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Started by Var Greyshadow, May 13, 2008, 07:26:40 AM

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Queen Bonnie

 LOLOLOL!!! I LOVE FOKTOP Division 6! HUZZAH and well done! Now I will have a smile on my face all day!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


If love be rough with you, be rough with love;
Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. Romeo & Juliet, 1.IV

Queen Bonnie

 Huzzah for that verdict! Can we get that landlord to join FOKTOP? Down with peeps.
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Anna Iram

Your Majesty, it appears the Peeps are learning to cook. Peeps pies, Peeps soups, is a Peeps diner just around the corner?

Queen Bonnie

 OH NOOOO! That is truly scary.  The recipes sound disgusting.
  As usual the Evil Peeps have been busy!
Be vigilant FOKTOP!
I have a few recipes myself. Dead peep puree!
   Tortured peep torte! . Help me out FOKTOP knights!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Rani Zemirah

Minced peep pie, perhaps? Pierced peep pudding?  Pickled peeps feet? Peep ala Gaul (flambe)?  Mashed peeps, stuffed peeps, roasted peeps and peep shish kebab!!! 

All seem to be suitably painful ways to prepare the little buggers... but who on earth would want eat them?  *shudder*  (Anna, be strong!  No back-sliding, now...)
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Anna Iram

MMMM...Bacon flavored Peeps might be good...Umm.... I mean ICK!!! Ptpppt... blech! ....??  ;)

Rani Zemirah

It's those insidious chocolate flavored peeps!  Gives me a toothache just thinking about them!!! 

Is there a Peeps Anonymous circle anywhere near you Anna?  I fear you are in dire need of a gathering!!! 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Anna Iram

I got tossed out last year when they found me passing a flask of Peep-Tini's in the back row, *sigh*

I'm such a sucker for a sweet talking Peep.  :-\

with aplogies to the below mentioned artists.
(Doug Morris / Eliot Greenberg)
The Chiffons

Sweet talking peep, talking sweet kinda lies
Don't you believe in him, if you do he'll make you cry
He'll send you flowers and paint the town with another gal
He's a sweet talkin' Peep (sweet talkin' Peep)
But he's my kind of Peep (sweet talkin' Peep)

Sweeter than sugar, kisses like wine (oh he's so fine)
Don't let him under your skin, cause you'll never win (no you'll
never win)
Don't give him love today, tomorrow he's on his way
He's a sweet talkin' Peep (sweet talkin' Peep)
But he's my kind of Peep (sweet talkin' Peep)

Why do I love him like I do?

He's a sweet talkin' (sweet talkin') sweet talkin' (sweet talkin')

Stay away from him, stay away from him, don't believe his lyin'
No you'll never win, no you'll never win, loser's in for cryin'
Don't give him love today, tomorrow he's on his way
He's a sweet talkin' (sweet talkin') sweet talkin' (sweet talkin')
sweet talkin' (sweet talkin') sweet talkin'
(sweet talkin')Peep

Stay away from him (sweet sweet, sweet talkin' Peep)
No no no you'll never win (sweet sweet, sweet talkin' Peep)...

Rani Zemirah

Lies, Anna... all lies!!!  They only tell you what you want to hear, then leave you with an ache in your belly, and most likely one in your teeth, as well!!!  What's worse... they tell all their nasty little peep friends, and even pass around (gasp) PICTURES!!!  The ones that titillate them the most are the close up shots of lips lightly dusted with colored sugar crystals...  (I hear they even post them on the magic box so peeps all over the world can see them!!!)

Pink perversion wrapped in cellophane, I tell you!!!  
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Anna Iram

Umm...*gulp* I think I may have just been cured. *especially that cellophane wrapper part.*  :o

Ever think of opening up your own halfway house Rani?  :D

Rani Zemirah

Shock treatment... it tends to leave a much longer lasting impression than coddling.  ;)  

Just remember... just because you don't see the camera, doesn't mean it's not there . . .  :o

Please forgive me for posting the peep porn, but I just thought you might need a little visual reinforcement...

Those little pink pervs are wily, I tell ya'!  
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Anna Iram

Okay...I think I'm properly freaked out now....  :'( :-[

Rani Zemirah

Sooo... no more back-sliding, then? 

Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Queen Bonnie

 No backsliding allowed. Dark chocolate is better and cures Peep Addiction.
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!