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The Immortals

Started by NORSEMAN, February 11, 2009, 11:30:49 PM

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It was nearly midnight when I came down the road in front of the section in Prague that was frequented by rogue knights, thieves, prostitutes and the like I walked rather fast for some reason tonight I was a little nervous and with good reason for as I made the last curve heading out of the cities gates and toward the North I saw them, three young rogues masqueradeing as knights and worse they saw me!.

I began too run but the silver moonlight shone brightly and the knights soon were at the gate and galloping down the road toward me but I'm not so easy too catch and I ducked into the trees which were nothing but black shadows within this bright night.

The knights like so many others no doubt had no income and made their living by stealing from the poor peasants around the city of Prauge these men I knew were such vermin!.

They were some distance from the city walls already so I didn't know if they went back or not so after about fifteen minutes I felt it was time too move and I exited the trees some distance from where I'd entered but they were still there and began  chasing me but I was fleet of foot and stayed ahead of them for about a mile and now I thought this was almost two miles out from the city and their scream won't be heard now so I stopped and turned too face these brave knights and as usual fashion they slowed and the first made his move charging toward me an unarmed man with a huge battle sword.

As he neared me I simply stood there and I could hear him laughing about how easy this was going too be but as he reached me and thrust his sword I grabbed out catching the blade between my hands and throwing him and his vile weapon into a large oak that stood beside the road leaving him unconsious.

Then the second charged me this time using a spear but his luck was no better and soon he also lay upon the ground, the last man lowered his visor and drew his sword and as the others he charged me but as the others he under estimated the powers of a vampire! and in a flash I swung into the saddle behind him and knocked his ridiculas helmet off and buried my fangs deep inside his neck, the blood was warm and salty and I was very hungry and soon found him too be upon the edge of death so I took his sword and beheaded him not wanting too spawn another vampire and I walked back too the second man who struggled on the ground and as the first I bit deep into his neck.

I could taste the alcohol in they're blood and it made it taste that much sweeter too me, then too him as the first I beheaded him and went toward the first man who I'd thrown against the tree but he was already dead his back and neck broken!, but I'd had my fill and this bothered me not.

I took the weapons, money and horses of the knights too have my servant sell during the day for me, the bodies I threw into the brush for whats not found is not investigated!, my night of hunting was over early but the memories of what was once my life rushed back!, I was once a knight!, not like these creatures but a real knight and I founght many battles and as always the winner takes the loosers arms, I rode around remebering what once was until I came within the shadows of my families castle that sat far North of Prague and I entered the main gate and took the horses and booty too the barn where I fed the animals and placed the booty in a special place for my servant too fetch into town the next day.

I then retired too my special built room inside the inner part of the castle to await once again the night.


I had heard rumors that there was another vampire in a town not far from where I was staying and hoped I would be able to reach them before the sun rose and take shelter with them.

Luck however was not with me people in the small town I had been staying where started to wonder what had happened to the evil men who had been a constant cause of worry. I had to leave before I got attached to them. The town was to small and to many good people that I might hurt.

I only had one helper here in this place and I knew that she would follow me but I did not wish this of her. I am a danger to her even though I care for her deeply.


"Yes child."

"Stop with the child stuff you can be old than I am"

I shock my head oh if she only knew the truth. I was far older than her grandfather who is ancient to them of this town.

"What is you need Liz?"

"You are planning to leave aren't you?"

"Yes I must."

"You couldn't have had anything to do with the those pigs disappearing"

I could not help but laugh at this.

"I told you when we first meet I would not stay long and I have stayed longer than I should. People don't like others whom are not like them. They could harm you just for your kindness to me"

It was a hard sell for me when I tried to get her to believe that I was allergic to sun light but she finally gave in after awhile.

"I don't believe you Anya you are only sick nothing more."

"Liz I have to leave you can't continue to hide me. It isn't fair to you."

I could hear her father coming to get her. I turn and finished packing my few belonging. I had just put on my sword when Liz came behind me and gave me hug. Oh the temptation was so strong. I needed to leave here now.

"Lizbeta where are you? Your mother is looking for you she needs help." We both heard her father yell as he headed to the barn.

"I won't see you again, will I, Anya."

