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Faire on What not to Wear

Started by bellevivre, July 22, 2009, 09:33:38 PM

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Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury

Quote from: Athena on July 22, 2009, 09:38:58 PM
Yeah, I love 'em too but I can already hear the smarta$$ comments.....I hope they don't trash her garb! *breaking into a cold sweat at the thought of a bodice being tossed in the trash can*

IWG #3880/IWG Local #77
Wandering Pirate
Endearing Noble


Don't forget to tune in to TLC tonight at 9! 

**crossing fingers that nothing bad happens to the garb :-\**
MDRF FoF Charter Member
IWG #3798


She should have never gone to these people. What a bunch of complete mule-butt (putting it nicely) MUNDANES! Yes, she has a little bit of a skin-tight size obsession, but her general style was okay. So far, she hasn't pulled out any garb for everyday wear, just Ren/gypsy/alternative wear styles. The hosts just take issue with that because she isn't cookie-cutter yuppie America.

Celtic Lady

I did not like the color they chose for her hair and when her eyebrows were dyed they looked too orange (in my opinion). As for the clothes she chose, I did like some of them and the accessories.

Lady Renee Buchanan

I never watch TV.  I can't even tell you when the last TV show I watched was.  But I watched this one, heart in throat, wondering if the garb would be put in the trash.  Happily, it wasn't.

From what I've read here and on another forum, it sounded like the kind of show I would hate, with mean comments made by the moderators, but I didn't find it too bad. The comments weren't as awful as I thought they would be.   She did look nice at the end.

Unless it's faire-related, though, I probably wouldn't watch it again.
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I have to say, I enjoyed this particular episode very much and I don't think they gave her a cookie cutter look. The end result was sleek, yes, but they didn't rob her of her individuality. I love the hair! The new color is scrumptious, and they didn't cut it too short straighten it, thank God! Best of all - her lovely curves were celebrated, not camouflaged! A big thumbs up to that!

I was impressed how Ariel was treated respectfully, not like some freak who's obsessed with the past. A lot of these reality shows go for the extremes, but other than some good natured ribbing in the beginning, they didn't dwell on the fact she's into faire. I laughed when Clinton said he couldn't live in the sixteenth century because they didn't have Gucci. It was even funnier seeing him get wenched!

Best of all, they didn't touch the garb! HUZZAH!
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb

Lady L

I watched it and here's what I thought.

The beginning was interesting, then it went downhill.
The hosts did say they "loved renaissance faires" but that people should keep that life seperate from their regular life. I didn't agree entirely with the last statement.

I have watched quite a few episodes of this show before and I don't always like the hair makeovers. As an artist, sometimes I cringe at the colors and patterns they put together for an outfit. I like to match things as exactly as possible, whether in tone or in color. I usually like the makeup.

I thought there would be many gorgeous pieces of ren attire and there was only the one wench outfit shown. That was disappointing. That one rack of clothing was her entire wardrobe? *gasp*
She said 50% of her wardrobe was costume, but I didnt' see that represented on the show.

If someone lives/works in NYC, then the makeovers are appropriate. If they are a stay at home mom or work in a rural area, then I don't know where/when they would have the opportunity to dress that way. It wouldn't be very practical and no one else would be dressed that well, so they would most likely be picked on.

As for this episode, I really didn't like the hair color on her, but I did like the eye makeup. I also didn't like the hair guy saying that most people should have color in their hair. I know that's his job, but not everyone does that. I have never colored my hair and I doubt that I ever will. I like it the way it is naturally, as it looks in my pic here.

That's my opinionated artist coming out.  ;)
Former Shop Owner at MNRF

Celtic Lady

QuoteAs for this episode, I really didn't like the hair color on her, but I did like the eye makeup. I also didn't like the hair guy saying that most people should have color in their hair. I know that's his job, but not everyone does that. I have never colored my hair and I doubt that I ever will.
I totally agree with this. If a stylist told me that I had to have my hair colored I would get out of his/her chair and never go back. I used to work in a salon and some of the stylists tried to convince me to color my hair (either shading, highlights, lowlights, perm. color). I never did. I like my hair color.


