
Back Stage => Mundane Topics => Topic started by: *Teach* on March 17, 2009, 08:18:42 AM

Title: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: *Teach* on March 17, 2009, 08:18:42 AM
The latest attack from the PC police is to try and change the name of St. Patrick's day to "Shamrock Day". They say that St Pat is non-inclusive and offensive to non-Christians.
Have I ever mentioned how much I cannot stand political correctness?
I thought it was a joke when I heard mention of this on the radio this morning but figured I would check it out and sure enough, many places and especially Disney television are now calling one of my favorite holidays Shamrock day.
That is just the first of many stories I came across when I searched for information on this nonsense.
For those who are offended by St. Patrick... Bugger Off!
I'm going to go get me some green beer now...

*well... green rum.. but still*
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: William_MacKean on March 17, 2009, 08:46:39 AM
Have they attacked the multitude of Jewish Holidays?  What about Kwaanza?  I am neither black nor Jewish nor Christian.  Those don't bother me.  Heck, if they put a smile on anyone's face, who am I to take that away from them?
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Welsh Wench on March 17, 2009, 08:51:55 AM
Shamrock Day.
Now THAT is stupid.  ::)

Really, if they want to split hairs--why is there a Black History Month?
What would happen if we had a White History Month?
Why not Scottish? We could study the effects of haggis.
Or Welsh rabbit? Or is it rarebit?

Should we condemn French kissing as not PC?
OK, so let's not go there.....
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: lilaney on March 17, 2009, 08:57:38 AM
Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Someone pitches a fit, and those in charge bow to comply.
(the power of democracy.)

If the consumer market was bigger (as it is for Valentine's) I doubt they would bother too much with trying to change the name over-much.

Solution? Support the holiday as is.
Happy St. Patrick's day!  ;D
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Cobaltblu on March 17, 2009, 09:05:11 AM
There is no constitutional right to not be offended.  In fact the first amendment protects our right to free speech even if if it offends others.  The first amendment also protects the free exercise of religion.

So St. Patrick's day isn't going anywhere.

Having holidays and events that illustrate different cultures and traditions do not exclude people because they offer the opportunity for people to learn something and broaden their knowledge.

The people who oppose St. Patrick's day are the same whiny bleeding heart liberals who don't want to keep score in sports because it might hurt someone's feelings if they lose.


Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Yrose on March 17, 2009, 09:41:01 AM
I'm not christian and I'm not offended. It's celebrating a religious holiday. So, it's not my religion I can choose to acknowledge it or not. I would be offended if someone tried to change the name of my holidays. Heck they have on some!  >:(
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 17, 2009, 09:51:50 AM
uhhhh i don't know about you but I don't give a rip about being politically correct leave things alone I mean really how stupid does shamrock day sound?
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Tipsy Gypsy on March 17, 2009, 11:39:06 AM
Well, then they don't want to call it Shamrock Day, either. Accorrding to legend, St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity, thus making it a religious symbol of sorts.

Sorta like trying to take Christ out of Christmas and leaving in Santa Claus, not realizing that the santa legend is based on a religious figure, Nicholas of Myra.  ::) Eejits.

According to Wikipedia, over 34 million Americans- more than 12% of the nation's population-claim Irish descent. The PC Police can kiss our collective ginger arses!
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Jack Daw at Work on March 17, 2009, 12:18:21 PM
Controvery makes things thrive!!  Happy St. Patrick's Day!!  BTW, don't say 'St. Paddy' - it's OFFENSIVE!!  LOL!
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Master Benjamin on March 17, 2009, 12:44:52 PM
Green RUM? Teach  how could you
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: SirRichardBear on March 17, 2009, 12:54:16 PM
Think things are bad here look at some of the things the EU is banning.

Using 'Miss' and 'Mrs' has been banned by leaders of the European Union because they are not considered politically correct.

they also ban MEPs saying sportsmen and statesmen, advising athletes and political leaders should be used instead.

Man-made is also taboo - it should be artificial or synthetic, firemen is disallowed and air hostesses should be called flight attendants.

Headmasters and headmistresses must be heads or head teachers, laymen becomes layperson, and manageress or mayoress should be manager or mayor.

Police officers must be used instead of policeman and policewoman unless the officer's sex is relevant.
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Lady Christina de Pond on March 17, 2009, 12:55:15 PM
Happy St. Patricks day
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Lady Amy of York on March 17, 2009, 01:24:04 PM
My maternal grandfather  who was born in Ireland  would  turn over in his  grave  if  he  read this.
  Darn what others  say, I  am  proud  to be  Irish  and  I  will continue  to  say " Happy St. Patricks Day ."
         Thanks  for  posting  this  topic  Teach  !  And  by  the  way I have had  green rum. Not bad !  also have  had green beer, green milk,  green eggs.  Yes,  us  Irish  do some  strange  things  sometimes   to celebrate ! ;D

Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Sir William Marcus on March 17, 2009, 01:43:11 PM
Quote from: *Teach* on March 17, 2009, 08:18:42 AM
For those who are offended by St. Patrick... Bugger Off!

....and Póg mo thóin!

I'm going to be nice and leave it at that
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Tipsy Gypsy on March 17, 2009, 01:46:33 PM
As the saying goes, there are two kinds of people- the Irish, and those who wish they were.

Sounds like they're just green with envy!
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Lady Neysa on March 17, 2009, 03:51:49 PM
Quote from: Cobaltblu on March 17, 2009, 09:05:11 AM
There is no constitutional right to not be offended.  

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!   Your entire post hits the nail on the head! 

Welsh Wench,  also VERY  good points,....same stuff I've always said. Oh, but no,no,no-don't dare try to take away Kwanzaa, you'll be labeled a racist.

