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New, Improved Eastern Shore RENSTOCK (Camping in garb!)

Started by Steev, June 16, 2009, 06:27:09 PM

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Sounds like you got something good in your noggin my good man.
Founder, MDRF Friends of Faire
Dread Pirate Lumpy
Lump'n M'Crack


I'm in the process of setting up Renstock for July 23, 24, 25 (Fri, Sat, Sun) of 2010.  There may be some seasonal issues (sheep flies, hunting, etc) so dates may shift if necessary.  But I'd like to get an idea of who's interested and who might volunteer to take on various roles.  I can handle lining up the property, toilets, wash stations, showers (if necessary), providing campsites, big grills and lots of firewood.  I'd want help organizing food, beverages, activities, cleanup, funding for whatever potties, etc. we'd need.  I'd love have involvement from musicians and other performers, vendors (handle your own sales tax!),and anyone with a good idea and some motivation to carry it off.

Really important, I'd love to have someone familiar with this forum interface to help manage info as it comes in...

Thanks all,

Born too late.  But not too late for faires.


Hi All- Just an update, understand that with PARF going on and MDRF on the way folks have their minds on "business" so I'll just wait for replies to trickle in...  but here's where we are on RENSTOCK 2010:

Property is lined up for July 23, 24, 25.  People should RSVP as they find out so I can stay prepared.  As above, I will provide parking, campsites, unlimited firewood, places for bonfires, one huge grill and several small grills.  There is access to electricity but I'd prefer it if this were used only as necessary vs. running an air conditioner 24/7. I can line up facilities as required: potties and wash up stations are $100 per, shower stations and even more elaborate facilities are available- I'd just need to know what people will require and are willing to contribute for. 

Now for some new information.  The dates are at the end of the deer fly season.  For those who don't know 'em, they're really annoying and have a painful bite.  However, it's not the peak season and we CAN control them- I can fog the area before anyone arrives, citronella candles or torches can be set up along the wetlands where I'm not allowed to fog, and there are adhesive patches that can be worn on the back of a hat which trap the bastards.  They are attracted to dark clothing so if possible plan to wear light colors.  Between all these things we should have few problems but thought you should know.  We'd also need to pass a hat to provide these control methods.

People should plan to BYO food and booze, we can arrange a pool for kegs if desired.

SET UP and TAKE-DOWN:  If we want to customize the area before the weekend we should have a crew to prepare (at least) the day before. IF WE WANTED it would be possible to put up quick barriers to block out mundane views (not so many but a few), put up a mini-stage, seating area, "tavern", pavilion or some such (we have tons of building materials available and I have a truck full of tools), or mow some paths in the fields.  We'll need a clean up crew in place at the back end to make sure I'm not stuck cleaning up alone.

As above, it would be great to have vendors and performers, if anyone wants to organize any event that would be great (just let me know if you're planning LARP so I can have the ambulances standing by).

And again, anyone who knows this interface and can help me keep organized would be a great help.  I'll be at MDRF opening, Rendezvous and closing for those who want to grab me.  And as always, please share your thoughts (especially to tell me when I'm out of my mind...).  S
Born too late.  But not too late for faires.


Just spent a camping weekend *in garb* at the property (to test it out... heh heh).  Fantastic.  There's a big space in the middle of one field for a bonfire, a couple of nice long walks through forest on mowed paths, a fair amount of space out of view of mundane structures.  I still want to host a RenStock in summer between VARF and PARF/MDRF- and now I'm considering having a fall one after MDRF closes...

Born too late.  But not too late for faires.


IWG# 3681
ROL #101

will paisley

Quote from: Steev on October 08, 2009, 06:25:21 PM
Just spent a camping weekend *in garb* at the property (to test it out... heh heh).  Fantastic.  There's a big space in the middle of one field for a bonfire, a couple of nice long walks through forest on mowed paths, a fair amount of space out of view of mundane structures.  I still want to host a RenStock in summer between VARF and PARF/MDRF- and now I'm considering having a fall one after MDRF closes...


Weekend after MDRF closes - last weekend of PARF - much of your target audience will either be there, or at some various Halloween event.

November 14-15 is CRF Pirate Christmas - Pyrates Royale will be there, and that is typically MDRF invasion weekend of CRF.

