
Pirate Festival => Port of Call => Topic started by: Obadiah Jib on December 02, 2009, 06:26:06 PM

Title: The return of a play by post forum game: To Raid San Zanita
Post by: Obadiah Jib on December 02, 2009, 06:26:06 PM
A few forum members requested that I again post an episodic story telling game where I ask a series of questions and you post the answers with your replies (see the various "You are shipwrecked" posts if you have questions).  After thinking about this I decided that I wanted to do the game a little differently this time around.  I wanted to provide a little more detail for those of you who enjoyed the game.  Make the game a little more personal and keep you guessing and hopefully entertained.

Okay, a few things first.  The game will be set in the Buccaneering era of Caribbean Piracy, roughly 1665.  I am using the fictitious city of San Zanita as a back drop.  The game will be "flavored" with history but set in a more fantastic world where you can a play a pirate with a heart of gold (or an evil pirate should you desire).  I'm talking swinging from chandeliers, lightning fast duels, canon fire, the works!  That is not to say that I won't have a few things for you hard core history junkies just that you will have to suspend disbelief a few times.  Best of all you get to play yourself and use your own pirate persona!  Yes indeed I am going to have you design and describe yourself!  And who you are can affect the story...

Next, I plan to ask a question or two in each chapter.  Your job as a player is to answer each question.  While you are welcome to elaborate upon your replies make certain that you do answer each question and make a firm choice.  If I ask you who you choose to follow out of the tavern; the wealthy Dutch Burgher or the sullen French Diplomat you need to pick one of these guys.  You can post that you instead follow the tavern wench but it won't help move the story ahead.  In other words mates, you can't order off the menu and assume that it will be served to you.

Lastly I will try to keep the game simple and fast paced because I know that people can and do loose interest. The game will require a little maintenance on your part as a player and the math should be simple.  You might want to keep a little note with a few of your choices handy to remind you or you will forever look back at your previous posts.   I plan to post a chapter to the story once per week and wait a week for replies.  This should give you plenty of time to make a choice.  If you fall behind in the story just jump in wherever you can.  If you don't like the game you can bail out at any time. 

You can play the game seriously or humorous.  You can help the story with details about your pirate persona and color your posts with your own descriptions.  This can be whatever you want to make it!  If you don't like it I apologize.

Feel free to post any question you have to this thread and I will try to answer them.  I also created a little FAQ bellow to help out.

Okay the next two posts with have details on setting up your pirate persona.  Good luck mates and keep your powder dry!