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Started by Var Greyshadow, May 13, 2008, 07:26:40 AM

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Count Adolfo

Spectacular, accountin' for me inability to remember or even approximate a memory of the events of much of the weekend!

Majesty, Hector is quite the FOKTOP Knight and had our backs so handily that we apparently could drink all weekend and not be in danger!  That's one derring-do Knight... a Knight Commander, so to say!

Queen Bonnie

 Huzzah to Hector! I do enjoy drinking in peace and not being harassed by peeps! We hope Hector will join us at TRF some time!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Count Adolfo

I am still attempting, Majesty, to accomplish a trek to TRF with Falcone...
mayhaps I can convince Hector to accompany us


The peeps were idiots to attempt taking over Revel Grove with so many loyal members of FOKTOP present.  They suffered their proper fate.  Good Count, I believe the elders did not attack until Sunday as they were casting spells to distort the memories of the knights present.

I do hope to make it to TRF this year.  My preference is All Hallows if I can get the scheduling to work.  Hopefully that will be resolved soon.

Count Adolfo

that explains it... indeed, that explains it
and gives me more propaganda to spread

beware, for Peep Elders have powerful magicks that will distort our minds and memories!

iain robb

On a Travel Channel show about a place that deep-fries just about everything, the cook mentioned that about the only thing he doesn't deep-fry is peeps. "They puff up and puff up and then just kinda dissolve," he said.

While this may sound like good news, I should point out that this demonstrates grave peril in defending a castle against peeps using hot oil. Unless you have enough hot oil, all you'll do is make them bigger!

Yours in defiance of evil peeps,

Count Adolfo

Ooh... more propaganda:

Peeps gain super-peep powers and capabilities when exposed to hot oil

Queen Bonnie

 HMMM. Wondering what used motor oil would do to evil peeps?  Anyone want to try?
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Count Adolfo

I have recently captured some purple peeps attempting to infiltrate my noble garb... Majesty... I'd be happy to do some experimentation and perhaps get a sorceror to "record" the event for posterity's sake...

Queen Bonnie

 Huzzah! You have my good wishes for any peep experimentation you might want to try good Count. We look forward to the results with anticipation!!!!!  Kill ,maim and torture the evil peeps- not in that order of course!!! Huzzzah FOKTOP!!! Down with the evil PEEPS!!!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


We here at SkyCastle Manor have been experimenting with habaneros and mini torches. We'll see how it comes out- I'll be reporting again soon...
Blaidd Drwg

Queen Bonnie

 HMMM! Sounds interesting! Keep us posted Blue!  Hot time for evil peeps! LOL!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Var Greyshadow

I was nearly ambushed by chocolate cat Peeps at Target over the weekend.  They were lurking about amongst the Halloween decorations when I turned and saw them.  I turned them over to a three-horned monster to dispose of them.  (Really - there was some sort of ceramic monster thing with an open mouth with fangs, and I left the Peeps sticking out of the mouth.)
"All that is gold does not glitter; Not all those who wander are lost..." ~J.R.R. Tolkien "The Fellowship of the Ring"

Anna Iram

Huzzah Var!

Perhaps it was the legendary One eyed three horned flying purple PEEP-le eater!?  :D They made a song about him once as I recall...

Count Adolfo

"What will YOU get thrown out of Target for...?"