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Positive power/prayers

Started by Celtic Lady, January 02, 2009, 06:46:19 PM

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Oh dear, I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this.  You seem to be handling it so much better than some would be, though.  I will be thinking of you and praying for you and hoping things will get better as you continue your treatment.
Gndecent Gnomie
Master Baiter on the HSI
Seryn of Chaos

Celtic Lady

Hey all. Today was my day to see the neurologist about my medication treatments. There were 4 different ones that I was to read about and decide which one was right for me. There were two that I was considering. I chose the same one that my sister is using. It's a daily subcutaneous injection that I will give myself. The other was once a week but it goes IM (intramuscular). I'm not up for that. Anyway, I have to wait until I hear from the phamacy rep as to when and how and where I will be getting my meds. I wish they'd call soon. After that I get to go in and get trained by my doctor's nurse on self injections. About a month later I go to see him again to see how I'm doing. From that point I'll be seeing him every 3 months. yippee  ::) .

O yeah... almost forgot. He wants me to go for a sleep study. That seems to be pretty standard when ever something is going on with a person. Not sure what that has to do with certain conditions but that's what they seem to keep pushing.

Lady Amy of York

Hello girlfriend. How are you feeling ?  I read your last post . I wish you luck with your meds and pray that they bring you needed relief and  comfort.
   In regards to your sleep study are they asking you to have a sleep study to test for sleep apnea, or a sleep study to test for  neurological symptoms?
  I ask cause they did the same thing with me. 
      The sleep apnea test was a pain in the butt  atleast for me, cause  they decided to  conduct it four hours after i had given birth to my son. Great timing huh ! I was uncomfortable, still in pain from having C-section and  the last thing i wanted  was them running some  tests on me . LOL ! But overall what  they do is strapped some different wires and stuff on to you, and then they monitor you while you sleep for three hours.
          The sleep test fo the neurological study was not bad at all.  I went in this small room. There was  a nice bed  and  a  TV.  They strapped some wires to my head  and i think there were some on my legs too. Can't remember.  And first they monitored my brainwave function, while i watched tv.   Then they monitored me while they flashed different images on the tv screen, and then different sounds.     And then they had me close my eyes  and  try to sleep.  They monitored me  for about a half hour .
  Basicially they were  watching how my brain waves function and  trying to see if there was any abnormalties  they could  detect. They use this type of test to help diagnose or  rule  out different diseases that can affect your brain wave function .
    Hope this info helps. Good luck to you.                 

Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


As always you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers m'lady.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Gndecent Gnomie
Master Baiter on the HSI
Seryn of Chaos

Celtic Lady

Well this weekend was a difficult one for me. Friday at work the right side of my face started to droop and look swollen with my right eye only opening halfway at the most. I had a call from the medical company that is helping/supplying me with my medical supplies/help. They were confirming that I got my self injector for my daily shots. As of Friday I had not received it and was concerned because they said that it had been signed for. They said that they would send another to my work. Saturday was no better. I had to work until noon and was very tired despite getting about 8 hours of sleep. Sunday found me tired and sleeping most of the day. When I was up my speech was slow and somewhat slurred.
This morning when I woke there was no improvement so I called work to let them know that I would not be there because I was having a relapse. I called my neurologist's nurse to see what I should do because of all that was happening to me. She checked with the doctor and he said that I needed to start the three IV treatments again. After getting home today we found found out who signed for my injector and now I have it  :D . The pharmacy called to let me know that my meds will be ready tomorrow after noon and that I have a great co-pay as they cost almost $3000 for a 30-day supply :o .
Tonight is ending better than the day started. Already I'm feeling better  :D . Tomorrow I'll be back to work but will be taking some time off to go take my treatment and hopefully can get the training that I need to use my injector and the meds. Thankfully both the neurologist's office and the treatment center are in the same building  ;D .

Rani Zemirah

I'm glad you're feeling better, now, but it's awful that you had to suffer through all of that because your meds were delayed! Hopefully things will start to improve more rapidly, now! Find whatever works to keep your spirits up, dear, and rest when you need to!!! We'll always be here for you when you need us...
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Celtic Lady that is such wonderful news that you are feeling better now, but like Rani said it was a shame that you had to suffer like that before feeling better. You still continue to be in my thoughts and prayers though.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Celtic Lady

I had the second IV treatment today. I'm still feeling good and my speech is still good. I feel like a pincushion. Yesterday I was poked 3 times before they were able to get the IV in me. I wanted them to leave it in so I wouldn't have to go through all of that again but just before the treatment ended it started to become uncomfortable. Today, it took 4 attempts before they struck blood... literally. Again I wanted to keep it in and again it became uncomfortable. Soooo, it looks like I'm getting poked again. Thankfully it's my last treatment.
I noticed that when I'm tired my face and eye lids tend to droop.
After my treatment I saw Nurse Edna (my neurologist's nurse). She gave me my lesson on how to use my meds and the injector. She gave me my first dose as well. I waited there for a few minutes to make sure I didn't have any reaction to the meds. The worst reactions I could experience are chest pain and difficulty breathing... usually happening 15 minutes after the injection and lasting up to 30 mins. although my sister had a reaction that lasted more than an hour.

Lady Amy of York

I read your post about your hard time getting poked. How often are you suppose to ge a IV?  I  am  sometimes a hard stick, and have been told  sometimes  by nurses that i may want a permanent shunt( spelling ) put in me to make it easier to give  blood or  receive  meds.

You are in my thoughts  and  prayers.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


I'm glad things are still continuing to go well for you however I'm sorry that you had to be stuck so many times in order for them to draw blood.

You still continue to be in my thoughts and prayers though.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Celtic Lady

Today was my last dose of steroids for my recent relapse. Thank God they are over. My veins didn't want to cooperate and now I'm full of bruises from trying to find vein sites to get the IV to work. sigh... darn body. Anywy, I'm walking better and my speech is better, too. At work it seemed to me that i was able to move my fingers a bit faster although I still have the tingling numbness esp. in my right hand. My left hand seems to have less of the tingle now so here's hoping and praying that it's on the mend. The right eye is still not fully opened but it's getting better. It still has twitches or tremors but that's ok... not bothering me right now. The droopiness on the right side of my face is slowly getting better but is most noticeable when I'm fatigued/tired.
This evening I gave myself my second dose of my daily meds. The shot itself wasn't bad but the meds were a tad bit stinging after a fashion. Feels better now though. We'll see how all this goes with mending. Who knows.... maybe I'll regain my right hand.  ;D

Lady Amy of York

wishing you continued sucess and healing hon ! :)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Likewise, may God be with you as you continue to heal and mend from this recent illness of yours.

Hugs to you!  :)
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Celtic Lady

Just checking in with everyone. I've been on my now a whole week plus a few days. Today was absolutely great  ;D . I got up early so that Morgan and I could run an errand before I had to leave for work. I've been sleeping pretty well lately and that seems to be helping me. The past couple of days I've had tons of energy with today being the best. I'm walking without difficulty and my speech is pretty normal. The only time either changes is when I get tired. My hands still have the tingly numbness to them but I'm regaining the use of them. As for my face and the "droopiness" and tremors things come and go. When I get tired my face tends to droop and the tremors around the eyes get worse. Other than that things are starting to get better.