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Started by mellingera, May 08, 2008, 07:27:25 PM

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So I have been holding my breath waiting for someone to start the fabricholic thread again so I had a place to go for support, then it occured to me... DUH, start it yourself dummy!!! :P So here it goes...

I have not been to a fabric store since Saturday and I think I'm starting to go into withdrawl! I feel anxious and depressed, I know there is a sale at Jo Ann's that I am missing, but I have no money and if I go I may not be able to keep myself from picking up just a little something... it's only $3/yard, what a bargain... NO no I can not buy... AACK!!! Wish my stimulus money from the feds would get here...


You know, I belong to an online needlework forum (kind of like this place), which was started *specifically* for people who had SABLE: Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy.  What they've done over there is start pledges/challenges--you pledge to complete X-number of pieces before you can buy new stash.  That might work for us--and, actually, I use it as a motivator when I'm sewing:  "Finish the pocket and the apron and the hems, and you can order the silk for the Promenade gown."


Mellingera, don't worry, there's not much this week at JoAnn in the way of sales. I went after work this afternoon because I had a 40% off coupon burning a hot little hole in my pocket.  ;D

I bought 3 1/2 yards of teal broadcloth. Yes, teal! I've always wanted a skirt in that color. I'll add it to the stash...the stash that is quickly growing and has the potential of taking over the basement! LOL
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb


My name is WindChime and I'm a fabricholic.
My co workers actually help me find fabric because I work at Wal-Mart and am very good friends with the fabrics manager. She will put bolts of fabric to the side if she thinks I can use it so alot of days I feel like I'm getting a sneek peek at the fabric.
Chime'n Penny / Cheiftess Clan O'Maille
Irish Penny Brigade
Guppy #90
IWG #3740 Local #57
Lost Viking
Booth Owner @ KyRF & ORF
Keeper of All Bells & Chimes
RESCU Rally Captain ORF &  KyRF

Lady L

*raises hand*
I also have "fabric regret". I regret NOT purchasing pieces of fabric. Eight years ago, SR Harris had lovely fleur de lis fabric in deep, rich colors. I could only afford enough for a front panel, at the time. I regret not buying more, because they said it was a one time deal.
Former Shop Owner at MNRF


I have tried to swear off buing fabric, but it doesn't work.  More arrived yesterday...  Um...  Not strictly garb fabric!  Stretch denim for a customer's jeans project, and stretch cammo for son James to make more trousers for himself.  I wonder if he'll get them done in time for Scout camp?


Gem, we all live longer these days, so that life-expectancy thing doesn't hold as much water  !!!!... and if we can just wait for those darn kids to leave home (and then change the locks), we get an extra bedroom (translation: an extra closet) in which to keep The Stash.    Here's my problem:  I have The Stash for Civil War era (alot of $2 Wally-World cotton), and now The Stash for Renaissance (no cotton there!)  Then of course is the Thrift Store Stash (cotton sheets, tablecloths, curtains).  And of course we haven't even talked about The Stash of trim, cording, boning, pearls, jewels, aiglets....)   *whew*..

I will be happy if, when I die and go to heaven, there is a Joann's and a Menards....


S.A.B.L.E. ! Love that! lol
I realized the other day that I now have this addicition. I used to go to the fabric store only to buy a specific needed item. I now find myself wandering the aisles in search of bargains that I might have a use for "some day".
Cindy/Ciana Leonardi di Firenze/Captain Cin


I'll make you feel better girls.  At least you don't have to stop buying fabric, stop working on all your projects, pack it all and move to a smaller house.  Six weeks since the hum of my sewing machine... *sigh*  I should have packed that room last.
IWG #3440
Landshark #19


I asked my hubby for sewing supplies for my birthday and got them!  Yesterday he gave me a rotary cutter & mat and a thread storage box.   ;D  Now I am itching to find something to sew!!
Got faerie dust?


I'm Faye and I too am a fabricholic. My stash has grown exponentially in just the last three months, and now I'm having to buy tub after tub JUST to store it. It doesn't help that my mom goes to yard sales and thrift stores and buys me MORE fabric.

...nor does the fact that I have friends wanting me to drive to their town to go to a huge 3 story fabric store either!
Slack'n Penny -  Chieftess, Clan Byrne of the IPB
IFRP# 1264 IWG #3575
RoOL 26 | Castleteer | ETTE

Jess Devyne

It brings a tear to my eye to know that I am not alone!   :'(

I have 2 great big cabinets that are full of fabric, a 4 foot table stacked with fabric, and rolls/bolts of fabric.  I have drawers and baskets and boxes full of trims and beads and buttons and ribbons.  I have a drawer full of serger cones, a drawer full of spools of embroidery thread.  I have nearly 300 patterns (simplicity, mccalls, butterick, and some purchased from vendors at creative festivals) all categorized in an excel spreadsheet and filed in numerical order,  books from the 50's & 60's with directions and patterns. I also own the Janet Arnold: Patterns of Fashion book and rolls of paper for patterns that I try to create.  I have several different types of pins, as well as a set of wiggle weights (I want more). 

Also, I have my Brother embroidery machine and have been working on tons of new embroidery designs, I have a serger and I inherited a machine from a friend, it was made in approximately 1939.  It's solid cast iron and sews one zig zags. I had it cleaned and oiled, it's an amazing machine. 

**taking deep breaths**


I am a fabroholic by proxy. I don't sew (yet). I simply supply the drug...I mean fabric to the wonderous seamtress o mine, Lady Selwyn (Mellingera). I guess that makes me her dealer. :)
*Images and URLs not allowed in signature* - Admin


So far I have managed to keep all my fabric in two big green tubs. The big tuperware type things. At least the fabric I can find. I've half finished projects, or ones ready to start with fabric, trim and such all bundles away, and scattered all over the house. Not to mention the parts of a stash I inherited, which is somewhere in storage in my garage.

Whoever decided that 2 yards of upolstry fabric counts as a remnant (at least at the nearest walmart) was a very cruel person.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with catsup.


My name is Aelwyn and I'm a fabricaholic.

I looooooooove sewing now that I have a machine.  I have a crapload of garb to make for an SCA event I've been invited to on the 24th of May.

My stash has just recently gotten cleared out.  We had to empty the basement and throw a ton of stuff out, because our ex-roommate's cat peed on everything!  So I lost a lot of fabric (grrrrrr!).  So now it's restocking time.

I have a horrible habit of keeping scraps, thinking I'll use them again...and I never do!
Find me on Facebook as Aelwyn Daeira