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so... how's everything going?

Started by TKM, October 04, 2009, 09:52:44 AM

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I'm a little surprised about how little activity there is here with the season currently going on and everything. Having not been there practically all season, I just wanted to check in with some of the regulars and see what's up. Any neat new acts or new things that classic acts are doing that I'm missing out on? Any funny stories I should have been there for? How are the barbarians doing? I'm really ashamed I can't be there to help them this year when I know they need it most. Anyone ever talk to Morgan or Mary Hill? Let's discuss anything and everything worthwhile for this season here.


I am by no means a regular but I'll chime in anyway.  I was up for opening weekend and will be back this weekend.  Saw Musical Blades and Sonic Sidhe for the first time and will stop in to see them again.  I enjoy Rehtaeh the Elvish singer and usually stop by a couple of times while passing down the lane.  Going to see the human chess match for the first time if it kills me.  Beyond that I'll be looking for a couple more acts to catch and probably do a bit of shopping.

I would have liked to see the Limey Birds but understand they are on hiatus.  Tartanic has not been there for a couple of years and I would love to see them return.  I have never seen the joust and will probalby pass again this year because it is usually too warm and I prefer smaller crowds. 

Overall it seems like there are some deals to be had at various merchants.  I found a steal on a vest that rounded out my garb nicely and will probalby add a mug and a shirt or two this weekend.

That's my take on it.


there is no activitiy on he kcrf boards ever TKM, forget about it. the only time there is activity on this board is when there is some sort of controversy to be had it seems. when there is infighting about how much people are paid, or how crappy the management is ( i dont agree, i think they do a fine job ) there is activity. otherwise, forget about it!

ashame to, always a top 10 attended festival nationwide, and no one wants to talk about it. homegrown talent that does well, beautiful landscaping, still looks authentic ( no paving ) funny shows, great food, yet nothing to talk about. sorry TKM!!!


There are other faires that seem to have well established groups that post on a regular basis.  I haven't seen that yet for KCRF.  Is there a group or clan lurking out there?

Overall of the faires I have been to KCRF is right up there.  I always have a good time and feel I have recieved a good value for the price of admission.  Are there things I would like to see changed?  Sure, but none of them are deal breakers so I'll be back again and again.


Quote from: Cormac on October 06, 2009, 01:30:50 PM
There are other faires that seem to have well established groups that post on a regular basis.  I haven't seen that yet for KCRF.  Is there a group or clan lurking out there?

Overall of the faires I have been to KCRF is right up there.  I always have a good time and feel I have recieved a good value for the price of admission.  Are there things I would like to see changed?  Sure, but none of them are deal breakers so I'll be back again and again.

what kills me is other faires that are not well attended seem to have more people talking about them. pittsburgh comes to mind. that place ( forum ) is hopping year round, but the faire itself is still very very small with a LONG ways to go. we draw as much at kcrf as the pennsylvania renaissance faire. same thing. more people talking over there always. strange.


It may be a matter of awareness.  I had a few people ask my about my R/F pin and I told them about the site.  I did meet a merchant that post on here and she even was kind enough to extend a discount for wearing my pin.  Pardon the spelling but I belive it is Majeka and she has a both with oils and incensses.

Hopefully word will get out and we'll see more of a group on the forum.  Of course they may be here already and lurking.  Post up if you're here....we don't bite.


I consider KCRF my home faire.  I was there opening weekend as well.  I went to the Feast of Fooles.  It was alright, and I'm good with having gone, but I probably won't do it again.  I also got in the Pub Sing (FANTASTIC!) and the chess match (very worthwhile).  We started the day with the living history tour.  After the tour, and before splitting up, the personnel from my office who came to the faire (about 20 of us) sang the sea shanty "Don't Forget your Old Shipmate".  That was LOTS of fun!

I didn't see as many shows as I normally do, since I wanted to schedule all of the above events.  Also, I spaced my drinking out a bit, and was much more coherent throughout the day (hic!)

KCRF is a fantastic faire!  I'm not much into the fairie realm, but they didn't bother me.

Recommendations?  I would say some sort of prizes for the games of skill (axe, knife, arrows, etc.) possibly some free drink tickets would be nice (like what the MD faire does).


Quote from: Cormac on October 06, 2009, 02:46:40 PM
It may be a matter of awareness.  I had a few people ask my about my R/F pin and I told them about the site.  I did meet a merchant that post on here and she even was kind enough to extend a discount for wearing my pin.  Pardon the spelling but I belive it is Majeka and she has a both with oils and incensses.

Hopefully word will get out and we'll see more of a group on the forum.  Of course they may be here already and lurking.  Post up if you're here....we don't bite.

how does one garner the r/f pin, i want one for this weekend. would be happy to pay expedited shipping. or drive to get it if necessary.


Quote from: Finvarra on October 06, 2009, 04:28:47 PM

Thank you!  And if you thought chess match was good opening weekend, you're very kind.  We really could have used another week to rehearse.

not that i wish to get another cemantic discussion about how the faire used to be managed/staffed better, etc....................

it seems like "back in the day" that rehearsals and practices ( rf academy as it were ) used to start way earlier in the year. seems like everything starts later ( i lurk on the performer webpage all the time ) am i wrong?



how does one garner the r/f pin, i want one for this weekend. would be happy to pay expedited shipping. or drive to get it if necessary.

Squires tavern should having something pegged at the top for ordering.  Deadbishop orders them in lots based on a production run I believe.  Not sure if he has any leftovers or not.

Feline Groovy

Quote from: kcdcchef on October 06, 2009, 12:59:48 PM
there is no activitiy on he kcrf boards ever TKM, forget about it. the only time there is activity on this board is when there is some sort of controversy to be had it seems. when there is infighting about how much people are paid, or how crappy the management is ( i dont agree, i think they do a fine job ) there is activity. otherwise, forget about it!

*sigh*  This is exactly why I don't post here.  Not because of the infighting but because of the 'no disagreeing with me (i.e. you) allowed' policy you seem to have in place.  The other faire boards I follow have their occasional bouts of 'cussin' and discussin'' but the participants also have a sense of agreeing to disagree and/or people being entitled to their own opinions (even if those opinions are bloody wrong ;)  ) which enables things to keep moving right along.  And they don't go back and bring up those past disagreements as was done here.  In fact, the 'arguers' in one thread may be arm in arm in another because they know it's all about faire and having fun at the end of the day. 

In other words, play nice, allow that people have their own opinions and viewpoints that will differ from yours, accept that there are different sides to everything, and that no one -- including you -- has the 100% absolutely correct overall view of anything, and you might find more people are willing to come out and play.

*kicks soapbox aside*

That's just my perspective on things.  Food for thought, target for derision, words suitable for framing, whatever.  Have a nice day and be excellent to each other.

For the record, the other R/F boards I follow here are (in no particular order): VARF, CRF, MDRF, NCRF, R/ RenDezvous (threads in my physical area), and Squire's Tavern's M'Crack thread.
Where was I going and how do I get there?


Yeah, creepy. that SNL episode years ago when William Shatner was the host, and one of the skits was him going to a Star Trek convention, and the trekkies knew more about his private life than him!