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Prayers for my puppy-update--just found out she may have a brain tumor

Started by Lady Amy of York, May 14, 2008, 05:34:14 PM

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Nothing you said sounds silly at all Amy. Makes perfect sense to me. I know exactly how you feel.

Our dog is a rescue dog. We have had her for going on 7 years now. She is like my best friend. There is no cost I would spare for her. She's family plain and simple.


I do not think It is silly I myself have asked for help with my dog and found that my prayers have been anwsered. I don`t think that anything that moves our heart to pray is small thing or silly. For the things that move our hearts I think are imporant to God as well.  I believe that all our prayes are heard.

Lady Amy of York

My husband talked to the vet today. We have to options.   One is  for  Bonnie  to have ssurgery done her locally at  the vets.  This   would involve putiing some stitches in around  the torn ligaments  to help keep them in place.   This  is  the less invasive  procedure  ,  ( still costly though )  , but the vet said that their is no gaurantee  that the ligamens  would not tear more.

Then there is the  the other option, which is  to send her to cornell.  The vet sais  this would  eb a more invasive  and  more  risky surgery, with possible  complications.   They would  go in and try to repair the torn ligaments   along with  tyring to repair her damage knee. There  was also mention of scraping away the bone and bone tissue.
   This procedure as i already sais  is more invasive  and  costs more, but  has more of a sucess  rate, although the vet did warn  there can be complications.

The vet is suppsoe to be  sending us  lierature  in the mail  to read  over.

So now  i am undecided  what to do, i want the best  for  Bonnie, but I  don't know if i want to put her through an invasive, risky surgery unless absolutely  necessary and just what complications  could  there be. I will have to read through all the literature.

So far  she is hanging in there...the pain meds make her pretty sleepy.
  Thanks  for  the  well wishes  and  support ! :)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Lady Ann of Draycott

Oh, Amy I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy.  I wish you all the best, whatever you decide to do!  :)
Collector of Wine and Roses
Clan McLotofus Elder
Landshark No. 96

Charlotte Rowan

I'll keep praying for you and your puppy!
Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.

Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia

Lady Amy I refer to my 4 dogs as "My Boys" or "My Furkids" and believe me I would have a heck of a lot more garb were it not for them however they are totally worth it.  THEY on the other hand have a great leash collection!

I am quite certain you will make the best decision for your entire family, know we pray for the best for your furkid!

Lady M
"Embrace those who love you and rid yourself of those who bring you down."


Hi AMy.. I feel your pain. I have been down this road many many times.

I have mixed feelings about all the procedures they do now on animals. I had my beloved collie's let amputated in an effort to save her from cancer. well, after suffering for a few months after the surgery and learning to adjust to 3 legs, the cancer had spread and we had to put her down. I still feel guilty over that. I would never do that again. Last year, I had my other old collie put through xrays, only to have him take a turn for the exreme worse right in the vets office! we  had to put him down that day! more guilt. all i am saying is that i have gone through extreme measures for my animals but i think a lot of it was for selfish reasons b/c i was not ready to let go. Your dog is still young and can have a few more years so some action should be taken. IMHO I think the invasive surgery sound a bit much for you and the Bonnie. Maybe the other way would be better.

either way, my prayers are with you! and your precious pooch! LF

Lady Amy of York

An update :

  We have decided on the less invasive surgery for Bonnie.  She will  have a procedure  where they put stutures ( spelling ) in to help support the torn ligaments.   Our main  vet who we like very much told us this is what she  would do if Bonnie were her dog. She said the other procedure was very invasive and very risky.
  So Bonnie will be having the procedure done here locally instead of going to Cornell. She is scheduled for June 9.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Taffy Saltwater

I'm sorry to hear your fur baby has not been doing well - please keep us posted. In the meantime - hugs & healing thoughts to you & your baby.


Furbabies are family too!
*lighting a candle, and saying a prayer*
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL


I hope that the surgery will work well for your dog so she can get back to her normal self soon.

Lady Amy of York

Bonnie goes in tommorrow  for her surgery !  Praying everything goes okay. I'm a nervous  wreck, cause she is  my baby  girl, but  it has  to be  done. She is  in so much discomfort. She  sits  around  and  whines in discomfort, and  her breathing is very fast   and  labored.  Poor baby.  So please pray that her surgery goes okay, and that it helps  her !  Thankyou ! :)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Lady Amy and Bonnie....prayers going up.
Our four legged children are so important.
Blessings for your love and care of her.
Red Hat Ren Queen a.k.a Mari


Lady Amy.......many thoughts and prayers go with you tomorrow. I do hope the surgery is a success!
irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)

Lady Amy of York

Bonnie's surgery went well. She had torn the meniscus ( spelling ) in her knnee and ligaments around it. They said they repaired both.  She is doing well. she is at the vets hospital overnight.  They called and said she is trying to get up and play so that is good news. Thanks for all the prayers!     ;D ;D :) :) :)
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn