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Historical Accuracy Resources

Started by Manwariel, November 20, 2008, 06:15:57 PM

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I looked through every page of this section and didn't see a thread for this, so forgive me if I missed it.

Do you know of any websites and/or books that list period colors, patterns (as in, dots, flowers, stripes...not sewing patterns), and the like? Preferably ones without a lot of extra information.


Well, that "lots of extra information" is kind of par for the course with H/A, but I'd say that most of the really fine websites out there are well organized, so it's reasonably easy to find what you're looking for.

Festive Attyre
Elizabethan Costuming Pages
Reconstructing History

... Should get you started, website-wise.

Books: Tudor Tailor, and all of Janet Arnold's books... but those are chock *full* o'extra info.

As for *this* site, H/A buffs tend to congregate more in the Sewing forum, so you may have better luck over there.


Looking at paintings from the era and area you are interested in is a good way to get a feel for the fabrics used. There are many online art galleries out there including the Web Gallery of Art You will find articles on textiles at
Cindy/Ciana Leonardi di Firenze/Captain Cin