"I don't think so." I turned around and gave her a hug back. "Now go before your father gets angrier than he already is."

I watched Liz run out of the barn and heard her father yelling at her as she ran towards the house. Her father continued to the barn no wonder wanting to know why his daughter was spending so much time there. Silently and quietly I slipped out the back door and was long gone before he reached the door.

I made my way north at a quick speed and due to the times it wasn't long before I found two men trying to have some fun with a very young girl. I let out a sign of relief I could feed again.

Creeping up behind the men I reached out and touched the closest one to me and felt him stiffen in shock.

"The angel of death is here to see you and your friend off."

The men just laughed at me but it achieved what I wanted they both let go of the girl and she ran. I could still hear her running when the men came at me. They where drunk and it didn't take much for me to back hand the closest into a tree. The other just stared at me.

"What are you?"

"I already told you."

I grabed him and bite into his neck and feed. His friend had woken up and with shock stared as his friend died.

"You're devil"

"Oh and you aren't"

He tried to run but didn't get very far, he met the same fate as his friend. I carried both bodies deep into the woods and beheaded them. I could tell that sun rise would be in another hour. After making sure there was no trace of the men I started to run north again. When it became a half hour to sunrise I stopped running and went off the trail deep into the woods and dug myself a hole to sleep in for the day.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


The old servant Georg awoke early this morning since the night before he'd heard horses and knew there would be things for him too attend too early and as he expected there were three new horses and lots of equipment too be sold, he'd done this many times before and was throwing the equipment into the back of the cart and tying the horses behind it as well almost automatically.

Georg thought back too the olden times when he was squire too the knight who now slept deep within the castle, he was grateful too the knight for he'd have been dead many years before had he not been saved by his master.

He remembered the last battle in which they'd fought vailant knights in the service of the Prince of Wallachia fighting the saracen invaders but fighting a doomed battle against a foe that was far greater than we, his knight had feel in battle several days before and was carried to the palace of the Prince where he was expected too breathe his last and due too the conditions Georg himself had stayed too fight this last day but towards the end of the battle he himself was felled by an arrow and lay there unconscience until well after dark when he awoke too find his master healed and standing over him.

He raised his hand up and his master took it and said fear not noble squire you'll not die this day and he opened a vein and let a few drops of blood fall into his mouth, georg remembered he attempted too push away but death had a grip upon him and he unwillingly swallowed the blood but suddenly his wounds!, they felt better and after an hour or so he was healed!.

He thought how could this be?, what sort of magic had you used upon me and he asked "what have you done too me too cause this?".

His master replied that he himself was near death and was taken too the princes palace where he was given a choice to die as a noble or too have life eternal and when one is so near the icy grip of death anything seems better so he accepted and was made a vampire vassel of the Prince but this comes with a price and he told him of the effects of daylight upon him but also told him of the benefits now open too him!.

Georg thought for a second and asked "Am I also now a vampire?".

His master replied "No Georg you are not I simply healed you with vampire blood even a few drops will keep you alive but not turn you into what I've become and since you've served me so well I will give you life as my servant too do my bidding in the daylight you can live for centuries as long as you take blood from time too time but your not a vampire!"

That was almost 225 years ago now, how time seems unimportant now he thought suddenly realizing he was already nearing the town and he directed his team toward the armorers and there was met ny the greedy smile of the man who bought most of the armor and arms he often sold and he took the bag of coins and then headed toward the stables and disposed of the horses there recieving another pouch of gold from which he took his share and went too the tavern "Not a bad life!" he thought but soon he was heading back toward the castle he had other things too do and his master was genorous too him so he served him well.


I could feel tell that the last rays the sun was finally going down. Oh how I disliked sleeping in the ground. After listening carefully for noises other than animals I climbed out of the hole. As I expected my clothing and hair where very dirty letting out a sigh I headed towards the sound of a near by creek. I was very happy that it was deep enough to swim in. Quickly I jumped undressed and jumped in to the cold water, glad to at least be clean.

After the bath I changed into some clean and dry clothing. I paused to get my headings for some reason even though I love water I always seem a bit out of sorts after a bath or long swim. Finding north I started to run again hoping I would be able to find the other tonight if for nothing else a safe place to stay.

