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How do you wake up and get going in the morning?

Started by Valiss, October 15, 2009, 11:09:28 AM

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Hoowil...I hear ya. At least yours will allow you to have breakfast, my son has this little habit of not eating his breakfast, but then insisting upon eating mine...sometimes he eats his and then eats mine also  :o
Royal Order of Lansharks Guppy No. 70

Charlotte Rowan

Grudgingly, every morning. I am so not a morning person! But when I do drag my arse out of bed, I have to have a shower or I don't feel awake all day. No showering the night before for me!! Coffee helps too, but a shower is a must.
Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.

Noble Dreg

I have a 12 lb grey long hair that goes off every morning at 4:55 kidding.  I do not know how that cat can tell time but at 4:55 he's walking all over me.  Good thing I need to be up at that hour or he'd be the dog's dinner!  Sad thing is he is not aware of weekends but does seem to re-set himself for daylight savings...
"Why a spoon cousin? Why not an axe?"
Because it's dull you twit, it'll hurt more. Now SEW, and keep the stitches small


Quote from: Charlotte Rowan on October 16, 2009, 10:52:59 AM
Grudgingly, every morning. I am so not a morning person! But when I do drag my arse out of bed, I have to have a shower or I don't feel awake all day. No showering the night before for me!! Coffee helps too, but a shower is a must.

for some reason, morning showers slow me down and make me want to nap. i think it is all the hot water hitting my tired old worn out bod!


wyckdbliss, the  little one is easy, give him his then a sit in the bumbo or bouncer, and he's good. The other, well, I spend more meals than not with her in my lap. Today she absolutley refused to eat her own breakfast, and when I finished mine, told me that it was hers, and let loose a mini tantrum. Nothing is quite like being berated by a toddler who wants to drink the milk out of you cereal bowl, but won't touch their own (bowl or cup)... *sigh*
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with catsup.

Seamus Ex Machina

Coffee....shower...a coupla minutes on RF...nuke the oatmeal....walk the dawg...curse at the clock....

And then the morning round of phone calls start as I drive in.
Legendary Hellraiser


My wake-up is Facebook, Hotmail, R/ Once I'm caught up on the news a bit of breakfast and I'm good to go.

This thread reminded me of "Clocky" the alarm clock that jumps off the nightstand and roams around your room until you shut it off.

Rani Zemirah

Low volume easy listening on the radio alarm so I'm not in a lousy mood all day, then wake up the renlet for school.  Choose clothes, get her started getting dressed, then check homework, email and R/F before heading off for the school run...
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Sometimes I manage to sleep until the alarm goes off, but most of the time, I'm awake a half-hour or so before.  Drag myself into the shower, shuffle through, shuffle to the kitchen where my coffee is already ready for me (I <3 my roomie for buying me a programmable coffee maker for my birthday!), get coffee and some form of breakfast, shuffle back to my room and catch up on facebook and a few other places, realize I have to leave in 20 minutes, dash on the makeup, grab some lunch, and out the door!

Of course, that's going to change when I no longer have a ride to work and have to start taking the bus.  >.<
Mischievous Little Imp.


This is what usually I do in order, unless I'm home sick or didn't hear the alarm:

1) Set alarm across the room so I have to get up to turn it off. If it is a work day, I set it 2 hours before I have to go. I hate rushing in the morning.
2) Shower.
3) Get dressed.
4) Eat breakfast.
5) Get on the computer to check e-mails, read webcomics, visit usual forum and chat sites, and read the news.
6) Watch some tv or bum around on the internet if I still have time.
7) Go to work. If I'm not working, start daily chores and follow through with whatever needs to be done for the rest of the day.
"If you like rainbows, then you'll have to get used to the rain."


After bashing the snooze button 3 or 4 times, not very well.
Got to have my caffeine though.
Home Faire:Sterling
Clan O'Doinn-Irish Penny Brigade (New York)
Carpenter of the good ship Medusa.
Foktop Knight
Clan Vogdis


Hoowil...I completely understand...have a nephew that use to do the exact same son just wants to put his hands in the cereal to fish one or two out at a time...even though he has his own...if it is anything else he has to have mine as well...nothing like watching a one year old trying to gnaw on bacon with 6
Royal Order of Lansharks Guppy No. 70


Leyla, I just looked up clocky and holy crap! I want one now!!! I'm sure my roommate would hate me but at least I'd get my arse outta bed!
Things are shaping up to be...
Pretty. Odd.


I think they sell those clocks on - but man that seems like a harsh way to wake yourself up! haha


Nowadays I set my cell phone alarm for about 6, if I'm dozy I'll have the 2nd alarm for about 15 miuntes later. When at the apartment -Start the coffee pot, turn on the tv for background w/ Mike&Mike in the Morning (ESPN), log onto work laptop and start the day. (Telecommuting IS awesome!)

If I'm at Lady Mikayla's castle - I either awake to a series of cell phone alarms OR one of her pups is crying to go out for relief. We usher the doggies out to do their business, bring 'em in, serve breakfast to them an' th' cats, load their water bowls, make decaf fer the lady and on weekdays drive to my apartment an' run th' above routine. 

I do miss my former wakeups, which included turning on New Morning (used to be a VERY positive/spiritually uplifting show), starting the coffee pot, loading the water pipe and having a little "wake n' bake" t' start the day... I look forward to doing that again some day.  8)
Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable