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Courtly Matters

Started by Amras Elfwine, May 10, 2008, 12:41:53 AM

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Queen Bonnie

 *POOF* Queen Bonnie magically appears in the wine cellar!* Impromptu  wine cellar party! Just us4!
Let us taste some of this very special wine- Gato Negro! Twas grand to meet you all!  My happy memories of Renndevous will last forever! Hugs!
I am remiss in reminding Amras, my Loyal Scribe, that Old Tinker and his Belle have been made Gems of our Royal Court at Renndevous. For all their loyal service to me and to FOKTOP! Huzzah!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

fluffy tail

Tables set with nice cloth over it. Glasses ready and bottle of Gato Negro ready.  An assortment of cheese and breads to go with wine.  Candles set on table to give a relaxed atomsphere.

*hope this wine is better than the "black cat" I had in Germany. Wonderful villiage that year the wirne was so-so.*

Congrats Old Tinker and Belle on becoming Gems of the Royal Court.

No fear Old Tinker, fulffy tail in rather shy too. That's why I stay in kitchen and cellar.
IWG #3371
Royal Wine Taster
Tinker #2
landshark #38

Count Adolfo

May I say, Majesty, what a wondrous pleasure it was to meet you finally at RenDezvous.
I had planned a surprise for you, but alas, in my rush to depart, left it behind.
Perhaps in Texas...

your Minister of Anti-Peep Propaganda
Count Adolfo


Greetings Good Queen Bonnie,

I found the time, though short, that I spent with you under the grand wooden pavilion of Scarborough, delightful.  Each time I have been privileged to come into your presence has brighten my day.
You shed joy and a bring a brightness of the spirit with each smile you bestow.

Thank you for sharing your magic.

Marguerite Queen of Navarre, Artist of the Crescent Moon, Keeper of the Furless Cats
Reyna Marguerite Regina d'Navarre
Royal Order of Landsharks #45
Keeper of the Hairless Cats
Artist of Crescent Moon

Queen Bonnie

 Twas a pleasure to meet you also, Count Adolfo! I hope you do make it to TRF!
Marguerite, Hugs! So good to see you at Scarby! Grammercy for the kind words! Hugs to you and the furrless cats!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Count Adolfo

I have just read an in-depth report indicating that Peeps, not industrialization, are causing Global Climate Change.
It is apparently a part of their plan for world domination...


Well, they are definitely not too intellegent then!
If it gets too hot, they'll melt!! ;D
Got faerie dust?

Queen Bonnie

 LOL! Grammercy for the updaye on Peeps! They are not only Evil, but stupid too! Kill the Peeps!
Huzzah FOKTOP!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Amras Elfwine

I shall attend to the additions post haste, my duties with your privateers at "Pyrate's Way" magazine have taken all my spare time of late, apologies...we are turning out some nice issues over there, however.

R/F member since 2004
"They say that men who go warring afield look ever to the next hope of food and of drink." ~Tolkien

"Who are you callin' plushy??" ~ Todd the Squirrel

Count Adolfo

Quote from: Queen Bonnie on June 11, 2008, 07:21:47 PM
LOL! Grammercy for the updaye on Peeps! They are not only Evil, but stupid too! Kill the Peeps!
Huzzah FOKTOP!

...but, of course, Majesty!
'tis my duty!

Lady de la Warr

Your Most Excellent Majesty,

I see you have a Keeper of the Royal Jewels. Tis good to have - you must have someone watching over them to ensure they do not go missing and to keep them bright and polished for your Majesty's use at a moments notice! Tis good indeed.

However, I am perplexed that I do not see a Royal Jewel Inspector! Tis a most necessary thing my Queen! You certainly do not want sub-standard jewels to slip into your collection! That would be a travesty! A Queen - and especially the Queen of Everything - should have only the highest quality jewels touch her most excellent person.

While I am the Queen of Denmark, I DO fall under "everything" and hence am one of your loyal subjects. Since I AM a queen however, I am quite the expert on jewels (I have quite a few myself your Majesty) and can weed out the unacceptable and low quality with ease. Those who know me personally, such as Amras and Count Adolfo, can attest to this fact as they have seen much of my personal collection........personally.  :)

I humbly offer the service of my jewel expertise to your Majesty to assist you in the accumulation of your collection of fine jewels, and am requesting entry into your court as Inspector of the Royal Jewels.

I patiently await your Majesty's decision. *deep curtsey*

Queen Bonnie

 Grammercy for your suggestion Lady de La Warr! We are most pleased to grant you the position of Royal Jewel Inspector!
This will be quite helpful to me. I have a vast collection of Jewels- but alas, my evil pirate twin sister usually Steal- er- borrows a few each time she comes to visit. I need to know I am getting the same ones back when she returns them!  Huzzah!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


Knowing that evil sister like I do, her being a pirate and all, this is a most excellent idea.  One needs to be able to tell what is the real jewel and that which is paste.  I would hate to think that your most precious jewels have been replaced with nought more than colored glass baubles.
Karl "Dragon" Wolff
The Pirates Cove


Count Adolfo

Aye, Majesty
I have seen the magnificence of the Lady's jewels... and can attest to the grand expertise she demonstrates in the topic.
It is also widely known that Peeps are envious of her expertise and wish they knew how to tell fine jewels from candy gumdrops.
Such an ally is surely yet another blow against our enemy!

Lady de la Warr

Your Most High and Excellent Majesty,

I am most honored with your confidence in my skill and will most loyally and expertly serve you. I will make certain that your evil twin sister returns the genuine goods she ........ahhhh......errrr.........borrows, and will ensure your jewel coffers are perfect and high quality to a fault!

As for those evil peeps - they have not a chance if they choose to come against ME regarding jewel expertise!! I shall easily keep them at bay! And grammercy Count Adolfo for your vote of confidence. As you have seen my jewels first hand you do definitely know I speak the truth!

Now, with her Majesty's leave, I must begin to execute my newly bestowed duties, as I need to inspect what is present in the coffers and take inventory of the sizes, types and qualities of the jewels therein. If the lovely FortuneRose would kindly show me the way to the jewel coffers I shall be off to work!!

Grammercy Your Majesty *deep curtsey*