I missed Liz but knew she was safer with out me there I made that mistake before and watched as they burned him for hiding a witch. Knowing this could happen he wouldn't leave me. He told me before they dragged him away not to go after them and that he did not regret being with me for one moment. Somehow I was able to keep that promise to him but it was hard. The night after they burned him I gathered his remained and gave him a proper buiral.

A sound ahead of me caused me to snap out of my thoughts I was close to a city. I slowed to a normal human walk and put my guard up going into a new city was never an easy thing to do. The trail I was following joined up with a road and I started to head towards the gate when an odd smell came to me. It was a smell I knew well it was the sent of another immortal. I couldn't help but smile, it was true.

The gates of the city where still open when I reached them no one gave me much notice as I entered the city. Now to find them this had me a little worried some vampires where very evil and did not like other to enter their lands. I noticed a man with an empty cart heading for a castle but it wasn't this look that caught me it was his scent it wasn't quite human. Without stopping to weigh the risks I started to follow up. Hoping and praying he would lead me to the other.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


The sun had dropped below the peaks of the distant mountains when Georg heard something coming down the massive stair case and he turned too see his master Knight Jozeph Bartos decending the stairs toward him and said "Master it is still early!".

I know, I know Georg but I don't need that much sleep and today is a special day for me it my birthday, old friend did you take the trappings to town today?.

Yes Jozeph two bags of gold!, and held it up to his master and Jozeph took them both and weighed them in his hands feeling they weighed about the same he gave one too Georg and walked on taking the other with him.

He walked too the main doors of the front entrance and threw them open watching the orange glow of the dying sunset and feeling a great pleasure observing his realm upon the mountainside, it was well maintained and manicured for Jozeph had always paid the gypsies in the nearby village well too work for him, he treated them too grand feasts and saw too they're needs since there was little tillable land in this location he protected them from the outsiders who persecuted them for simply being gypsy and they protected him in return, some of the more comely maidens had even willing given him blood since Jozeph would only take a small amount from them and the wounds would heal quickly especially inside the firm thighs of a dark peasant girl where Jozeph liked too take it from them there was no danger too them and after all he always gave them a gold coin afterward.

It was safe here no other Vampires lived anywhere around and after all he felt he did the people a favor removing the scum bandits and rogue knights that seemed to gravitate there on a much regular basis and no one asked many questions as long as the citizens were kept safe especially the maiden school teacher in Prague, it had always been thought she took him as a lover but since in those times teachers weren't allowed too marry people looked the other way and Jozeph was carefull not too turn her vampire.

He thought back too the night before thats where he had been! when leaving town, he could bedazzle her with a glance and she would unfasten her long night gown before him and let it drop too the floor exposing her naked body her ample breasts seemed too jump free of the garment as it fell and Jozeph loved too rub his hands over her shapely curves and make love too her sometimes seven times in one night before tasting the sooth silky inner thigh of her right leg.

It tasted salty too him and he began too pull away from her but she pulled his head back down and had him take more it was during this time she had an orgasm from the excitement this gave her and she softly laid back down on the bed in a deep sleep which left her so very satisfied she knew Jozeph would leave the door locked for he was vampire and easily went through the space between the door and frame.

By now the sun had completely gone and Jozeph left for Prague, he need no horse the speed of the vampire would take him there much quicker and then he didn't have too fool with a horse once there.

He liked Prague it was a large town as far as medieval towns went and the people there didn't know him so he was welcomed at all the taverns and stores, contrary too belief vampire do drink alcohol it thins the blood and he had a taste for it anyway so he went too the biggest tavern in Prague and took a table near the back drinking maderia and watching the entertainer a young beauty dance around the room taking the mens eyes.

He made eye contact with her and dazzled her easily and much too the dismay of the young blade present she danced toward Jozeph and sat in his lap drinking from his cup even vampire liked company and hers was too him tantalizing, the music played on and they talked for the night was early and he had great patience.


The night passed and Jozeph also let the pretty Gypsy dancer escape as well for somewhere in his black soul there still remained a love of beauty and she was so full of life and kind too him he knew he'd meet her again anyway, it was late when Jozeph finally left the tavern and there was a sword fight going on outside and as usual he walked right between the two young blade who were both so thrown by this act they simply stood there and watched him pass neither having the courage too attack the dark stranger who's eyes glowed red when he looked at them.

Jozeph noticed something hiding in the shadows down the cobbled street but paid little head too it for he heard no heartbeat coming from this shadowy figure and realized that it was Vampire but neither did he attempt too approach it for some Vampires were extremely strong and some had very unusual powers he wasn't worried just cautious so he kept walking knowing the shadowy figure followed him very far back.

Jozeph cleared the gates of the castle and slightly turned too see the stranger still following and he walked on at normal pace not using the speed of the vampire too get away for now he thought he might have too kill this interloper and then suddenly when well away from the town he used his powers and moved like a shadow far ahead of the stranger and bounded up into a tree taking cover there.
Soon the shadow hesaw approached at it own vampiric speed and he pouncced down upon the figure grabbing it from behind in a massive bear hug.

Jozeph was almost embarrassed whan as he threw his arms around the stranger his hands grabbed two supple breasts!, this is a girl? he thought!.

He swund her around and asked "why do you stalk me?", she replied she didn't mean too stalk him but had been moving when she found the scent of another Vampire and she didn't know to approach or not for some of our kind protect they're territory fiercely!.

Jozeph could see the stars were setting and told the beautiful stranger too come along with him that he had a place where they could talk safely and they headed toward the castle.


Anya followed the vampire into his home, their meet made her laugh. When then where in the castle she could smell the other man's that she had noticed. The vampire sat in a chair and motioned for her to sit in another.

"My name is Anya."

"I am Jozeph. This castle is mine as are the gypsy you may have seen around the here. Well you are visiting here it is my wish that you leave them in peace."

"It is nice to meet you Jozeph, I will leave the gypsies and the man with the strange scent alone. I was traveling north when I heard rumor that their might be a vampire near the city called Prague."

"I would be that vampire, Anya. The man with the strange scent is my servant Georg"

Anya and Jozeph talked for the rest of the night by dawn Jozeph showed her to a room for her to stay in for the day.

"Thank you Jozeph for your kindness."

"Rest well Anya we will talk more tomorrow."

Jozeph walked to his room near by and hoped he would not regret letting this vampire into his castle and territory. Anya looked at the bed and noticed that there was no windows, he must get visitors from time to time.  Anya wondered how old he really was he didn't look much older than herself but she was well over 200 years old but looked between 19 and 20. She placed her sword and bag that continued her belongings on the bed. Opening the bag Anya pulled out a shift to sleep in and heard the sound of metal hitting the floor. Anya bent down and picked up the plain old ring that once belonged to the person she cared for most. She placed the ring back in her bag and crawled into the bed to sleep.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I wasn't sure of what too make of Anya, she was young but it wasn't always safe to travel through the vampire territories without a pass from a Judge but this should not be a problem since here I was the Judge of Vampires and controlled the surrounding territories for quite some distance and there had never been many of us around here but now I was the only one it seemed about seventy five years ago there was an uprising.

The Vampire clans had met and offered their services too the humans fighting the Turks in the South but as always once the battle was over the humans became freightened of us and feared we wouldn't hold our bargin and began a massive hunt and this in turn had sent my peers into a blood rage against them and that never took much to start anyway since too most Vampires negotiating with a human is akin too negotiating with your a leg of chicken, you can say you won't eat it but you always do!.

The humans killed many many vampires with the help of a professor from Switzerland who knew our ways but the survivors caught him and turned him vampire and he built a great clan claiming judgeship of this territory for himself so being the true Judge I began a war against the upstarts and finished them all and they were nothing much of a threat too me anyway few even had an understanding of the vampiric powers and for good measure I gave the other traitors here orders too leave my territory or die of course they didn't leave and I eliminated all the others myself leading my gypsy army against them.

I've not started another clan because of the rebelious nature of the last one here and never have had reason too do so, the women I bite give themselves too me freely and I never harm them but rather pleasure them the way no mortal man can and for this they give me their blood freely I never turn them and its been this way now for almost seventy years.

As I lay there I thought seventy years!, that was but a drop in the bucket yesterday I turned 251 years old!, I'd seen the old times pass like dust in the strong summer breeze but then 250 summers had come and gone and that when you say it didn't really sound like many, I remember the plague, the religious wars, I remember my father telling me my people were not from here but Vikings but I knew little of they're ways and now I am vampire!.

