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Murphy's Laws of Sewing

Started by Lady Rosalind, September 09, 2008, 10:26:07 PM

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Katie Bookwench

Quote from: DonaCatalina on March 17, 2010, 04:33:12 PM
You cut the main piece from the pattern; use the cut piece to cut out its lining.
When you try to sew the lining in, the lining will be three inches longer.

(How does that happen?)

In my sewing circle, that's called a 'blessing from the fabric fairy.'    ::)

Katie O'Connell - Hollygrove Library
(aka The Bookwench)
Licensed Wench - IWG Local 57

Lady Rosalind

Quote from: GirlChris on April 04, 2010, 06:29:23 PM
My machine sometimes winds the bobbins too loosely and I end up with the crazy mess.

Just had to chime in: I bought a bobbin winder for just this purpose - never had a problem again!

Crazy mess can also be caused by using the wrong type of needle for the fabric you are sewing. Found that out when I was sewing a knit with a normal needle... black thread on black fabric, 10 pm. Let's just say that ripping that sucker out was awful...

Adriana Rose

I found out that the snarl mess on the bottom of the fabric could be from the itty bitty screw on the bobbin case gets loose hence mucking with the thread tension. SO a little bit of a snug up on the casing screw knocks out the annoying mess


Yup, thread tension; also I've gotten it from having too short of stitch length (when switching from zigzag back to straight stitching and not resetting the stitch length).


Quote from: Butch on April 13, 2010, 03:17:27 PM
Yup, thread tension; also I've gotten it from having too short of stitch length (when switching from zigzag back to straight stitching and not resetting the stitch length).
A big part of why I like my machine. Not real fancy, and a pain in the arse when I can't find the foot pedal and have to use a start/stop button on the front, but with the computer control stitches, if I change stitch, it resets length (and width) to default automatically. Which of course can be a pain if I wanted one of the settings to stay the same (especially as it resets them when turned off)
That brings up my big curse. I've had the blasted foot pedal for maybe one in five projects. Have time and energy to sew? Spend it finding the stupid pedal!!! I've even tucked the thing into the machine, and it vanishes..... Without the pedal it button start/stop, with three speed settings (very convientient) but no actual control over speed, just on & off.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with catsup.


You will think you are so clever, removing fabric in the back of the bodice so that the shoulders fit better and stay in place.

You will realize you're a moron when you forgot to add fabric to the front and the silly thing doesn't close up.


How about this corollary?  ::)
I'm hip deep in sewing garb for TRF, so much so that I can't see how we would be able to take time to day trip to Magical & Medieval Fantasy Faire on November 6-7.

A new Faire will open near you the during the same time period you have to finish new faire garb for 3 family memebers in less than a month.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess

Lady Rosalind

DonaCatalina, that's so disappointing! Is there any chance you can hand sew some things in the car on the way to and from the new faire? I did that on our big vacation this year, as I had to have my bodice done by the following weekend.

Here's one: For the first time in years, I needed to sew button holes with my machine. My machine has a nice auto-buttonhole option. Dumb thing won't working on the canvas for the coat I'm making... Won't even advance the fabric.  >:(

On the up-side, I figured out how to make very nice button holes manually with my machine, so I probably won't ever use the auto-buttonhole function again.  ;D

Lady Rebecca

Quote from: Lady Rosalind on October 28, 2010, 10:40:40 AM

Here's one: For the first time in years, I needed to sew button holes with my machine. My machine has a nice auto-buttonhole option. Dumb thing won't working on the canvas for the coat I'm making... Won't even advance the fabric.  >:(
Likewise, my machine seems to have decided it's not a big fan of doing machine eyelets in canvas and/or velvet. Luckily, I already had the corset done, but my waistband eyelets on my noble overskirt and my Queen of Hearts bustle still do look pretty sad...