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Do you recognize this girl from Scarby?

Started by AutumnCat, July 03, 2008, 06:27:47 PM

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I have a photo of a young girl playing in her new fairy wings.
I need to get contact info for her family.  They did not appear to be Rennies or friends of Rennies.
I have a photo of her that may be published if I can get a model release.

This photo was taken on May 25, 2008.

This is not the photo that is in question for publication.

Anyone think she looks familiar?



Without knowing much other than the info you're giving, AutumnCat, I would warn you and everyone reading the dangers of asking for and/or giving out personal information over the internet.  Your intentions could be innocent enough, but these are also the same tactics predators use to get to children. 

R/ member since 2003

Friar Rohn the Chronicler

     There is a very good previous thread that was posted here regarding public filming and copyrights....

     You might find a kernel of info hidden in there. As for myself, I never charge for photos that I take. I do it as a hobby, although it can be an expensive one since I just shelled out a little under four grand for my new camera, lens, and the external flash. So unless you are a professional photographer who needs to pay the rent, or are financially stable enough not to worry about the cost out of can cost a shiny penny. This year at the Castle at Muskogee, I picked up 100 blank DVDs and a box of plastic cases and ran off 50 sets to be given out to the volunteers and various Royals on the last day. I didn't even stay around to see them handed out, but many said it was a small riot at first. I guess Freebies are rare in Rennies.
     I didn't care to take a lot of photos of kids, not unless they were in garb. There was one family that seemed to be there every weekend so their kids were in several shots. I made sure they got a DVD set regardless if they were volunteers. Next year I will wear a simple monks outfit to fit in (hence the name Friar Rohn the Chronicler).

Friar Rohn

Friar Rohn the Chronicler

Well, the point I was making was on the issue of if you take photos at various Faires and you want to publish the photos.....who owns the rights? Kid's photos, pass on them. The volunteers are far more interesting. I was talking to The Castle's manager and she told she she always gets tons of kid's photos every year (and jousting runs a close second place). She can't do anything with them. They hire a local photographer to take the official photos for publications and ads.

Yeah...Deadbishop has a absolutely valid point. If somebody calls you out of the blue saying I want to sell your kid's photo (and somebody ID'ed her from a photo on the web)...."OH MY GAWD!!!" would not be my first thought.

The previous thread had many good points in case that Janice might want to be more prepared next year. It went over many various points regarding photographers, including a possible waiver form if she wants to sell her photos to a publication. Go to the Faire next year, maybe she may need to get permission from the management because it's private property, brings some type of waiver and hope to get a equally good photo.

As for Okie Rennies...they practically throw everyone out of the way to be the center of attention in photos. Some photos ended up being bad comedy sketches out of a Three Stooges video.  Can't decide on which was worse....pirates, drunken Scotsmen, or (Hhhmmm) the King's retinue of ladies "of questionable virtues". 

Friar Rohn the Chronicler

      I think the laws on the issue of photography in public places are different than taking photos at Faires where the customer has paid for admission to visit and partake in a private venue. I'm not a lawyer, but if I notice someone standing in the same area for hours just taking pictures of kids getting face painted.....sooner or later you'll get frog marched off the property by a few guys in uniform not wearing renaissance garb. I can remember several years ago when some TV reporter tried to create a story by sneaking hidden cameras into a local gun show and trying to setup sellers with loaded questions. They were spotted quickly, had their descriptions made over the public annoucement speakers and were marched out being boo'ed by thousands (yeah....we have huge gun shows in our state). They were tossed out because it was plainly posted "NO PHOTOGRAPHY" at every entrance. Ren Faires don't do that. Ren Faires thrive of word of mouth publicity. They love photography....but with limits.

     Deadbishop didn't exactly slam the piano keys lid down on AutumnCat's fingers, but.....he was just doing his job in regards to personal privacy issues on any child. I should know, I myself was a admin on a statewide forum for 8-9 years. That's why I tried to point her into another direction for pointers and learn from other's dicussions on how to be prepared for selling photography to publications.

     I hope that next year, she goes to the Faire in her area and takes some outstanding photos that makes everyone that views the photos decide to go to their local Faire themselves. I hope that with one great photo, she will earn enough to pay for a dream upgrade in her camera gear. Most of all, I hope that she got something positive from this thread.

Friar Rohn the Chronicler