I thought too myself its been too long since I had a clan of my own and maybe this woman would be my first recruit if she proves worthy, I already knew her breasts were worth further investigation from when I jumped on her from the tree last night and tonight I shall take her too Prague and let her hunt for I saw there new vagabonds upon the road and here vagrants have a way of disappearing at least according too the burgomiester of Prague, he told me personally they disappear and are never found never knowing who or what he was giving this information too or realizing his mistress had been glamoured by me several times and never even remembered it afterward except for the small puntures inside her tender thighs and the errotic dreams she remembered from the night before!.

But for now I must rest for tonight!.


Anya knew she was lucky not to have been imprisoned and part of her thought she still might be. She tended to be a loner and a wanderer. Judges in the areas where she tired make a home had been greedy and evil. She didn't mind what she had become but couldn't bring herself to hurt innocent people.

Laying in the bed she thought back to the time when she was human, the memories where fuzzy but they where still there. Anya if you asked her would tell you she didn't dream but she knew deep down she did. She dreamed of her human life and what could and might have been.

She had always been somewhat of a misfit even in her human life. She had been the only daughter of a noblemen and his second wife. Her mother died when she was very young but her father loved her and let her run with her older brothers. The ladies of the house never could get her to focus on what they though she should be doing.

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


The evening seemed too come early this day but I didn't mind fore I was excited too talk with my new guest, other than Georg and the few gypsies around there was noone especially noone who had seen much of life and I had little encommon with the current events so I did long for someone too talk too.

As normal I rise well before the sun goes down the old rumors of vampires having too wait until dark are not true I just cannot be exposed too direct sunlight and crosses have no effect upon me even though many priests have tried using them against me but it seems there is a double standard by using the cross you must absolutely believe in it and I've found over the years few truly do as a matter of fact I've found many so called men of God too once finished with their duties too indulge they're mortal habits in wine, boys, money and good living I intentionally left out women for few seem too prefer the feminine sex which is fine with me I certainlly do!

Having Vampire as guests isn't a especially hard thing too have you needn't feed them! but perhaphs she would prefer a bath and change of clothing I mean even the vampire likes too remain clean and wear nice clothing, over the years I had many wives so there is an entire wing in my castle with the things women love although they may be a few decades out of style!.

It seeme the gypsy chieftain has come too pay me a visit for now is nearing the time of spring planting and they are a honorable people and always ask what I want planted in the castles large fields but they know that other than too feed Georg I require nothing food wise and give the entire crop too them but this day he told me not of the crops but of a small detachment of soldiers moving through the area.

He further said the soldiers had ransacked the village below and stolen they're gold and food plus taken two girls and this!, this inferiates me more than they could ever imagine for I love my people and to qoute a much repeated cliche "Vengance shall be mine!", now I bid the old man try not too worry I will provide for the entire village as always and I will return the women plus the heads of the soldiers and I bid him tell me they're numbers and when they had left the village.

Much too my surprise I found this had just happened and unfortunately for the soldiers I can easily intercept them before they reach Prague, he told me there were thirty men a company of mercenaries looting rather than fighting.

I tried too console the old man with the news I'd return the women too them before dawn rather they had been killed or still alive, I called  Georg and bid him give the gypsies a cart with smoked meat, vegtables, bread and liqour and they left for the storehouse.

I was feeling especially vengefull and hoped that soon my guest would tise and wish too feed upon the blood of thirty doomed men, this should please her for seldom  does one get a true vampire feast of all the blood you wish from men who need killing and I could her the door above slowly opening Anya is coming "very good" I thought this should be interesting!.


Waking up in a bed was such a treat, I couldn't remember the last time I had slept in a real one. I spent most of the night in just laying in the bed thinking and remembering the past which weren't necessary a good things. I could hear voices coming from below, Jozeph must be up. I went down some stairs and was met but an old man who was heading out of the castle she bowed slightly to me and headed out. He must be of the gypsies I thought.

"Jozeph, can I come in?" I asked when I was outside the door to the room I was pretty sure he was in.

"Yes Anya enter."

I entered the room and it was like walking into a dream it was so like my father's study but more regal.

"You have a beautiful room here."

