flight or the kill, but man's relationship with his hawk.      --- T.H. White



I use to have a subscription, but I didn't renew simply because I got tired of the same ol' same ol' stuff. It became boring and I too got tired of the Costume Nazi's.
There are so many more things that could be written/photographed, but since the magazine owners don't wish to do that - nor lower their outrageous issue price, I like some others here (and those who just read and not post) have gone onto bigger and better things.
Being Blond means I have the right to walk into any wall.

Welsh Wench

Aside from the articles on the SCA Pennsic Wars, did anyone notice the EXTREME lack of colour pictures?
Come on, the joust pictures could have been magnificent if done in colour.

The magazine feels thinner too.

Sorry but I am not resubscribing either.
Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


Our copy came in the mail last week along with the separate directory they just published. I found it a little annoying that in the "games and toys" area my listing is surrounded by a bunch of modern game stores that are probably regular advertisers in Renaissance Magazine, but have no connection with Renfairs except as a cross-over market for modern gamers.
When you die can you donate your body to pseudo-science?