Watch out not to conflict with the Hack and Slash Christmas show in December as well.
Minstrel, Interrupted, Bard #400 (CD)
Faire Name: "Flo's Husband"
Yeoman-Purser of the Frigate Up Royally

Professor M

Steev, you have a good idea going, and it's simpler to execute than you think.

Time for a history lesson:

As far as I know, the first RENSTOCK took place near Pittsburgh in the summer of 2006.  Our faire owners declared bankruptcy and we didn't have a faire that year.  One of our loyal patrons, and mother of a cast member, offered her land for a gathering, much as you have.  Most of the cast, and many loyal patrons and a few stage acts showed up, from as far away as Cleveland and New York.

The food was all pot luck, though the host did coordinate a balance a cold cuts, beverages, hot foods, and desserts.  Many folks brought tents.  A few brought their musical instruments.  We had one outhouse on a path lit by torches, and it was sufficient.  Somewhere along the way, the comparison to Woodstock was made, and someone dubbed the gathering "Renstock."  (We all love Scotsman, but he didn't coin the term.)

Now that our faire is under new ownership, there isn't as much cause to gather during the summer, so we've moved it indoors in February and changed the name to "Winter Renstock."  Keep an eye on the Pittsburgh Forum.  You're welcome to join us.
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
~ C.S. Lewis


Thanks for the encouragement, Professor.  I'm watching the weather to see how bleak it'll be after close of MDRF- seems likely to be cold but personally, I like the chance to wear a cloak and hang out by a bonfire.  I'll periodically drop in on this thread to keep the topic alive and as next season approaches I'll start fishing for interest.

I hope to see many of you at MDRF closing weekend!  If you see me grab me and say "Hi!".

Born too late.  But not too late for faires.


Update, to keep the thread alive...  Still planning for July 23, 24, 25 2010 (if there's interest).  I've been in touch with some *secret professional performers* that I'm prepared to eat costs for, if it's any incentive.

Feline, Peddlin', Joyce Ann, Pinn', Will P., Betty M., Lairde Guardn', Scotsman, Ryan Laesk, all others- gonna come?  Bonfire the size of 2 SUVs, spooky walks at night, me practicing my abysmal BFA...

What could be more fun?

If it works, we can have a Fall one.  If it doesn't, I crawl under a rock and die (in garb).
Born too late.  But not too late for faires.


Well of course I'm gonna show and drag my D/H to this event also and any other M'Cracks that may want to go. :D
IWG# 3681
ROL #101


I feel quite sure tht we will be there. Just let us know how we can help.
Peddlin M'Crack
Countess of Tyrone
IWG #3790, Local 96

Feline Groovy

My fingers are eagerly (if tentatively) crossed -- seems like if faire isn't crossing me up with fencing, fencing's crossing me up with faire so if I pledge heart and soul to be at RenStock, it practically guarantees that a major coach education session I reallyreally needwant to go to next summer will be scheduled over that same weekend.   ::)
Where was I going and how do I get there?


Barring some very off-the-wall circumstance that I absolutely can't plan around (read: one of life's little screwballs), can be damned sure I'll be there.  Probably even plan to be there prior to and after, so I could lend a hand to set up and take down, as my health allows for.

Oh, and Steev, it'll work.  We'll make it work, lol.  Hell, a couple years down the road, it'll probably be just as populated as faire!  XD

Anyone else really worried about the privacy issue?  Hell, I say, if they wanna watch, let 'em!   ;D
What's a Grecian Urn?  Are we talking union, or non-union?

Betty Munro

I have heard that the onsite camping outside some of the big fairs is just as much or more fun than faire itself.  If anyone will be making the trip from the Leesburg area, drop me a PM.  I'd like to ride share, (ie hitch a ride).  I'd like to up my status from tentative to "you betcha"!


Happy End-Of-January!  Just giving the thread a bump to keep it in view.  When Spring (and VARF) approach I'm going to start hitting this thread more frequently.  Honestly, if we have a dozen seriously interested people, we can have a great weekend.  If we have 3 dozen, we can have a REALLY great weekend.  If we have a gross of rennies, then we have a MOVEMENT (don't laugh, some parties on the property have numbered more than 300!).

Born too late.  But not too late for faires.