"Thank you. Please sit." I sat down in the chair across from him. " I can see in your eyes that you have not feed in awhile."

"It has been a few nights. I found some men on my way here."

"You're judge must be missing you."

"I have no judge I wander from one area to another. I gave my loyalty to a judge once he was the one who turned me but when he was killed I started to travel. This is the first time in many years I have searched out another of our kind."

"How did they not detect you?"

"I stayed away from the main cities where judges tend to stay more food there."

Jozeph laughed at this.

"So Anya why did you search one out now?"

"I knew I had to leave where I was. I try not to feed on innocents and it was a small village I had already taken the care of there evils. When I heard rumor that there was another so close for some reason I felt complied to find you. And not to hide from at least one other."

"I have been lucky in my life. Georg has been with me since I turned and the gypsies are very loyal to me. I protect them and they protect me also."

"Was the old man who was leaving here one of them?"

"Yes and tonight I ask you to come help me. Two of the young women in the village where taken by mercenaries I promised to bring them back."

"I will help. You already know I pray on evil and that I am hungry"

"Good, Good. I will get ready and I have had Georg leave you some clothes in your room. But we will be running so you may want to wear something you can run and fight in."

"Do not worry. I know what I will wear and I will have my sword ready."

I smiled at Jozeph and headed to the room to change into my hunting clothes. It was not to long until I returned to the study just behind Jozeph. He stared at me, my hunting clothes consisted of a pair of breeches and a leather fitted top. My hair was braided tightly and wrapped around my head and my sword was at my side.

"You look like this is not your first time fighting."

"I learned a long time ago to be a fighter. It is hard to fight in a dress and in loss clothing."

Jozeph offered me his arm. "Shall we go."

"Yes lets go."

I replied as I took his arm and we headed out.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I told Anya I find carrying a weapon almost agrivating now and formed my finger into long vampiric claw razor sharp, she smiled and said I still like my sword!.

It took us no time too reach the encampment of the brigands but now it was well after dark and several had already went too bed no doubt drunk we searched around and found there too be four guards placed out and a sergeant patrolling between them I told Anya too take the two on this side and I will take the other two and the sergeant, but lets do this quietly no need too arouse the rest of the camp she agreed and made her way off into the darkness toward her targets as I made my way quickly around and up behind the first sentry.

I grabbed him twisting his head too the left and started too bite him when I could see from the light of the fire the dirt encrusted upon this wretches neck, I asked him "Whens the last time you bathed?" I wasn't that hungry! so I broke his neck and went on toward the rear sentry but suddenly noticed the sergeant coming toward the first man I grabbed up his spear and helmet and took his place as the pompous bastard began too berate him for sleeping as he approached! so I turned and smiled at him as he stopped in his tracks!.

I found this man too be somewhat cleaner and had been drinking Vodka!, mmmmh! "I love bloody mary's!" I dispatched this welp  and turned toward Anya seeing her easily handle the first sentry she walked toward him using her womanly charms and he embraced her as she drained him!, "You were hungry I thought!", then I went toward the other sentry dropping the sergeants body beside the first I thought this would be good too have they're weapons near the outskirts of camp if I did need them, I reached the rear sentry moving as a shadow through the camp and found this man turning toward me just as I moved behind him.

The glow of the fire was bright enough too see the large wet spot in front of his pants growing larger as he started too scream, but I lashed out with my right hand and snatched his still beating heart out holding it before him he fell backward and shuddered some I picked up his boar spear and went through the camp a second time but this time I simply walked along and stabbed with a spear eight men who lay in a drunken stupor around the campfire this totalling thirteen of the wretches dead and I headed back too the edge of camp near where I started.

I observed the others and thought this too be entirely too easy!, so I transformed my voice into that of one of the females tied too a tree in the back of the camp and called out "Whats wrong can't you real men satisfy a woman farmers are better than you!", this arroused several more and I respoke the words so about seven more got up and formed a line in front of them so I hafted the large spear and with all my might I threw it at the last man driving the point through the six left standing in life and as one they fell over too the right totalling nineteen now dead.