I watched, and overall, I didn't hate it.  A couple of points that sort of got to me:
1. IMHO, Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament is a perfectly appropriate place to be wearing garb. When a group of us invaded last year, in garb, there were quite a few people, other than our group that I saw in garb, at least a piece or two

2. They played up some, her Faire persona, but she said specifically that by day she is an Admin Assistant, and by night she does theatre, and to me that indicates more than just faire so when she said half her wardrobe was "costume pieces" I took that to mean it might be faire or other theatre costuming. In fact, in the 'secret footage/market researcher interview' she specifically says that her belt she bought for a costume.   As for only having 2 racks of clothes, I'm thinking that either she left the true garb at home, or they didn't require her to put it out, because I didn't notice it on the racks.

3. The hair, well, those of us who have watched for any period of time know that the old hair stylist would absolutely have chopped off most of her hair, and I never saw him change eyebrow color. As for the color of her hair, it was beautiful, but I think something like highlights would have added some dimension, and trust me, the upkeep on eyebrow coloring is a HUGE pain! Especially if it's a significant difference.
IWG 3450
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Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury

Quote from: Lady Renee Buchanan on July 24, 2009, 09:37:43 PM
Unless it's faire-related, though, I probably wouldn't watch it again.

They've had a few faire related episodes before actually. One of the drew me specifically to watch . . . a girl who was a faire goer, sword fighter, and actually liked some of the same tv shows I did. And we had the same name. I watched it for the irony of it, lol.
IWG #3880/IWG Local #77
Wandering Pirate
Endearing Noble

Lady Rebecca

I'm glad they didn't make her too cookie cutter, but I personally loved the hair color on her! I second the dislike for the "every woman should have color in her hair" comment. If that was true, why didn't God just make us with that color? (Of course, that said, I've never dyed my hair, and while I do like the color, I would love highlights).

I think I'm going to have to wait and see more of this new guy before I decide if I like him or not.

And I'm so glad the garb didn't get trashed!

Lady L

I am glad too, that the garb didn't get trashed, but I would have liked to have seen more of it! I am sure there were more pieces of garb they didn't show.

Although *I* wouldn't color my hair, I didn't mean it to sound like I am against someone else doing that. Lighter/brighter or darker/richer can be an improvement for some people, it's just not something I want to do.

One of the things I do like about that show, in general, is how they explain shapes and proportion.. how to flatter the best features of each person.
Former Shop Owner at MNRF


Saw it & liked it although I feel the need to say that I'm a fan of the show. 

An on-line friend of mine knows her so I asked him about the garb.  She did not take it to NYC as they were in the midst of season there & without it she'd have nothing to wear.  I never heard them say 'Don't wear garb' (although I wish someone would have explained the difference between the words 'costume' & 'garb').  They said 'Don't wear garb where its not appropriate'.  I love faire & do have a few pieces I wear in the 'mundane' world (my Kiera coat from Boss Wench comes to mind).  However, I'm not going to wear my pirate fairy attire to teach 1st graders (my current job).  I'm also a bellydancer & one of our rules is that you don't walk around without a cover-up in public.  It helps protect you & its considered rude to draw attention to yourself when others may be performing.

Yes, an argument can be made that they repeat a lot of the same rules.  However, a lot of people they get fall into one of these catagories:

-Clothes too young (mutton dressed up like lamb)
-Clothes ill-fitting in some way (too tight, big, long, short)
-clothes inappropriate for ones environment or job

There are also a lot of the same rules for dressing specific bodies.  If you have a large chest, get a good bra.  Don't wear mico-minis if you're over a certain age.  There's even a commercial for the show where Stacy says 'Get a good jean, a pointy-toed shoe & a fitted jacket & you can have my job'. 

The show does have it faults (I think they underestimate at times the heat in the Southern part of the US during the summer) but in general I think it does a pretty good job making people look & feel better.  I also have a really good feeling about the new hair guy.  I think we'll see lots more women be able to keep their long hair instead of having it chopped off.


cowgrrl, I completely agree.  I just didn't know how to say it.  Thanks for putting that into words. :-)

Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury

OMG guys . . . my sister nominated me for What Not to Wear AND THEY CALLED HER BACK!!!!!

Pray for me . . .
IWG #3880/IWG Local #77
Wandering Pirate
Endearing Noble