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Seriously? Obama is in trouble with PETA

Started by *Teach*, June 18, 2009, 10:04:43 AM

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I read that PETA sent/is sending a bug-catching device to the White House - something you can trap the bugs in to be released outside.

(I'm imagining some kind of plastic cup with little airholes?)

I am definitely for ALL creatures being treated humanely - but I think PETA is doing more to damage their credibility here than helping their cause...

and I'll be the third to cast my vote for offering greif counseling  :D - good one, CB!
50% Endora, 50% Aunt Clara.

Gauwyn of Bracknell

Our state fair here in Iowa actually now has a PETA booth (People Eating Tasty Animals) after a few years back of protests from the 'real' PETA.  It appears to be quite a popular booth (but then this is Iowa; pork and beef baby!!) :)
Born 500 years late

Gauwyn of Bracknell


Thanks Sir William, i smacked my screen trying to swat that fly.

Maybe the fly was looking for his share of the bailout.


Well they have effectively brought their name back to public attention with this move. Haven't heard a peep from PETA for a long time before this.


Wow.  Seriously? 

I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals, really I am.  But I think -some- members of PETA take things a little too far.  Do you know how many times I have to say "Nope, I'm not a vegan, just a vegetarian.  No, I'm not -that- kind of vegetarian.  I just don't like meat, really."?  Flies don't really bother me (except the huge, biting horseflies we used to get in the barn), but I'm -terrified- of most bugs (especially spiders and roaches), and I'm allergic to wasps, so...yeah, given a person brave enough to kill them for me, they probably won't survive.
Mischievous Little Imp.

Bonny Pearl

okay, the typical life span of a fly is about 3 weeks.  let's go with the thought that this particular fly was in it's elderly stage and just call this one a draw, lol.  ::) ;D

Gypsy Wanderer
Kingdom of Onondaga
Order of the Hatchet
Landshark No.88


A fly and flea in a flue...
Were trapped, so what could they do?  :(
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"...  ???
Said the flea, "Let us fly!"...  ::)
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.  ;D

Much ado about nothing. Isn't it a Constitutional Right to be able to do silly and stupid things that hold us up to ridicule? I'm all for being nice to animals- how about we start being nice to people too.
"It is only with the heart that one sees rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
   Antoine de St. Exupery

Lady Renee Buchanan

How's this?  Kill it?  I'd obliterate it.


The common fly is such a pesky pest. But did you know that it carries over 1 million different bacteria on its body? Flies eat puke basically. They vomit on whatever it is that they want to eat and then suck it up with their tongue. You see flies don't have teeth and they vomit their stomach liquid on whatever they want to eat. The stomach fluid then liquefies the solid portion and the fly laps it up.

Flies also have Velcro feet that they use for hanging upside-down and claws that they use on level ground. A fly has an adhesive solution that it shoots out of its claws to walk upside-down. As it walks hanging upside down the gunk solution attracts germ critters that hang on to the gunk and get a free ride.

The common housefly uses the hair on its legs and feet like people use their tongues. The hairs tell the fly if wherever they land is good for a meal. Then the fly pukes on the area it wants to liquefy and slurps it up with its tongue.

The fly sees the world as a great big buffet restaurant and it is constantly retching, and licking it all up.

Flies can carry all kinds of terrible diseases such as Salmonella, typhoid, dysentery, cholera, and anthrax and worm parasites.


Now all of you can go and have a nice dinner...    :-[
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich


PETA drawing attention to themselves by having naked women protest is fine by me. No..really it is!  ;D

But a fly.....?
Save the Earth (it's the only one with beer)!

Tipsy Gypsy

I find it hard to take an organization seriously that chooses things like this to make an issue of. Animals locked in hot cars or chained in yards without adequate cooling, water and food, absolutely, but flies, fer cryin' out loud? That's just silly, and I think it does far more harm than good to one's mission to make an issue of something so petty. Ya gotta pick your fights wisely.
"It's just water, officer, I swear. And yeast. And a little honey. How the alcohol got in, I have no idea!"


Last year PETA cried out for the jockey's suspension after Eight Bells when down after her valiant run in the Kentucky Derby.  They said it was his fault.  Something about she had injured herself in the race and he should have pulled her up before the finish.
The REAL story in that is the filly was prone to tripping over her own feet. And that's exactly what happened.  It was by no fault of the jockey that the little filly who had just ran the race of her life fell and broke her legs.  It was the kindest thing to do in the circumstance to euthanize  her on the spot.  She was put out of her misery and will forever be honored at Churchill Downs.
That's my two cents :D
Squire Gaby
Squire to the Knights of the most Noble Cause


Quote from: Tygrkat on June 18, 2009, 03:12:49 PM
I read that PETA sent/is sending a bug-catching device to the White House - something you can trap the bugs in to be released outside.

(I'm imagining some kind of plastic cup with little airholes?)

They have a merch catalog online, it's like a toy store for crazy people!
Here's the little gizmo in question;

But this is my favorite:

Obama can collect the little buggers and let them go when he goes outside for a coffin nail  ::)
"Pants are for guys with ugly legs"
Member of Clan McLotofus,
IBRSC# 1619,
As seen in Renaissance Magazine

Noble Dreg

"From July 1998 through the end of 2008, PETA killed over 21000 dogs, cats, and other companion animals -- at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters".  But they work hard to save a fly!

I have no more to say on the depresses me too much.
"Why a spoon cousin? Why not an axe?"
Because it's dull you twit, it'll hurt more. Now SEW, and keep the stitches small

Betty Munro

I thought this was a joke when I first saw it on the news.  I have a LOT of respect for Obama now, it is hard to kill a fly with one's bare hand.
I will probably get a call from PETA after this post ...

so I was taking a shower this evening and this pesky fly kept buzzing around the bathroom.  It landed on me twice, (yuck - now I have to shower again!) and I just totally lost it.  I picked my shorts off the bathroom floor and wacked it down in mid-flight.  Then I grabbed some toilet paper, picked it up and promptly flushed it down the commode.  My neighbors (all men) are in complete agreement that I should have instead caught it in cupped hands and raced it outdoors despite my nakedness.  I've been near tears in remorse all evening.

So, has anyone seen Whale Wars?  I don't have cable, but go to a friends house on Friday night to watch it now.  Save the Whales!!!  If you think Greenpeace was on the fringe, this guy and his crew are nuts.  Where do I sign up???   


I was at work yesterday (wal mart) and a man came to me and wanted to buy all of our Beta's. That's nearly 30 fish, so I asked how many tanks he had. Conversation as follows...

"Sir, how many tanks do you have a home?"

"Just one 20 gallon tank"

Sir you can't put Beta's with other fish, especially other fish with long fins...they get very jealous and attack. The Beta's would all die."

"I know. I want all your beta's."

"Alright, may I show you our Beta tanks?"

"I told you I have a 20 gallon tank, the fish go in it."

"But sir, they will..."

"I know all that s*** now sell me the **** fish"



"I won't sell you 30 fish so you can kill them. It's wrong."

-insert cussing here-

WHAT I SHOULD have said was....I'm calling PETA!
PR ~Faire Daughter~