The man whith his pants down in the act with the poor gypsy girl was screaming and suddenly the rest of camp began too rise I reached and got one of the swords belonging too the first sentry and slun it like a kinfe into another man splitting him in half, it was quite a shot if I do say so and likely couldn't do this again  but we still had ten too go so now I grabbed the sergeants sword and proceeded fourth.

Anya was already slashing her way through the disgusting wretches most of whom headed straight toward the horses and she placed herself between them and mowed down another four men, I stepped into the fire lit area and and three unsheathed they're swords and started toward me I placed my sword into the position too block and they advanced all three together poised and ready too strike when I showed my fangs and in a flash speed swung the battlesword through the three men as they stood transfixed unbelieveing what they'd just seen!, yes I know it was sneaky but really "One mustn't play with they're food!", I threw the sword into the back of another as Anya finished draining one young blonde soldier she seemed too rather enjoy toying with and she tossed his body into the nearby bushes.

Now all by my count that was left was just one and since I'd seen no leader so far he was hiding among those I'd killed while sleeping so I motioned too Anya too remain still and his heartbeat sounded like a drum thumping under the furtherest blanket, I looked too her and ask "Still hungry?", she smiled and started toward him but this time she wasn't the simple girl she'd been she had the look of a wild beast and the bent up anger in her troubled life was about too be released and it looked like a child throwing a toy around as she punished the man who'd caused all this.

I went too the two girls by the tree still tied and using my claw I cut the ropes with one swing, they were in bad shape one was bleeding where she shouldn't be and the other was clearly beaten badly so I opened one of my own veins and let fall just two drops of blood into each girls mouth, this won't cause the change too vampire but will heal them and act like a narcotic for a few hours so I glamoured them and placed them in a deep stupor.

I turned too see Anya ripping the mans head off and said "Very good Anya now we must remove the rest of the heads!, take they're weapons, money and goods we'll put them in the wagon they have and georg can sell them!, I took an axe and began chopping off heads dropping them into a large burlap bag "Some of these men had really big heads!", so it took five bags for all 30, we finished loading the wagon with the goods and taking the horses last we started back.

Anya was so excited she'd found a jeweled dagger and I told her too keep it we have plenty too sell as for me I already have a room of weapons at the castle, we placed the girls in the wagon and headed back.


Once back at the castle it was still far from daylight and the house staff were waiting when we returned, I helped the girls out of the wagon and placed a suggestion in their minds that it was all a bad dream and never happened and gave them over too the maids too carry inside I ordered them washed and cleaned up and given new clothing.

I had George seperate out all the gold them men carried most of which definately was not from the village but still it was a substantial amount and I told him seperate one third for the village and carry them half the horses and weapons in the morning he needn't worry of selling our half tomorrow.

I also was bloody from our evenings entertainment and asked Anya if she'd like a bath as well and moved closer too her hoping she might invite me to join her but she playfully smiled and went back with a maid toward her room.

I retired too my room as well where a very comely dark gypsy woman assisted me removing my clothes and washing my back, she then dropped her own dress being completely nude under it and climbed into the tub astride me, she was a woman who could make all the troubles in the world stop and we made love for a very long time then she draped her ample chest over me and I made a small bite into her ample breasts as she moaned with exstacy and we laid there in the warm water.

She got out without a word and ried herself and then offered drying me she still stood there naked before me and I opened my vein a slight bit and placed a drop of blood upon her tongue and carried her too the bed where she snuggled up knowing I'd return come daylight and I redressed myself and came back down too the large hall where Anya was waiting and I told her I have something too show you she followed me outside and across the yard toward the outter gates and outside where we walked toward a high piece of land overlooking the beautiful valley below illuminated in silvery moonlight but this wasn't the reason I brought her there I wanted too show her seven graves all with beautifully carved marble headstones and I said these were my wives.

She examined the gravestones and  turned too me I told her "sometimes immortality isn't always as attractive as it might seem".


I couldn't help it and gave Jozeph a hug. He looked at me a little surprised. I smiled at him.

"I have human moments."

Jozeph laughed at this and held out his arm and lead me back into the castle. He had decided to give me a tour.

"Anya you are welcome to stay."

"That is very kind of you, Jozeph and when I wear out my welcome just let me know and I will continue on my way."

We went to a wing of the castle where there where windows.

"This is where my wives would come to enjoy the sun or to look over the lands."

I wanted to ask him about his wives but thought better or it. If he wanted to talk about them I would let him. This wing of the castle had a much lighter feeling about it than the area where the room I was staying in had but also who knew how long it had been shut up to block out the sun.

"So young Anya tell me about yourself." Jozeph saw the look of worry in my eyes. "Only if you are comfortable of course."

I didn't have anything to hide but some things I didn't like to talk about so I started to tell him about my human life.

"Well I will 211 this fall, I don't know why I bother to remember my true age as you know I look just the same as I did when I was changed which was 190 years ago last month. Another day that I remember clearly."

"Did you chose to be changed or was it made for you?"

I froze in the hallway we where in and looked out the window and at the moon.

"It was made for me but I didn't try to fight him, the funeral for my son had taken place earlier in the day and I escaped my husband and the rest of our family to go to his grave."

"That isn't a smart thing for a young woman to do now let alone back than." Jozeph commented.

"I know, I had cried myself to sleep which wasn't long after I got there I was exhausted. I woke up to the feel of a hand on my head. I woke and could see his dark red eyes. He asked what a young thing like me was doing out here alone there are dangerous creature around here. I looked him straight in the face and said the only thing I loved was buried here and I did not wish to live anymore. He smiled and said I can grant you that wish. I felt him pick me up and hold me as his teeth sunk into my neck.

I don't think he meant to change me but I found out later that my family had come to look for me and he hide not wanting to have his presence known. My family than carried me back to house not knowing what had happened but he must have felt sorry for me or if he couldn't get into the house until it was to late to stop the change. My family never cared for me much and married me off as soon as they could. My husband wasn't a cruel man but not very caring either. He came into the house and collected me from my bed, he told me that my husband had been drinking and they didn't even seem to notice that I was in all what should have been dead."

"He must have lived close to your home. What was his name?"

"He lived about 30 miles from us, he was a fast runner, faster than you or I. His name was Tor Cromwell. He took me and I lived with him for about 50 years until another vampire came in and tried to over throw him as judge. The other vampire killed Tor and I killed him. Tor's second Rafael offered me to become judge because I had killed Tor's killer but I didn't want it. I declined. I stayed for a few years under Rafael but I never felt comfortable there with out Tor. I said goodbye to Rafael and I have pretty much been wandering since than."

"And you never came across others?"

"I did but I promised I was just traveling and would leave. Most would follow to make sure I left their lands."

Jozeph looked out over the lands the dawn would be coming soon. He once again offered me his arm and we headed back to our rooms.

"Rest well Anya we can talk more tomorrow."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I crawled into the bed beside my beautiful gypsy and she immediately recieved me with a long passionate kiss and began too massage my body, it felt so very good I was so relaxed and she climbed over straddle me and smiling said I want too be a vampire!, I want too be your own vampire wife!.

This threw me because suddenly I realized I could never take the life from those beautiful eyes I adored so much and I told her too ssssh!, and we made love.

I tried my best too stay away from the subject but I knew she was determined but I'm not sure I could do this I remember the other women I'd been married too, they were all beautiful sweet loving women but they all had been mortal I'd never turned my wife I had never needed too and none had ever asked this before!.

She gathered her clothes as was her custom as the room brightened with the light from outside, she bent down and kissed me saying "Sleep well MiLord" and I watched her leave the room I never tired of watching her do much of anything but as I laid there I remembered things I'd not remembered in years I remembered the first girl I was ever with, how sweet and loving she was so tender.
Then I remembered the lady I married Catrina she was the daughter of a knight and we had our entire lives planed but too soon the wars came and all the knights were called too duty the king was sending us too fight for the Prince of Wallachia, she was a real beauty and pregnant with our first child we hadn't realized that in two weeks I'd be gone and would never see her lovely face again, she died in childbirth and they buried her long before I ever had the chance too return from the war and I had no idea she was dead until late one night I returned and found her gone.

Waking the servants they told me she had died, they had written her father and myself as we were both in Wallachia but I never recieved such message and if he did he never told me and he died upon the field as I would have had it not been for Prince Vlad, so the first thing of her I could see was that horrible cold grave lit by fire torches of a lone servant on that cold March night, I'd been married many time since but I never felt towards any as I did toward the gypsy girl who lived with me.