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Bodice pattern drafting

Started by Orphena, May 20, 2013, 10:24:36 AM

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Rowan MacD

 Molly has the best idea: Insert a 'stomacher' in the front.
I have heard this was the period way to temporarily adjust the fit of the bodice to make it looser, like during pregnancy or an illness,  or to just pretty up a piece to make it look different-like adding a pair of sleeves (which you could make to match the insert).
  I have never made one, but I think they were usually laced into place, like sleeves.
A picture and a description of how they were fastened in place- though the picture is of an extant stomacher from the 1700's . The article mentions pins, laces or even stitching them in place....In the 14-15th century they were referred to as Plackets.  I can't find a period pic, but perhaps one of the other ladies here has one to show us....
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt


Thanks Ladies!

I have now added the teeny tiny placket - it is an inch wide. It is all blinged out, and the bodice now fits. The huge puffed sleeves are dragging the neckline out of position a bit - after faire, I'll be taking them off, and reworking them, but they will have to do for this weekend.

Still some hand stitching on the collar and the under sleeves, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. If all goes well, I should be done tonight, leaving me time to rest tomorrow morning before faire!
Luxurious Lady ~ Statuesque Seamstress ~ Winsome Wayfarer
Enjoyer of Elegant Elizabethan Ensembles



Have fun & post pics of you in all your splendor when you get back!


Your work is looking amazing. I can not wait until you post finished project pics. Great job.
May the stars always shine upon you and yours.

Royal Order of Landsharks Guppy # 98 :)

Rowan MacD

 Can't wait for the photos of the finished work!
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt


First and foremost... THANK YOU!! To everyone who helped, suggested ideas, gave feedback, or just peeked at this project - I couldn't have done it without you! While I don't recommend making an entire new gown in 5 short weeks, if you are going to do it, make sure you have a support group! It may not feel like it, but you're all coming with me to faire tomorrow!

Pics of me in the gown will be forthcoming- but all my underpinnings are packed, so these shots will have to do until then!  This is a just a quickie on the mannequin....

Luxurious Lady ~ Statuesque Seamstress ~ Winsome Wayfarer
Enjoyer of Elegant Elizabethan Ensembles


HUZZAH!  I can't wait to see you in it!   ;D  Have a GREAT weekend!
Amanda  =D

"Do not call for your mother.  Who is it that you think let the demons in to eat you up?"



WOW! You are going to look FABULOUS!

Wear it well, and break a...nail! (cause I can testify: breaking a leg sucks!!  :( ) - best of luck on your Show.   ;D


Quote from: Orphena on June 14, 2013, 08:35:11 AM
It may not feel like it, but you're all coming with me to faire tomorrow! 
YAY!  I can use a Faire-Fix! 

SO: I'd like to see the Mud Show (if there is one) if not, then anything with Celtic music...OH, and I don't really care for turkey legs, but some Scotch Eggs would be nice...and to drink, well so long as you toast to yourself from me (and I daresay, all of us), Your Majesty, I don't really care what's in the mug (though a bit of Mead would be lovely)...

Three Cheers for Her Majesty!!!


Hip, hip, HUZZAH!
Hip, hip, HUZZAH!!
Hip, Hip, HUZZAH!!!!

Long live the queen!