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Sterling Weekend Weather

Started by Tygrkat, July 07, 2009, 01:24:02 PM

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I don't think one could ask for better weather at Faire than that, Xantrawler!  ;D
50% Endora, 50% Aunt Clara.


Oh there will be singing from Falstaff pub for sure! I like the way you think Xantrawler.
Whatever we end up with i am sure all will make the most of it as usual.
Home Faire:Sterling
Clan O'Doinn-Irish Penny Brigade (New York)
Carpenter of the good ship Medusa.
Foktop Knight
Clan Vogdis


just checked the weather forecast...lookin' good! :)


Just looked at the weather, I see we may have a thunderstorm during the renew of vows. I'm looking at it as the Heavens way of cheering for us and our devotion to our loved ones.


I don't worry about weather till it happens, and it can change fast
along the lake there. Oh well a little liquid sunshine never hurts.
But the hail we had last year did.
Home Faire:Sterling
Clan O'Doinn-Irish Penny Brigade (New York)
Carpenter of the good ship Medusa.
Foktop Knight
Clan Vogdis

Lord Finger

An anecdote I think came from Virginia at Wolfstone Kilt Co.:

Rain doesn't stop NYers from coming out for the day, but 90° heat makes everyone stay home. It's the opposite at Southern Faires, where people will take the heat all day long but they won't go out in the rain.


we were there in the rain. was ok till about 1:30 then it just poured. we gave up about 3:30 and went home at which piont it started to clear, but we just wanted to go home and dry out by then. there really wasnt much of anything going on in the rain. the show kinda stopped.


Oh heck......I can remember one day, I was wearing a velvet gown and it poured! I couldn't move at all!!!! LOL! I had to keep wringing it out, in order to get to my car! What a sight!!! BUT...what fun!!! I never laughed so hard and the kids were just falling over!!  :D
Rain and hail at Sterling is always fun!!
irish~ren ~
Cruise Director ~
Clan O'Doinn (Sterling) ~
Irish Penny Brigade (New York)

Dorian Mallory

The rain and hail from last year was spectacular.  If only I had had an inner tube or a raft I could have white water rafted down the hill.


We spent the rain huddling under the eaves and watching the boat races. Some of the kids made boats out of the styrofoam plates. Leave it to children to remind us to make the best of a bad situation. 


anyone know were to get some waterproof cloaks. it seems to rain on my wife and i alot.


For Sterling (or any other warm-weather Faire), your best bet would be to find a lightweight wool cloak you like, and apply a water repellent-type treatment (scotch-gard or something similar)

50% Endora, 50% Aunt Clara.


I will agree that some shows stop during a heavy rain but the spontaneous shows are sometimes even better! It all depends on where you get stuck! This Sat I got stuck at the main stage where loud racus singing broke out  between the stage & the pub below. Then I wandered over to the beer garden where more loud singing & dancing were going on. I also saw the kids jumping in puddles & having boat races in the rivers flowing in the lanes.  There were also people wading in the new formed "lake Sterling" (joust field). So, after chasing flying umbrellas, dodging raindrops & wandering from roof to roof & getting soaked to the skin I had a GREAT time & I hope I got the pictures to prove it! I will try to get some pix ASAP!

As for cloaks, I agree with Tygrkat light wool is good  & can be found at Inch by inch in the lower shire. Moreska, just inside the gates has water resistant cloaks too. All the clothing shops have cloaks of one form or another. For the mundane most shops & booths have the plastic ponchos available too. Wet, dry or simply damp... have fun & ENJOY!!!
*links and URLs not allowed in signature* - Admin


Quote from: duffy on July 11, 2009, 08:28:13 PM
we were there in the rain. was ok till about 1:30 then it just poured. we gave up about 3:30 and went home at which piont it started to clear, but we just wanted to go home and dry out by then. there really wasnt much of anything going on in the rain. the show kinda stopped.

Archery continued.

Lady Amy of York

The  weather yesterday was  absolutely  gorgeous  for  faire.    Sunny  and  with a  slight cool breeze.  Just pefect.          They had a  good  crowd, but it was not what i  would  call overly  crowded .      The  only places    were  you could  see  signs  of  the heavy rain  the  day  before  were  the  parking  lots  and   the  joust  feild.    All  in all, it  was   a lovely  day  for  a  faire.

I got  to meet Photomike   and  one  of  the  Bunny People   and   captain Jack  Rabbit.  I  wish i  had  remembered  to take  a picture.  Next  time  for  sure  !

I  saw  Sir Waterbury  and  had a  pleasant  chat  with him.

I  also   had  the  lovely  pleasure of meeting  Ladyfaire  and her husband  Al  who were visting  our  faire  for  the weekend.

I  thought I  saw  Darklord  walk by  me  once.  atleast  there was  someone  who looked  just like him. I  thought  he was  not  coming    till next weekend .

MMario,  my   5  year old  son and husband  enjoyed   the  archery  booth, i have  to say  somewhat  to  mommy's   dismay,  for  they  are  going out  tonight  to  buy  themselves both a bow  and  and  some  arrows. I have  already  told  my son he  can  only use  it  when  daddy is  around  to help him  outside,  for i have images in my mind  of  him  poking a eye  out.

Look  forward  to seeing  everyone  again  next weekend,  along  with  a few  more faces  i have  yet  to see  this  year.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn