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Smoking in F of F areas

Started by Berit, February 13, 2009, 10:41:20 AM

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Queen Bonnie

 Have the shows gone back to smoking? I had to leave the Iris and Rose show because of too many smokers. They used to have No Smoking signs up last year.
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


I don't recall ever seeing no smoking at shows
I used to smoke at the I&R shows... and that was only a few years ago... so I am pretty sure it was allowed otherwise also

*as long as they don't cut out the rum at shows I am ok...*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"

Queen Bonnie

 I believe there were No Smoking signs up at the  Scarby shows for 2 years- but did not see them this year.
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


Cant help but post in here. While I understand what every smoking person have a right to do so, there absolutely have no right to endanger health of others.

Here is a link to a Mayo Clinic article what points out  that second hand smoke is poisonous and dangerous for health.

You may argue that you walk away from crouds when you smoke but wind will blow smoke right back to our faces; when multiple people smoke around, it is absolutely miserable. You also may say that noone yet died from inhaling second hand smoke for one weekend but here is just a short list of what second hand smoke inhaling will do to many right off the bat:

Chronic coughing, phlegm and wheezing
Eye and nose irritation
Reduced lung function

Why should us,  non- smoking folks ,have to pay with our health for someone's bad habit? There are areas for smokers everywhere- FoF places, pubs,  Bonnie reported awful smoking at shows.. Where are the non smoking areas, I wonder?

Thanks for listening my ranting, I never smoked  when I have to inhale someone else's smoke, not only I have to smell the stink but my throat  will get scratchy and depending on the proximity, my eyes irritate as well.. So , have Mercy , smoking folks....

Yennefer von Vengerberg


..... o.O

<----is a smoker, and can't smoke in malls, restaurants, clubs, bars, movie theatres, grocery stores, Wal Mart, pizza joints, gas stations, liquor stores, pharmacies, schools, hospitals, offices, paint factories, refineries, nail salons, hair salons, strip clubs, sushi bars, government buildings, food banks, the DPS (where I REALLY need to smoke), divorce court, 24 Hour Fitness, poker tournaments, 80's themed parties, Dave and Busters, comedy clubs, Burger King, Claires, crawfish boils, and practically NOWHERE in the states of California and Colorado.

Blaidd Drwg


When  I asked about non-smoking areas, I really meant Scarby areas...Just to clarify
Yennefer von Vengerberg

Carl Heinz

Don't know how many current Scarborough folk remember Ed Westfield (The Scribe).  I believe he was also a Scarborough Squire.  He was a dear friend that we lost several years ago to throat cancer.  He waited too long to quit smoking.  Ellen sent me some of his ashes for distribution on some of our sites.

I quit in 1987 after being a heavy smoker for 27 years.  Still reach for my pocket every once in a while.  When you've gotten to my age, the number of friends lost to lung and throat cancer really brings home the need to quit.

Sorry for the rant, but we rennies are few enough as it is.
Carl Heinz
Guild of St Cuthbert


I was really just joking LOL....
Blaidd Drwg

Queen Bonnie

 I love the shows- but can't deal with being surrounded by smokers- so have to leave.I had been looking forward to a smoke free Iris and Rose show. The Sea Devil at TRF is way too smokey for me to attend their shows.
Lord A died of Lung Cancer.He gave up smoking. I had to ask a few folks to not smoke around him on his last visit to Scarby. Glad they were nice. He loved faire so much.
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Lady Renee Buchanan

I've been lurking in this thread, even though I haven't been to TX yet.  And the operative word is - yet!

My mom died of lung cancer, my father died of emphysema.  All due to smoking.

Just because you can't see someone's reason for not smoking doesn't mean it doesn't affect them.  I had a kidney transplant.  A gift from a friend, and I do everything I can to keep that gift.

Know what they told me at the hospital?  Keep away from all smoke.  Even secondhand, it can affect the kidney, and because it's not my own kidney, the smoke can affect it more, and long term effects can cause me to damage it, and possibly lose it.

How many people in a huge crowd might be in the same circumstances?  Liver, kidney, pancreas, heart transplants.  You never know.  So that is 1 more reason to have non smoking areas.

Looking forward to one day visiting your fine state and the magnificent faires (whose pictures I see on these boards).
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich


I do still see a few "Please put out Thy Butt" signs up at some of the shows (Doktor Kaboom, Chess Field and others), but they are not very visible.  We went to several shows Opening Day, and the only time someone's smoking really bothered me was at the final Joust.  They were sitting on the row just behind us, and it was blowing right into me.  I just patiently endured, and was glad they didn't chain-smoke.

I thought all shows were supposed to be non-smoking due to the close proximity of sitting in a crowd.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam, Mythbusters


A Dutch study published last year in the Public Library of Science Medicine journal said that health care costs for smokers were about $326,000 from age 20 on, compared to about $417,000 for thin and healthy people.

The reason: The thin, healthy people lived much longer.


Bringing it back to the question at hand, I think that the point is that Berit was asking about making ONE of the areas non-smoking, not all of them.  If it's just one area, I think that's rather fair (get it?  Fair?  Faire?  MWAHAHAHAAA!  I crack myself up!).  That way the smokers still have space, the non-smokers have a space, and it's all good.  Smokers can still go into the non-smoking area, they just can't smoke there, and non-smokers who can tolerate the smoke can still hang out in the smoking area.

Just my $0.02.   :)

I am not an employee of Scarborough Faire and to not represent them in any way.


This is from the FAQ of the Scarborough website.

Smoking:  Although smoking is allowed throughout the park, we ask that guests refrain from smoking in the audience of our shows.
Don't forget to smell the roses, but watch out for the thorns!


For a minute there this thread was getting pretty darn tense!  Of course, that happens anytime you talk about things people are passionate about:  drugs, sex, war, rum...smoking....

So- my turn to get involved in the fun!
I think- based off of original post/request/issue that perhaps their should be a non-smoking FoF area.  Those who are more conscious of their health will appreciate the gesture and safe haven, while those who don't care/doesn't bother them can still have their place to get their fix, fill their need, kill a lung - ack that slipped in there, I swear it!!-

There will always be stupid people- stupid people who don't smoke, stupid people who do smoke.  So, it seems as if whatever gestures of goodwill (clean air) are made, there is still the great chance that some of those stupid people will get in a small crowd at a show and light up.  Unless you hire the faire ogre to do something about those people...hmm actually, that is a thought...

wrapping up nowIf you smoke- be aware of those around you and direction of wind ;)
If you don't smoke- be aware of those around you and direction of wind ;) 
If you are stupid (which, as I established can be either)- well, I am looking into my options with the ogre on that one...

Alright- got smoking tackled- who wants to take on drugs, sex, war or rum?!?!

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It's always a good day to be Cassandra