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Hauntings are bull... right?

Started by VIII, June 06, 2012, 10:44:49 PM

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Quote from: VIII on June 06, 2012, 10:44:49 PM
Then I stayed at The Red Lion Inn in Avebury, England, in November of 1995. I know what I saw

Oh yeah... a bit of spirits of another type involved there, my good king ;D  I looked for Florrie myself in 'your' room, no dice.  Must've liked you... maybe she was enamored with your namesake's revenant and confused the two of you?  Regardless, we WERE able to photograph their infamous 'orbs' at will, and can instruct any who wish to do so ;)

Shot orbs here...

Florrie's favorite window...

Besides that, we don't need to travel to see that which isn't there, we have a live-in 'pet' at home to watch.

Stalk well...
Enthralled with the Faeriebox...


I have seen ball lightning and ground lightning; albeit only once. So I don't put much stock in orbs. Just the natural electricity caused by atmosphere could explain 99.99% of those.
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Quote from: DonaCatalina on June 18, 2012, 08:39:33 AM
I have seen ball lightning and ground lightning; albeit only once. So I don't put much stock in orbs. Just the natural electricity caused by atmosphere could explain 99.99% of those.
Most of the Orbs seen on Ghost Hunting sites are nothing more than dust particles that have been illuminated with flash.................
"Consuming my enemies with fireballs from my eyes and bolts of lightning from my arse"


Living in the backwoods of North Carolina, one hears their fair share of haunting stories. From entire tracts of forest being haunted, to one small shack on the outskirts of the town.

One of the most famous, and widespread ( at least in my part of NC - people don't seem to realize that different people settled in different parts of the state, so tempers/stories change with each region ) is that the house of Edward Teach is haunted to the gills. Loud stomping and shouting, the feeling of being watched/that the person is not supposed to be there, have all been reported from tour groups that walk through the house.

Our coastline to the east has seen reports of ghost ships sailing the deep blue waves that crash along our Emerald Coast. With a name of " The Graveyard of the Atlantic", its not hard to see where this reputation comes from. If my memory serves me, in an old book I have of North Carolina ghost stories, at one point a white dolphin was seen that was alleged to guide the ships through the ever-changing sandbars up and down the coast. Something about a dead sailor/dead wife of a sailor, I can't remember the exact details.

Our mountains have a good deal of murder stories associated with them. The dead bodies of people murdered will start to bleed and groan when touched by their killer; apple orchards will fruit apples as red as blood due to blood being split at their roots; the Brown Mountain Lights are ( depending on who you talk to ) either UFOs or "Spirits of the Mountains" spirits who watch over the mountains per Native American legend.

Around where I lived, we had a lot of smallish Civil War battles. With every day of the Civil War seeing at least some sort of skirmish there is sadly an abundance of bloodied ground. So you hear about ghostly soldiers walking their trails through the forest, cannon shots in the middle of cow fields during daylight hours, ect.

I definitely think that people are taking part in some sort of event. Whether it's spirits actively "haunting" a place, or some sort of geological event,or just a combination of old wives tales and rats rustling around in leaves to give a compounded illusion of something else, I really don't know. At this point, I think it's actually kinda moot. Anytime you experience something that gets your feet off the beaten path ( no matter if its of this world, of another world, or whatnot) is to be held in the highest esteem and extolled. Especially when many of these stories are so deeply woven into the history of a place, such as all the examples above.

These shows, who are solely out to gain fanbases and money, only serve to cheapen whatever this event is. I don't care if someone hears about a place, goes to said place, a possum rustles and they promptly freak out thinking it was something else. If that person's life was somehow enriched by it, they shouldn't strip that magic away with glaring TV lights and hungry monetary budgets. True, we should invest true scientific interest in hauntings, but these shows aren't even trying anymore. One night, with twenty jumpy people and glaring lights everywhere? No siree, I wouldn't show myself to those types.

.... Though I do have a tiny crush on Josh Gates from "Destination Truth". :-[
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