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Started by PrincessEvanescenceFae, April 29, 2009, 09:46:10 PM

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Has anyone in this group ever heard of Arik Christopher???  I have heard that he is a extremely popular Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow.  What do ya'll think of him?

Lord Figaro

I don't know him. But I have found some pictures people can use as a reference.

On this page he is about half way maybe a little more than that down.

On the page below he is in the bottom right corner looking like Johnny Depp.

Hope these help.

Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

George Santayana

Capt Robertsgrave Thighbiter

Eh, all these Jack Sparrow impersonators look the same.

;D   ::)
If the rum's gone, so is the fun
*images and URLs not allowed in signatures* -Admin
Party like it's 1724


Sumthin' tells me yer not gonna get much love for Capt. Jack Sparrow anything from the pirates around here.
Just a hunch!  ::)


Now, is that Captain Jack Sparrow or the fella that protrays him,ay fellow pirates???


Quote from: PrincessEvanescenceFae on May 01, 2009, 11:04:46 PM
Now, is that Captain Jack Sparrow or the fella that protrays him,ay fellow pirates???

I'd go with the character.  After PoTC, Cap't Jacks started crawling outta the woodwork.  Most of the people on here have put a lot of time and effort into their pyratical personnae,  only to have everyone go all ga-ga over a staggering fop.


I used to be Friends with Arik Christopher when he was the 1950's Elvis Presley, and I haven't seen him in a while, looked him up and see that he was doing Johnny Depp.  Truth be told he looks like a mix of Gavin Rossdale, Orlando Bloom, and yesss Mr. Depp, himself.  I never thought that since POTC, that we would have such an exploision of Capt Jacks.  Personally, I liked Will Turner, sorry.

Lord Figaro

It's not that we don't like the guy, we don't really know him. He's doing an impression of a well know FAKE pirate. To each their own, but most of the pirates on here look at the fake Capt Jack's who cares. They are a dime a dozen right now. Eventually they'll fade out, like all things do. Till then, it's what ever floats his boat, tickles his fancy, and turns him..........makes him happy yeah.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

George Santayana


I have to agree....especially being a pirate WITH the name Jack....its hard for your pirate to be taken seriously when you say, "I'm Captain Jack....etc, etc"

  Everyone starts saying crap like, "like Captain Jack Sparrow??"

  Sadly enough, I look nothing like sparrow. My costume doesn't, nor do I personally. nor do I act like him.

  I've contemplated changing my pirates name as it is Jack.


Obadiah Jib

I have no problem with Captain Jack Sparrow.  I have no problem with those who can do a good take on the Disney character (I have seen a few great ones at MRF).  The kids like him and he gets people excited about pirates.
First Mate of the Portobello Rose.
I'm not the captain, I just dress better than he does.


Quote from: Lord Figaro on May 04, 2009, 07:12:01 PM
Eventually they'll fade out, like all things do.....

Sadly, I think it will be some time before Sparrow fades from the Pirate consciousness.....especially with the next POTC being mostly a Sparrow movie...