Tipsy Gypsy,  wouldn't you just love to throw that in those idiots faces about the shamrock symbolizing the holy trinity?   

Nice to see so many like minded people.
Political correctness can go bugger off!  I hate it in all it's forms. 
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Jezzy MacPeaks on March 17, 2009, 03:58:24 PM
Quote from: Welsh Wench on March 17, 2009, 08:51:55 AM
Shamrock Day.
Now THAT is stupid.  ::)

Really, if they want to split hairs--why is there a Black History Month?
What would happen if we had a White History Month?
Why not Scottish? We could study the effects of haggis.
Or Welsh rabbit? Or is it rarebit?

Should we condemn French kissing as not PC?
OK, so let's not go there.....

I completely agree with you, Wenchie!  The PC's need to go suck Haggis!
"Erin Go Bragh!!!"...and all that there stuff!  *giggles*
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Blue66669 on March 17, 2009, 04:02:21 PM
HEY!!! You can't take away my FRENCH KISSING!!!!
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: LadyElizabeth on March 17, 2009, 06:14:40 PM
Well, St. Pat's day would be the next under attack of course!!  You know that a good portion of people now say "Happy Holidays" or have that hanging on signs instead of "Merry Christmas".... 

Why does the mass populace of America, or at least the annoying loud voices, always have to get involved in other peoples religious holidays which now have become main stream?  It's not the Christians fault that christmas and St. Patricks day are now completely ingrained in the American culture.  It is due to the fact that a huge portion of people who populated America from the beginning until now are christians and that is it. 

And we celebrate St. Paticks day also because there is also a huge portion of Irish in America dating back many hundreds of years.  We celebrate this day also because of the greeting card companies and the green beer and the need for a March holiday!!! 

There would be NO celebration without Saint Patrick, the Shamrock's alone could have NEVER inspired a holiday all by themselves... haha, that makes me imagine silly dancing shamrocks trying to make people want to celebrate them!!!
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Dayna on March 17, 2009, 06:28:30 PM
Shamrock Day?!?!

Oh Please, Give Me A Break!!!!

So is Easter now going to become "Bunny Day"?  Hey folks, Easter is named after Oestra (sic) which is a pagan holiday and just one more way to slowly and sneakily wean the populace off the old ways and onto the new. 

Merry Christmas, Happy St. Valentines Day, Happy St. Patricks Day, Happy St. Daffyds Day, Happy Easter, Happy Rosh Hashana, Have a good fast on Yom Kippur, Happy Kwanza, Blessed Yule, any left out are 'cause my brain is frying at the end of a long day at work. 

Enjoy whatever religious occasions are important to you, I'll do the same, and none of us try to force anyone else to change.

Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Welsh Wench on March 17, 2009, 06:54:16 PM

Well, sure--that's do-able!  ;)


Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Blue66669 on March 17, 2009, 07:03:19 PM
Quote from: Welsh Wench on March 17, 2009, 06:54:16 PM

Well, sure--that's do-able!  ;)



*golf claps, flashing her silver and diamond playboy necklace and sporting her pink playboy shirt*

Well done Wenchie, well done.....
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Welsh Wench on March 17, 2009, 07:05:12 PM
*shakes little bunny tail and adjusts bowtie*

Why, thank you, Blue!
Now, what can I get you gentlemen to drink?

OK, back to St Patrick's Day.....
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Captain Jack Wolfe on March 17, 2009, 07:06:19 PM
One mudslide, to start, please!  ;) :D
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Blue66669 on March 17, 2009, 07:10:38 PM
Make that two, dollface, and sprinkle some sugar-sand on the rim dahlin...
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: jcbanner on March 17, 2009, 07:12:59 PM
St Patrick's Day isn't exclusively Irish, it's not a celebration of heritage, its teh feast day for a Saint that was important to the Catholics of Ireland. Chasing the snakes out is a polite way of saying chasing out the pagers at the end of a pike.

In of itself, its not PC, but that's not the point, no holiday is if you look closely at its history.

Drink up! its St Pat's feast day!  I'm about to head home and enjoy some cabbage myself, see you all later
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Welsh Wench on March 17, 2009, 07:18:47 PM
*pops a green cherry on the mudslides*

Or would you rather have a Snakebite?

*staying on topic. Kinda sorta*
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Athena on March 17, 2009, 07:49:35 PM
I'll just take an old fashioned green beer! *hiccup*
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Welsh Wench on March 17, 2009, 07:55:12 PM
In that mug?  :o
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Athena on March 17, 2009, 07:58:29 PM
Hell yeah! Then I'll follow up with a giant mudslide, with a shamrock (or two) on top! I always indulge in dessert on holidays.  ;D
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Captain Jack Wolfe on March 17, 2009, 07:59:27 PM
I think the pool I learned to swim in was about half the size of that mug...  :o :D
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Athena on March 17, 2009, 08:05:42 PM
Was the pool full of green beer? Now that would be something worth diving in!  :D
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Jezzy MacPeaks on March 17, 2009, 09:48:17 PM
Well you could almost dive into that big ol' mug ye got there, Lass!  I say fill er up and let's all have a "green beer" party!  WooHoo!!!!

We should dirty ourselves up with Wenchie's mudslides first!  *evil grin*
Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Tipsy Gypsy on March 17, 2009, 09:50:21 PM
In the spirit of the holiday- how Irish are ya?

Title: Re: Is Nothing Sacred? St Pat is under attack!
Post by: Jezzy MacPeaks on March 17, 2009, 10:16:04 PM
Very cute.  But, I should be flogged....seriously...I forgot that St. Paulie was a GERMAN beer!  *lol*  And, y' better answer that you HAVE skipped work for St. Patrick's Day!  *lol*
Thanks, Typsy, it was a bit o' fun.  :)