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Where is the BEST Justacorps/ Pirate coat you have ever seen?

Started by Obadiah Jib, June 15, 2009, 11:18:40 AM

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Obadiah Jib

Have you seen a fantastic Justacorps?  You know, the long pirate coat of mid 1600's...

Where did you see it for sale?
First Mate of the Portobello Rose.
I'm not the captain, I just dress better than he does.


I'll let you know when I find it.  I'm still looking after all these years.... ::)

R/ member since 2003

Marietta Graziella

The best ones I've seen are the ones made right here on R/F.  ;-)

Sorry, I know that's not what you want but I could help plugging our talented seamsters.  ;D
Nothing clever to say here.  Not enough caffine yet.

Capt Robertsgrave Thighbiter

A clothier named Audrey Carrol makes garb for the general public, and theatre/ movies,
She made me a custom Justacorp, black with red pipping trim.  Matching weskit too. They are exquisitely made, with full attention to all the historically correct details ( fullness of cuff and length, etc etc). 

You can see her basic one  here on her website:     pirate

To my eye, the best one I've seen out there.  Mine gets compliments all the time and everyone tries to steal it at Faire.
If the rum's gone, so is the fun
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Party like it's 1724

Obadiah Jib

My ultimate Justacorps would be 95% period, have huge full outer pockets, a smaller inner pocket on the lapel. and cost under $200.00 USD
First Mate of the Portobello Rose.
I'm not the captain, I just dress better than he does.

fallenangel1241 absolutely beautiful coats for around $350.

Capt Robertsgrave Thighbiter

 I have a Kristi Smart coat too.  One of her early ones, before she started to make them a bit more nautical. These coats also get tons of compliments. 

Our first faire performing , I wore mine, initially.  Got lots of women folk making nice comments!  Then my son , same size as me, asked if he could wear it for a bit. I said OK. Suddenly, he is the one getting all the attention and phone numbers! "Gimme that back" says I.   A nice coat to say the least.
If the rum's gone, so is the fun
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Party like it's 1724